Outcast Compiled by Jens R (c)99
1. General Advise
2. Ranzaar
3. Shamazaar
4. Okasankaar
5. Motazaar
6. Okaar
7. Talanzaar
+ Talk to people, they will always give you clues about the quest
and subquests.
+ Use N on the keyboard to access you notepad, it shows in highlight
the quests you haven't finished. The darker ones you have finished.
+ If you have finished a quest allways go back to the person to show
of with your deed. He might reward you or have another sort of clue.
+ Outcast is a logical game, so if someone says: 'In darker times the
ancients said this or that, but I do not believe it.' you'd better believe
the ancients, every hint is a solid clue in this game. Study the maps
you're given.
+ Use Locate Talan when interacting with unimportant Talan's to find the
person you are looking for.
+ Outcast is not linear, wich means you can visit the world you want to and
finish whatever business you are ordered to. The subplots however are
lineair, if you read here that person X can be found behind that and that
door, don't go looking for that door if you haven't gotten any sort of hint
in the game.
+ Before focussing on the Mon's talk to the leaders to stop doing whatever
they are doing. In Shamazaar stop the riz-production. In Okasankaar stop
the fishproduction. In Motazaar stop the mining and in Talanzaar stop the
flow of taxes. Fighting the soldiers fully armed and full healthed raises
the level of difficulty, so if you're a hardcore Quaker or HalfLifer
fighting stronger soldiers might be more fun to you.
+ Use this tweaker's guide by Joe Harlow to do some cheating.
Thank you for purchasing Outcast. A game really worth buying!
Shooting test: go and shoot at the 3 jars that Jan shows you.
Jumping test: climb to the top of the stairs and jump onto the other
part of the bridge to collect the chest.
Swimming test: dive under water and collect the objects that are on
the bottom.
Stealth test: crawl as far as the fruit left by Jan, use the
embankments and boxes as cover.
Ask Jan for the results of the 4 tests.
Go and find Zokrym so that he can open the daoka for you.
Passing through the daoka will beam you to the Temple World.
Later in the game:
After the 3rd holocall, if you go to see Zokrym, give him news of Jan.
He tells you that he should be back soon.
Follow the Talan who offers to guide you to the village and go and
speak to Shamaz Zeb.
Find Ilott, brother of Naarn, who is in the rice paddies to the north
of the village. Beware of the soldiers based all around Ilott's
Go and find Shamaz Zeb and ask him to go and look after Ilott.
Go and find Shamaz Mazum in the Eluee temple.
Take him a magwa to revitalize his power.
To find the magwa, go and see Logar.
He is in the rice paddies, not far from the well of power.
Immediatly give the magwa to the Shamaz MAZUM, do not fool around
with it, cause a lot of gamers lost the magwa.
As far as I know there is no workaround if you loose the magwa.
The Shamaz tells you about the Sankra tablet. To find it, go and ask
Maar, chief of Shamazaar. He lives in the same village as Shamaz Zeb,
which you will find to the southwest on the map. (Find dynamite in
the pond with the fake fish)
Bring the tablet back to Shamaz Mazum.
Go and recover the power keys from the riss warehouses.
There is one key in each of the following 3 warehouses: the two that
are near the Fae Temple and another to the northeast on the map.
Following Shamaz Mazum's notes on the tablet, replace the power keys
correctly in the 3 temples to the northeast of the Fae Temple.
If you have placed the 3 power keys correctly according to the Sankra
tablet, you will see an animation that builds steps leading up to the
MÆn and keeps them in place: they form a flight of stairs.
If you haven't done it right, the steps will fall down again.
Naarn possesses the last power key. You will see Naarn coming out of
one of the two gates when you attack the Fae Temple to take
possession of the MÆn, but only if youhave managed to correctly place
the first 3 power keys.
Naarn has the last key: if he is alive talk to him and he will give
it to you; if he is dead, he is carrying it and you can take it from
Go and place it in the mechanism inside the Fae Temple; this puts out
the flame and lets you go and take possession of the MÆn. Beware, if
you do not reach the top of the stairs quickly, the flame reappears.
When you have taken possession of the MÆn you can go to see Ilott and
tell him that Naarn is dead.
Go and see Zeo at the well of power, he will tell you about the power
stone. The first (a fake) is in one of the towers near the Fae
Temple, the second (the real one) is in one of the two ponds behind
the Ka and Eluee temples.
If you bring this stone back to Zeo, and if you kill enough soldiers,
you will be able to go and find Maar in the village and ask him to
stop riss production, which will weaken the soldiers and make your
fights easier.
Go and talk to the riss counters.
Go and talk to Zalinass; he has information about the location of the
Destroy the boats that run between the landing stages.
Certain Talans will tell you that Zalinass has a problem, go and see
Zalinass, he tells you that gamors are attacking his twÆn-ha. Go and
kill the gamors and come back to tell Zalinass what you have done.
Blow up the fake gorgor (robot) which is in one of the two ponds
behind the Ka and Eluee temples.
Next to one of the riss counters, you will meet Zolass. He is waiting
for a twÆn-ha that Zalinass should have delivered; go and see
Zalinass and bring the twÆn-ha back to
Zolass, then, return to Zalinass and give him Zolass' message.
After you delivered the twÆn-ha to zolass you can get your own twÆn-
ha cheaper then before the delivery. The twÆn-ha you want is located
in the pen near the doaka. (So not the pen in the village)
At one of the three temples, the Talans are clearing away a rock
fall; go and see their leader, he will talk about dynamite, go and
put a stick of dynamite next to the rocks at the top of the stairs;
give the Talans the time to leave and then detonate it.
Now that you have cleared away the fallen rocks, go and inform the
Later in the game:
Ezef, brother of Yagu, is one of the Talans working on the rock fall
at one of the temples near the well of power. When you go to
Talanzaar, Yagu will ask you to go and see his brother in Shamazaar.
If you have received the second holocall from Marion, you know that
she is imprisoned beyond the barrier in northeast Shamazaar.
The Talans will call you from elsewhere to inform you of this.
Therefore, you must cross this barrier and attack the two towers.
In one of the two towers there is a closed door. You must first go to
the other tower, cross the small bridge and press the button that is
located in the small room on the other side.
This button opens the door to the other tower.
You must then go back to the other tower and cross the small bridge:
this will set off a video sequence.
When you arrive in Cyana (Okasankaar's main town), you must first
eliminate all the soldiers before you can talk to the Talans. Watch
out for the sentry posted in the turret, his firepower is deadly.
Go and see the shamaz who is in one of the tall houses in the
village; he tells you that the MÆn is on the island of the gorgor,
and that the only Talan able to help you is Oru the hunter.
To reach Oru's island, go and see Sadar at the harbor.
Sadar asks you to bring him the gland of a zeedog, so that he can
repair his boat. These aggressive, carnivorous plants grow along the
roadsides around Cyana (beware of their bite and their spray); they
have to be killed before you can take their gland. (Collect some
gland for use later in the game also)
Take the gland to Sadar. Once he has repaired his boat, Sadar takes
you to Oru's island.
Listen carefully to his story, you will learn the location of the
daoka that leads you to the Okaar region.
Be careful of the zeedogs that line the road leading to Oru's house.
Oru asks you to go and get his weapon and ammunition to fight the
Return to Cyana and go and ask the Shamaz to help you find Oru's
weapon. He indicates to you that this weapon is in the small sunken
temple, which is to be found in the waters around Cyana.
A gate bars the way into this temple; you will have to open it with
the help of Egar the fisherman.
An opening mechanism is situated not far from the sunken temple.
There are two buttons that have to be pressed simultaneously.
Once the gate is open, dive into the water and go looking for Oru's
weapon inside the temple.
Go find Egar again, he'll be sorry for being a jerk and show you the
way to a treasure in a pool near the gate of the city. Use artillery
to blow up the crate.
You must also get ammunition for Oru, go and see Zele near the
harbor, he asks you to give him 5 booyats and 5 daguerachs.
To find the booyats, go and see Zele's former assistant, Zafar, who
is in one of the small squares in the center of the village.
Zafar tells you about a problem with a thief; if you deal with the
thief, Zafar will either offer you money or his last booyat. If you
do not deal with the thief, you can also buy a booyat from Zafar. Be
nice to the thief and he'll tell you about a place with goodies. Go
to Zidar and he can take you there.
To obtain 3 booyats, go and see Zafar, he will tell where you can
find them: in the Darosham. You must first go and look at the
engraving that is on the outside of one of the walls of the sunken
temple; this engraving will show you how to open the room at the far
end of the Darosham; the booyats are in there.
Go to the Darosham. Enter the building; at the end of the corridor
you will see a wheel with 4 symbols on it. Shoot at these symbols, in
order, along the temple wall, starting with the fire symbol. Next
the N like symbol, third is the mountain symbol, last is the two half
arrows symbol.
If you succeed the wheel lifts and the fire goes out, you may now
proceed into the second part of the Darosham. Do not lose any time en
route because the air is poisonous there.
On the way past, pick up the gorgor tooth that is on the ground next
to the dead body of a Talan (you will be able to give it to Martigar,
prisoner on Zorkatraz). The booyat is across the stretch of lava. To
get the last booyat, go to Zorkatraz, kill all the soldiers and set
the prisoner free.
To go to Zorkatraz, go to the harbor and ask Zidar, the second
fisherman, to take you there. Listen carefully to what he says to
you, do not get into the boat, dive into the water and swim alongside
the boat until you reach the entrance to Zorkatraz, (beware, do not
stray from the boat because of the sannegtas).
Under water, you will find an entrance leading to the interior of
Zorkatraz. Once inside, take the stairs going up to the platforms. To
move from one platform to another, you have to blow up the boxes and
make yourself a passage to the other end of Zorkatraz.
You will have to face the soldiers based in this military
installation, get the prison key from the soldiers' leader and
release the prisoner. To leave Zorkatraz, sound the horn that is near
the landing stage; Zidar will come and pick you up and take you back
to Cyana, but only if there are no soldiers left on Zorkatraz.
In Cyana, Zele will show you where to find daguerachs. You must
return to Oru's island and proceed by jumping from one waterlily to
another until you reach a small island inhabited by gamors. Recover
the daguerachs. Collect more then five, you'll need them later.
In Cyana, you will also meet Zernar who will tell you about Cyana's
lighthouse problems.
So you will have to go to Motazaar to get a large piece of helidium,
go and have it cut in Talanzaar (by Azirad) and then bring it back to
Jumping from platform to platform, you can gain access to the
lighthouse and replace the old crystal with the new one.
If you have eliminated a sufficient number of soldiers, you will be
able to persuade Zernar to stop sankaar production; this will weaken
the soldiers.
When you have Oru's weapon and the ammunition, go back and see Oru
(using Sadar's boat).
The film starts now and you find yourself face to face with the
gorgor. You have to kill it and to do so, you must use both Oru's
weapon and your own. The fumes of the ammo of Oru's weapon
tranquilize the gorgor.
Once the gorgor is dead, you must approach it and cover yourself with
its smell before swimming to the small island where the MÆn is. If
you do not cover yourself with the gorgor's smell, you will be
devoured by sannegtas.
Once you are in possession of the MÆn, you find yourself back in town
where you can sell gorgor zort to Zele for a very good price.
At some point in the game: If you have received the third holocall,
you must liberate Jan (son of Zokrym) from the Darosham. Head for the
Darosham. At the end of the video action, you must kill all the elite
soldiers and face Kroax: if you wound him enough you will see another
video sequence. At the end of this one you must go into the Darosham
and talk to Jan.
Beware: if you retreat during the fight, the game ends.
Go and find Ashkar, chief of the mountains. He lives in the village
situated in the western part of the region. He explains to you that
Shamaz Keb, who knows where the MÆn is, is imprisoned on the other
side of the crevasse to the north of the region. You have to delay
the shamaz's execution and to do this you must damage the mechanism
that lowers the bridge over the northern crevasse - by opening fire
on it.
Having destroyed the bridge, come back and inform Ashkar, he will ask
you to talk to Zoran, the engineer who designs the machines in
Zoran is at his kaful (windmill), northwest of the daoka that leads
to Talanzaar. Caution, there are soldiers in the surrounding area.
Once the soldiers have been eliminated, Zoran explains that his
assistant Makee has left to look for a replacement part (to repair
the bridge that you have destroyed) in Okriana, Talanzaar, and that
he should be back by now.
You find Makee near the Talanzaar daoka (eastern side of the region),
he tells you that his friend had the replacement part for Zoran and
that he was attacked by gamors.
You must follow the trail left by his clothes. You find Makee's
friend, killed by gamors, on the extreme southwest edge of the
region. Next to his body lies the replacement part required by Zoran.
As you take it, you notice elite troops coming from the Talanzaar
daoka. They have the key to Shamaz Keb's prison cell. You take the
replacement part back to Zoran, who is waiting for you next to the
bridge mechanism. He tells you that he is going to repair the
mechanism but that you must protect him from the soldiers on the
other side of the crevasse.
He then reminds you that it is no good crossing the crevasse without
the key to the Shamaz's cell. You must therefore go to the military
base in the northwest of the region, kill the soldiers and take the
key from the body of one of the elite soldiers.
You will find three other keys here, in the central warehouse, along
with the map to a maze. If you give the map to Shamaz Zagy, who is in
his temple behind the daoka leading to Shamazaar, he tells you that
it is the map of the maze, and he draws the exit route on the map for
Once you have the key, use the bridge to cross the crevasse. Follow
the route on the map to get out of the maze. Then you meet a phony
DolotaÐ guard. If you give him the map he rewards you. In any case,
at this stage you do not need it any more. You must pass the series
of tests that make up the Trial of Fae. There is a way past the lava-
moving-block test. It seems there is a way up to the ledge that leads
past the lava-blocks.
You then find yourself in front of the cells. If you have all the
keys, you can collect the objects in cells 1, 2 and 4. The 3rd is the
one in which the Shamaz is imprisoned. If you put the correct key in
the 3rd keyhole, you will no longer be able to take the objects from
the other cells. Once Shamaz Keb is free and you are in possession of
the MÆn, you may speak to the Shamaz.
At this point, if you go and see Ashkar and if you have killed enough
soldiers, you can stop helidium production (the soldiers' weapons
will then be less powerful and they will not open fire so often). In
the mine to the north of the village, you must find 2 faene to treat
Zine's friend. You will find some near the bridge, on the left-hand
side (beware, these explosive plants can severely injure you). You
must come back and give them to Zine and then talk to him.
You may also talk to his friend, the burn victim, and as a token of
gratitude he will give you a reward.
It is also Zine that you need to go and see to obtain the large block
of helidium that Zernar told you about in Okasankaar, it is needed to
repair the lighthouse in the city of Cyana. You must first talk to
Ashkar about it, he tells you to go and question Zine.
You will then collect the block of helidium between the mine to the
north and the village, in the same place as the stone crusher - a
huge hammer. Watch out: follow him immediatly or you will not be
able to retrieve the helidium from the rockcrusher. (GameplayBug)
Zogard is the manager of the mine to the east of the region. You must
help him blow up his own mine by taking him 3 sticks of dynamite.
Once you have given him the dynamite and you are far enough away, you
realize that he has blown up the mine but that now he is stuck
inside… You must go back to ask what happened.
You are then asked to go to Okriana to find a replacement part, which
permits the repair of the mine. Zakk will give you this part, all you
have to do is ask anybody in Talanzaar about the part and then ask
where Zakk can be found.
When you bring the part back to the Talan who lives near Zogard's
mine, he is able to free his friend. Zogard gives you a piece of
white helidium that will allow you to upgrade your Hawk-MK8
(perforator) should you go to find Azirad in Okriana.
To stop the thief that Ashkar told you about, you must first catch
him in the act, then go and talk to him. Hide out of his sight and
when he is in the storehouse run through the storehouse door. To
bring back the Twon-H× from Mobaar, you must have hoti (you can find
them in the Okaar region). You must lay them on the ground and the
Twon-H× will want to pick them up. In this way you can lead him back
to his master. You can use the same hoti several times if you manage
to grab them before the Twon-H× eats them. Sometimes the Hoti seems
to mysteriously disappear.
Listen to the miners songs, you need the words to sing along with the
beggar in the Talanzaar.
When you arrive in Okaar, you must talk to Kyuran the hunter. Do not
shoot him, although he lights up red (like Oru the hunter) on your
map. He explains to you that the MÆn is in the military base on the
other side of the bridge.
He tells you about a Shamaz who has already been in these parts
looking for the MÆn so that he can give it to you. This Shamaz went
off in an easterly direction from the Oogoobars' (the primitives)
camp in the southeast.
Collect a lot of the fruit lying around, they sell for 80 zorkins a
piece in the fruit bok in Talanzaar.
When you go to find Shamaz Zave, you will discover that the Oogoobars
are making ready to sacrifice him. You must save him and talk to him.
He gives you a map of the region. Then, Shamaz Zave tells you that he
is at your service and waiting near the daoka. Collect the knife for
the man in the meat bok in talanzaar.
You must go back and see the hunter and tell him about the map. He
marks the places where you will find the musical pipes, without which
you can not find the MÆn.
You have to find all 4 musical pipes. To find these pipes, bear in
mind that when you get close to one, it plays a little tune.
There is one musical pipe in the gamors' arena.
Another close to the place where the tree trunks sway.
A third musical pipe is located in the same place as the gamors, to
the west of the region (near the military base). You will find it
behind a tree.
The last pipe is in the Achondar's (the dragon) lair. You do not
necessarily have to kill the Achondar, but you must press the 4
buttons that line his underground lair. Use the breath of the
Achonder to clean the relic, at least if you have the relic from
Looking at what is written on the map, you have two identical
symbols, which correspond to 2 identical keys. You must put these
keys in slots 1 and 3. Put the two other keys in the organ and you
now see an animation that ejects one key from the organ.’
This key falls on the west side of the organ. (Only a couple of
steps away)
Once you have recovered this key, you must stop the waterfall. Go to
the place marked on the map that is not circled in red, just west of
the waterfall, and north of the bridge.
There you must shoot at the two balls to create a swinging motion
that will release the big ball. Be careful that it does not roll on
top of you. You will then see a short film, which shows that the
waterfall has stopped. All you have to do now is go into the cave
located behind the waterfall and take the second key.
Once the two keys are in your possession, you must attack the
military base. Be careful, there are lots of very strong, elite
soldiers. The MÆn is in the room with the stone door. Place your two
keys in the corresponding keyholes. Once you have done this, the door
opens and you can take the MÆn.
At some point in the game:
If you talked to Jan in Ranzaar after the guards attacked him, head
for the buildings east of Okaar. Approach the doors. At the end of
the video sequence you must attack the base and kill all the soldiers
with a single weapon. After that, when you leave, the adventure
continues in Okriana, and to be more precise, in the Fae Palace.
When you arrive in town, coming from the Temple World, turn left into
the brewers' quarter. There you will meet a seller of drinks named
Zoss. He asks you to help him lower the price of the water sold by
Go and see Heza who is on the main street with his water cart drawn
by a twÆn-ha. To persuade him to lower his prices, you must go and
see three other merchants.
1. Ominel, in the meat merchants' bok.
2. Yagu, in the riss merchants' bok.
3. Zakk, in the craftsmen's bok.
Go and find Ominel; he asks you to find him an oogoobar knife, which
you will be able to find in the forest (the daoka that takes you to
Okaar is in the marshes (Okasankaar).
In the forest, if you have not already done it, go and save the
Shamaz at the sacrificial alter and take the knife. Make the most of
the situation by gathering hotis (red fruit that you find on the
ground), you will need them later.
Bring the knife back to Ominel so that he lowers his prices.
Go and see Yagu, he asks you to go and seek news of his brother Ezef
who is in Shamazaar.
Ezef is one of the Talans clearing away the rock fall at one of the 3
temples. If you have helped the Talans to clear the stairs, you will
find Ezef in the rice paddies; ask the other Talans where to find
him. Go back and see Yagu in Talanzaar so that he lowers his prices.
Find Zakk, lend him your weapon so that he can study it, he will give
it back to you a little later and will lower his prices in exchange
for this favor. Once you have persuaded Ominel, Yagu and Zakk to
lower their prices go back and see Heza so that he lowers his prices
Then go and see Zoss to inform him that you have settled the dispute
between him and Heza. To thank you, if you ask him for a drink, Zoss
will give it to you for free.
Once the dispute between Zoss and Heza has been settled, if you go
and see Zot, "leader" of Talanzaar, you can persuade him to stop
paying taxes, on condition that you have killed enough soldiers in
Talanzaar. Zot is in the western part of Talanzaar, near the Fae
Heza tells you that he has a problem with his well and that it must
be repaired. His well is located south of Okriana. You must speak to
Heza's assistant and ask him to clear the surrounding area because
you are going to repair the well by blowing up whatever it is that is
blocking it. You will know that you have been successful when you see
a blue geyser erupt from the well. Dynamite won't work, so bring in
the artillery (LN Duo500) and start aiming for the well.
Balazar the collector (Ominel's rival) asks you to find an ancient
relic outside the confines of Okriana, in Talanzaar. The relic is
outside the walls of Okriana, in a place infested with spiders.
(south, on other side of wall) If you recover this relic for him, you
can either sell it to him, as it is, or clean it before taking it to
him. If you want to clean it, you must go into the forest and find
the Achondar's (dragon) lair. Once there, lay down the relic and
entice the dragon to breathe on it. If you succeed, the relic changes
color and becomes clean. You must then take it to Balazar, he will
offer you 1500 zorkins for it. Instead of 500 for the dirty one.
Right next to Balazar you will find Mored, the hotis seller. He wants
you to bring him 10 hotis. You can only find them in the Okaar
region. If you come back with more, you can also get a good price for
the extra ones. (80 zorkins a piece)
Jokace lives to the southeast of Okriana (hide-bok) and he needs a
certain glue that will enable him to stick all his tapestries
together to form a gigantic fresco. For this, you have to bring him 4
zeedog glands, which you will find in the marshes world of Okasankar.
If you come back with more, you can sell him the extra ones for a
good price.
You meet Tezu in the potters' bok. He tells you that he would love
for you to break his pots because it is good for business. If you
break another 20 pots from this point on, come back and tell him. He
will tell you to stop and will thank you.
In the riss bok, you meet Nikaa who will ask you for money, in the
form of a loan that you will give and come back to collect at a later
To the southwest, Gizo is in the sankaar bok, he will give you a
bracelet that he has found in one of his sankaar deliveries. If you
take this bracelet to Zele in Okasankaar, he will give you a reward
to take back to Gizo. You will now have to go back and see Gizo to
give it to him. He will let you keep it and will give you another.
(Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Zele gives you a clue about
useful items in the water.)
You will find Zagu in the spice bok, he is a strange character. He
tells you that he can prepare a cocktail that, if added to a drink,
will have a soporific effect on the person that drinks it. For this,
you will need 5 bottles (buy them or get them free from Zoss) and a
daguerach (to be found in Okasankaar).
Once the Good Moon drink is prepared, you can go and find Shadi the
musician (not far from Heza's well down south). He is in the street,
not inside a house. Shadi can deliver these bottles to the soldiers
at the military base southeast of Okriana. You have to give Shadi
enough money to make sure that he will do it.
If you came into possession of the map of Okaar in the forest (given
by Shamaz Zave), you may ask Shadi to play you the music, the notes
of which are inscribed on it.
You can only do this if you have talked to Shamaz Zave (about the
signs at the bottom of the map), having already shown them to Kyuran.
You will find Mogi the beggar, west of the Fae Palace. You must hear
him out without ever interrupting him. His story is very long but
also very interesting.
You will meet a beggar singing the Motazaar anthem at Heza's well, in
the extreme south. If you sing with him and get the words right, he
will reward you. You can hear the song in the mine district of
Motazaar. Ko, Mae, Ulukai, Mae seem to be the correct order.
Go to the bok under construction, help Mogad with his crane and stop
the block swinging by shooting at it with a basic weapon such as the
HK-P12. Use dynamics on this puzzle, shoot it if it is moving toward
you, the impact of the bullet will gradually stop the block from
Azirad is in the craftsmen's bok. He can help you in several ways:
If you have the piece of raw blue helidium from Motazaar, he can cut
it for you. When you collect the cut helidium component, you must
take it to Okasankaar and exchange it for the old one, so that the
lighthouse works again.
If you have the worn out helidium component from the lighthouse and
the perforator gun, Azirad can upgrade your perforator gun (HAWK-MK8)
to level 1.
If you have the piece of white helidium (see Motazaar, save Zogard),
and the perforator gun, Azirad can upgrade your perforator gun (HAWK-
MK8) to level 2.
You must also recover Azirad's stolen necklace from the bok
construction site and give it back to him. He will reward you, by
doing things for free. I found the Necklace in the construction bok.
Next to swinging crane there is a block of houses. With a dead-end
alley that leads to one of the Houses on the block. The house gives
residence to a weapons merchant. It is somewhere in that alley.
At various times during the game:
If you have received the first holocall, you must find Marion in
Okriana. To do this you must go and see Shamaz Zokrace. His house is
west of the Fae Palace. He will tell you that the last time he saw
Marion was near Zelb's house, southwest of the Fae Palace.
If you talk to Zelb, he will tell you that Marion was taken to a
house to the west of the Fae Palace. If you get close enough to the
entrance to this house, a long video sequence will begin. Kill the
surrounding soldiers first. Hint: this house is not far from the
place where you run into a patrol, on your way north from Zelb's
house, following the paths of Okriana.
If you find yourself in the Fae Palace for the final combat with
Kroax, you must kill all the elite soldiers before you can touch
Kroax (if you do not, he can not be wounded).
Lootus sad he killed Kroax first with the flame-thrower got him
through the sequence faster. Once you have killed Kroax, the game
ends, and video sequences show you the end of the story.