- go to the 2 guards and ask for the accommodation of the companions.( click guard , then click companion's amulet)
- up the stairs and on the left, walk up the stairs in the building
- upstairs is only one door - enter
- following the intermediate sequenz , talk to Agatha
- go to Malschand ,speak to him and click the "thumb-down" symbol
- ask Agatha for the queen and then click the "thumb-up" symbol
- leave accommodation,down the stairs,to the right,down the stairs,
- talk to the woman on the right
- turn around,foward once,and then right,back up to the wall
- go left and talk to person seated
- go down (beginning of the game) and past the little houses leave town
- along coastal road up to the guards
- talk to guards,then prefer to go back in the direction of the town and turn left to the fisherman's hut
- show the fisherman on the beach the companion's amulet
- you automatically receive an earring
- ask the fisherman about everything
- back to the palace - you will be led to the throne room automatically when you want to pass the upper stair's guards
- when you're asked ,weather you've found out anything , answer "no"
- go to the companion's accommodation , talk to Agatha
- leave accommodation
- outside you meet Gastor,ask him about everything
- show the earring to Gastor
- go down the accommodation's stairs,to the right and
- ask Laskott about everything,then show the earring
then continue questioning Laskott
- tell Laskott,that you are prepared and follow him
in a short while around the corner to the right
into the corner
- when the guard's steps recede,quickly through the passage and to the left up the stairs
(walking quickly= double left mouseclick)
- past the lion to the right into the back of the room
- use both handles to bring Atlantis,the moon and the sun into one line-the sun then being in the position of the little hand at 8 o'clock (Atlantis is the yellow spot on the globe)
- go close to the lion's mouth and use the sheep from the
inventory on the lion's mouth
- go into the secret passage and use the earring on the lock of the wooden door
- go through the door and jump out of the window
- go to the already known person seated on the stonebench
and ask for the pub/inn
- up the stairs on the right of the house, there around the corner and use the flowerpot with Tumpf
- go down to Tumpf and take the knife
- enter the pub , go forward and talk to Laskott
- Malschand will enter and confront us "ready to kill"
- turn to the left, up the stairs (all with doubleclick
left),cut the rope on the handrail!!! and then click on Malschand standing downstairs
- we're hearing a voice outside the pub(from the right) and follow the girl to the path to the two iron gates
(talk about all points)
- take the ladder in the back on the right and use with
the stonebench
- up the ladder , to the right , turn left use ladder on
wall and climb through window
- walk through door, pick up pinch bar, turn around (face
door), turn a little to the left and use pinch bar on the niche up in the wall
- go to the cat on the wall in the back , stick the "thing" from the niche into the hollow to the left of the cat's head
- enter the ratcatcher's and discuss all points
- accept the game offer and win ( dead easy)
- after the automatic sequence go to three-corner-niche
and press the star
- take the trident off Neptune and use it in the hole in the ceiling in front of the wooden door
- bring back the trident and close the hole in the ceiling
- walk through the wooden door and wait ,till the guard is past the arch
- now , quickly , walk through the arch to the left to the back
- right up the back up the stairs
- straight ahead (noise,as in "walking over loose floorboards), straight ahead and right around the corner
- quickly forward (noise again), to the right and stand behind the shelf, which is behind the first guard
- use pinchbar with shelf, then jump through window
- talk with Agatha about all points
- turn around and knife on/with guard
- talk to Agatha , then take bracelet off corpse
- through iron gate, then with ladder climb over the
wall into the palace
- through the wooden door , open the secret passage
- down the stairs - wait halfway ,untill the guard's
steps recede, quickly down, turn right and straight
ahead through the wooden door
- right around the corner and walk through the wooden
door on the right
- with the elevator to the top
- at the top, walk outside and enter the first aeroplane
- in the plane, look around(Eno falls asleep automatically
and is woken by Hektor)
- give the bracelet to Hektor(the plane brings you to your destination automatically)
- turn around, walk staight ahead, then to the left and straight ahead to the bridge
- before the bidge, walk to the left and dive into the creek
- staight ahead and solve puzzle (make a snake- each piece
may be moved once only)
- climb through the hole, show the amulet to the priestess, turn around stand behind the chest, open the
chest and put on the dress
- go to the table and take the bottle
- leave the kitchen, talk to the soldier ; use bottle on
- on the search for the queen you will be challenged by
soldier several times - just offer the bottle each time
- at a certain spot near the exit an automatic sequence
makes clear, where the queen is kept prisoner
- after the sequence take the stick, go to the guard in front of the cell, use the stick on the guard after
- open the cell, show the amulet to the queen
- leave the cell, clicking the prone soldier(click. moves
him into the cell), click soldier again to get uniform
- use dress from the inventory with/on the queen, then
discuss all points with the queen
- ask queen to remove mask, go back to the kitchen and tak to soldier ( click on soldier's symbol)
- escape through the chimney and go back to the plane (use
way to the right of exit hole, walk across the bridge -
in front of the plane Hektor will talk to you)
- after the talk turn into the plane's direction and escape into the opposite direction
(always straight ahead, across the creek and then to the
right untill you get spoken to , in front of the wall
- wait with closed eyes untill you get spoken to, again,
walk forward and then into the wall
- solve the puzzle of the egg machine :
below is a gearwheel with two strings to pull , the smallest is to be put onto the first shaft to the right of the gear with the strings; directly above fits the gear with the red arrow; above, halfleft the gear with the moon symbol, below left fits the green gear wheel;
beside it to the left the large sun gear wheel, left again fits the blue gear and above it the yellow gear
- pull the right string four times
- solve the snake puzzle ( dead easy )
- search for bow and arrow in the forrest (standing on a knoll- walk up left behind bridge )
- look for an animal drawing on a rock in the creek and dip bow and arrow into the water there
- turn around, walk forward once
- take bow and arrow and shoot boar, which is crossing the
path about halfleft
- if the boar is missed, just turn left and wait untill the boar has crossed the path and shoot again
- if you don't hit it again, turn between the two paths
back and forth; the always turns up at the same spot
- at some stage you must achieve a hit to be able to
reach into the pig's snout and to click the bloodstain
for the inventory
- go back to the witch and talk to her
- after the auto. sequence talk to the witch again about all points
- talk to the arriving priestess and then leave the cavern
(auto return to fisherman's hut)
- talk to the fisherman, go with him to the hut talk and
then auto sleep
- go into town, look for the ratcatcher in the known manner, talk to him and then win the game of pinball
(do not try, to hit the falling rat with the leg, rather
angle the leg, before the ratball falls down)
- after the fall through the hole in the floor, turn around and use the ball from the inventory on the hole in the wall
(the appearing picture is the solution for the throne room puzzle)
the wooden door
- turn around, pick up pitcher and throw it towards the
guard, then slip through Malschand's legs and then walk to the right through the door
- go to the right, use spear to barricade the door
- walk to the throne, solve the puzzle on it's back by
entering the combination (which , hopefully, is noted
down there)
- go down the stairs, along the left hallway and up the
- solve the puzzle in the middle of the room (use rhe bits to fill the diagram -right mouseclick to turn the bits) - the appearing statue contains a further puzzle bit
- so it continues, untill all diagrams are filled
- touch the statue appearing last, so it will stick out it's tongue, climb up the tongue
- up the stairs and several times to the right to pick up
the fork in the niche
- up the next staircase, walk around the tree and use the
the fork on the spot before the tree
- pick up the ball, walk down into the room with the statues and walk forward, once (auto. sequence)
- leaving the room with the statues,walking down, along
the hallway, at the stairs choose left hallway
- follow the left hallway to the end, use fork on puzzle
then solve puzzle, leave town through the new exit and
go to fisherman's hut
- talk with the fisherman about all points, after receiving the cristall go back into town
- walk into the secret passage, you just left (solve puzzle), walk along hallway to the staircase and
follow the not yet used corridor to the end
- solve the puzzle through the secret door, then walk to the right and go to the already known room with the
lion's statue
- there open the known secret door and leave the palace
through the window
- walk in the direction of the pub and talk to the woman
on the "kerb"
- walk to the house, mentioned by the woman, enter and
talk to Lona ( some comments regarding the quality of
the german, as spoken by the "actors")
- talk to Anna, leave the house together and: following
her automatic escape, go to the pub
- enter the pub and talk to Tumpf only!!!, even, if Garstor should answer . (sequence : Anna-symbol,
Kreon-symbol, Queen-symbol, Tumpf-symbol)
- go up the stairs, there walk through the door and
enter the room in the back on the right
- when it's calm outside, exit and answer Tumpf's
question with "yes"
- enter the room opposite our hide-out and here:
talk to Tumpf only (twice Kreon-symbol, then Tumpf-
- leave the room together with Anna and automatically
arrive in the known court-yard of a house
- give the cristal to Anna, then show the companion's
symbol to Anna
- with Anna use the wellknown way over the ladder into the palace, through the secret door, at the lion's down the
stairs, walk to the right, leaving the building, then
walk to the right, walk through the next door on the right to the elevator
- use the elevator and on top, pick up the bag from a corner
- talk to Anna, stick Anna into the bag and enter bag
to inventory
- walk towards the hangar, talk to guard, enter first plane on the left
- Anna re-appears and the flight begins
- after the landing go to the igloos, talk to the natives
and show the companion's amulet to the natives
- following the auto. sequence, use the knife with string
on the chart, then with the string: click onto the stick
lying below
- use the new object on the hole in the igloo's ceiling
- now, go to the light(colour) igloo in the village centre
where you get a few pieces of a puzzle
- leave igloo, look for igloo, where, on the floor, you can use the pieces of the puzzle to form a star
- go down and then to the right
- after the auto. sequence, turn around and escape along
the hallway
- run through the door, turn around, lock the door, turn
around, walk to the statue and take the mask (everything
else will happen automatically)
- go to Anna, use knife on the ties of the hands
- ask Anna about the statue and then about her mother's cristal
- Eno must always go to the floor mosaic and click on it,
which Anna sees in the cristal eye of the statue
--- do not dawdle ---
- pick up the statue on the altar and leave the room via the open door
- after the following sequence, we do not go into the direction of the village but to the right (towards the bear cave) and immediately to the left
- walk around the ice-berg in the middle of the path and
then back into the direction of the bear cave
- when the bear appears for the third time, we flee back to the ice-berg, turn around (the bear must stand to the
left) and run around the ice-berg's opposite side to the
cave and through the cave - talk to the guard - auto-
sequence follows
- after the landing, talk to the pilot
- arriving below, talk to the pilot, again ; turn around
talk to the chief, then go to the lower floor ( one floor down)
- at the stone house take the rope/string and go to the bench
- select acrab and start the competition(i selected in order the red, the white and the brown crab and won 3:0
- you cannot steer or influence the crabs)
- after the pilot's left, talk to the chief (right click,
cursor point to chief's picture and left click) and
talk about all points
- show the small golden statue to the chief
- go to the fallen statue and ask the chief about the "standing god"
- after his arrival, talk to Hektor
- go close to the statue and use the rope
- talk to Hektor(aeroplane-symbol), then enter the plane
- after the second , failed attempt to up the statue the
chief makes an offer
- go down to the boat, onto the boat - everything else
happens automatically, again
- after the statue is standing again, talk to the chief
(god-symbol), then accept his offer
- go to the boat, and off it goes to the "standing god"
- go to the rock-gate and solve the puzzle in front of it
(upper row : Blue, Red, Yellow, Green
middle row : Bird, Wildboar, Fish, Crab
bottom row : Earth, Stars, Moon, Sun)
- talk to woman on spinning wheel - no success
- walk into any corridor (not the exit, of course)
walk untill you see Kreon's hologram
- go back to the woman and ask her about Kreon
_ hand over the ball and again go into a corridor
- after the auto.sequence click on dice/cube and then
ask about all points
- after all points were talked about, turn aroundand click
the floor with the new ball, then click on the green field
- arriving at the top, walk to the right to the missing
stone/rock and click there
- it goes down a kind of "spiral pyramid"
- walk through the rock-gate, pick up the stave and go back to the pyramid
- walk around the pyramid untill you can use the stave on
the pyramid (about halfway)
- use the earlier received ball at the very top and go
through the now existing hole in the ground
- there, use the ball that's left
- automatically you arrive at an aeroplane and land at the fisherman's hut
- enter the fisherman's hut and talk to the fisherman
- again, enter the aeroplane and steer towards Kreon's flying apparatus
- ignore the call and continue flying, enter Kreon's ship, use knife on ties of Anna's feet, go to your
own plane, slip past onstorming Malschand to your
right and into the plane ( you automatically arrive
in the palace)
- via the lion's room, go to the ratcatcher in the known
manner, ask him about all points
- now, go to the library(the room, in which we in the
beginning of the game threw over the shelf)
- in the library, walk up the wooden staircase, walk up to the skull of the, in the middle hanging, whale-skeleton; take the eye of the dolphin
- go to the already known room with neptune's fountain
and use the dolphin's eye with the dolphin's
- eneter the labyrinth and never go into the direction
of the minotaurus appearing
- somehow/time you you get to Kreon (hard to explain,
but quickly achieved)
- use the blue hand with Kreon's super-weapon and pursue
- use the blue hand with the head, turn around and flee
through the hole
- after the "thing" crept out of the hole, turn to the left, pick up the ball and use with the "thing"