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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Space Quest 5
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : Текущая : full

Space Quest V: The Next Mutation


General Hints
Starcon Academy
Peeyu, Gangularis, & Kiz Urazgubi


This walkthrough assumes that you have bought the game and
therefore have access to all copyright protection codes.

General Hints
To navigate the Eureka order Droole to lay in a course and type
in the number coordinates of your destination found in the manual
or other place then order Droole to go to lite speed. When Droole
tells you your approaching your destination order him to go to
regular speed.
To activate the Pod Bay Lift from Engineering press the red
button in and walk onto the lift. To activate the Lift from the
Pod Bay use the Control Pedastel and press the Elevator Door
To open the Garbage Bin use the black box on the wall in
To use the Cryo Chamber press the red button in the Science
Lab,use Cryo Chamber, put the object to be frozen or thawed in
Cryo Chamber, look at Cryo Chamber, use control panel, put Cryo
Chamber on proper setting (Freeze, Thaw, Cook), set time, press
The RRS (Refuse Recovery System) is used to pick up garbage.
From the Captains Chair you can command Cliffy by pressing the
Green Button, command W-D40 (when you have her) by pressing the
Orange Button, activate self destruct sequence by pressing Red
Button then pressing mushroom cloud button, command Flo &
These are your order options
Flo: Hail Starcon, Hail Planet, Hail Ship, Status Report,
Act Busy (Joke), Abandon Ship (Useless).
Droole: Lay in a Course, Lite Speed, Regular Speed, Raise
Shields, Lower Shields, Fire, Standard Orbit,Status Report,
Activate RRS, Evasive Action.
Cliffy: More Power (Useless), Status Report, Cloak Ship
(When Cloak is installed) Decloak Ship (Ditto).
W-D40 (When you have her): Scan Planet, Scan for Ships,
Status Report , Reccomendation.
To use Transporter in all but one instance step on transporter
pad and use command on it.
Map of the Eureka


Starcon Academy
Walk north to hall outside classroom. Walk through classroom
door. Find out about exam. Look away from your desk. Look at the
desk of student with large orange head when the droid is facing
the back of the classroom; from the orientation of the filled out
box on his screen you can tell which letter he's filled out. Copy
his answer and look again for each question. Find out about
punishment and leave classroom.

Walk south to corridor outside simulator and closet use closet
(south door). Take Scrubomatic (red device), and Orange safety
Cones. Walk south. Take right corridor to rotunda. Walk onto
Grav-Lift. Use Orange Safety Cones on crest. Use Scrubomatic on
floor. Use Scrubomatic (twice). Use the brush icon to clean off
entire crest. Watch cartoon. Walk west. Walk west. Watch cartoon.
Walk south. Use Bulletin Board. Use test scores. Watch cartoon.


Peeyu, Gangularis, & Kiz Urazgubi
Peeyu & Gangularis
Go to Engineering. Use Tool Box. Get Anti Acid Pills, Hole Punch,
Spare Fuse, & Cutting Torch. Clean up Tool Box. Go to Bridge.
Use Captains Chair. Hail Starcon. Go to Peeyu. Activate RRS.

Go to Gangularis. Activate RRS. Go to Engineering open Trash Bin.
Watch cartoon. Go to Bridge. Use Captains Chair. Go to
Engineering. Go to Science Lab and walk in. Get Spike. Use Spike
on Habitude Chamber on right side of screen. Use Anti Acid Pills
on Habitude Chamber.

Kiz Urazgubi
Go to Kiz Urazgubi. Watch cartoon. Go to Engineering.Go to
Science Lab. Beam down to planet. Watch cartoon. Walk to cave on
far left. If W-D40 appears keep on going. Walk right. Walk onto
branch. Fall. Get Branch. Walk through far right cave. Walk right.
Crawl through log use Branch on Fruit. Get Fruit. Crawl through
log. Walk left. Walk through left cave to waterfall. Wait. Walk
through left cave. Use walk on far ledge. Use hand on Boulder.
When android has appeared use Branch on Boulder. Walk down to
ledge. Use walk on left ledge. Walk down to beam down site. Walk
up to hollow log. Crawl to middle of log when W-D40 comes down use
Fruit on her. Get head. Walk down to beam out site. Beam back to
ship leave science lab walk back to Lab. Get Device. Beam down to
planet. Use Deviceon Roger. Step on lift. Use Non-Descript Panel.
Use Top Latch, use Bottom Latch, use Top-Right Knob, use
Bottom-Left Knob, open Top-Right Panel, open Bottom-Left Panel,
use Bottom-Right Knob, use Top-Left Knob, open Bottom-Right Panel,
open Top-Left Panel. Get Cloaking Device. Step on Lift. Go to
bridge. Use Captains Chair.


Go to the Spacebar. Go into Standard Orbit. Go to Science Lab.
Get Spike. Beam down. Walk to table with Droole and Flo. Watch
"Salesbeast" cartoon. Get Dehydrated Space Monkeys & Business
Card Watch Captain Quirk Cartoon.

How to win BattleCruiser: save after you finish placing your
ships and press done, use probes to find out where ships are then
when you find them write down the coordinates and restore your
game so you know where the ships are, when you are hit restore and
when you destroy a ship save.

Cliffy gets sent to the Brig. Use Dehydrated Space Monkeys on
your drink. Walk through right passage. Use Control Panel. Look at
the second closest cell on the left. Use Spike on the bars. Walk
to Transporter. Beam back to the Eureka. Put Spike back in
Habitude Chamber. Go to Bridge. Use Captains Chair.


W-D40 is now assembled and will act as your Science Officer. Go
to Klorox. Enter Standard Orbit. Scan Planet. Go to Science Lab.
Beam down to Planet.

Walk into greenhouse. Walk into centre of Greenhouse. Move your
head with the arrows when you hear the pukoid spit, keep doing
this 'til help arrives. Pick up Paper. Look at Paper. Use
Computer. Enter code found on paper. Read all the data. Exit
computer. Leave Greenhouse. Walk off screen at bottom-left. look
at canister use walk on the bottom of the screen. Use Communicator
on Roger. Go to Bridge Use Captains Chair. See message. Watch
Meanwhile cartoon.


Go to Thrakus. Enter Standard Orbit. Scan Planet Go down lift to
Pod Bay open the two lockers to the left of the suits to get the
Rebreather Mask and the Oxygen Tank. Go to Science Lab and put the
Rebreather Mask on while standing on the Transporter.

Walk west. Walk through crack in mushroom stalk. Walk up to pod
look inside pod get Lab Coat. Press red button. Walk to the west
edge of the west screen. Get tackled by Bea. Use Lab Coat on Bea.
Use Communicator on Roger. When Bea throws vine down grab it. Get
beamed aboard Ship.

Bea gives you Warp Distributor Cap Freeze Bea in Cryo Chamber for
10 seconds. Go to Bridge. Use Captains Chair. Raise Shields. When
the Goliath Fires at you initiate Evasive Action. Go into Asteroid
Field. Goliath Leaves.

Cliffy attempts repairs and is knocked into space. Go to Pod Bay.
Use Control Pedastel. Press Pod Rotation Button. Use EVA Pod. How
to operate EVA Pod: Left Lever Navigates. Move cursor on left
lever so it turns into arrows, click when curser is an arrow to
Navigate, click on the centre of the lever to stop. Right Lever
operates claw. Move cursor on right lever so it turns into a
forward arrow to extend claw and press button on lever to open or
close claw. Cliffy is the Green Dot, once you get him The Eureka
is the Green Dot. You are the Red Dot. Navigate to Cliffy and then
back to the Eureka. Go to Bridge. Use Captains Chair.


Go to the coordinates found on the canister (41666). Enter
Standard Orbit. Go to Science Lab. Beam down. Get turned into a
fly. Dive down near the water so that the frog turns on your
Communicator. fly to Communicator and speak to Flo. Fly west. Go
through Keyslot. Fly to Computer. Walk on Restart. Walk on
Systems. Walk on Circle 3. Walk on Security. Look at all three
cameras. Fly away. Go back through keyslot. Fly to Cliffy and talk
to him. Fly behind left rock outcropping. Fly onto your body.
Cliffy cures you.

Use Hole Punch on Business Card. Punch holes in the four corners
and the centre. Walk to lab door. Use Business Card on Keyslot.
Walk through door. Use Computer. Look at all information. Use
Black Box take Liquid Nitrogen Tanks. Walk out Door. Beam back to
the Eureka.

Watch Spike. Choose bottom option (duh). Thaw Bea for 10 seconds.
Put Bea on the Transporter. Watch cartoon. Go to Bridge. Use
Captains Chair.


Go to Gingivitis. Once there activate cloak. Go to Science Lab
and watch Cliffy talk about the Goliath. Go to Pod Bay. Use
Control Pedastel. Press Pod Rotation Button. Use EVA Pod. Land on
centre-left of the Goliath. Use Door Button. Use Cutting Torch on

Don't move until Pukoid Guard comes in and leaves. Exit through
door. Use Floor Grate. Crawl North, East, North. Go through hatch
climb up past one small door and two large doors into the second
small door. If elevator blocks way at any point in the elevator
tube climb back and forth through small door until it moves. Crawl
South, West, North, North, East, North. Go through hatch climb up
as above. Crawl South, West, North, North, West, West, North. Go
through hatch climb up as above. Crawl South, South, West, South,
East, South. Throw switch. Watch cartoon. Go to Transporter room.
When doors close order Cliffy. Watch cartoon. Beam to the Eureka.

Go to Bridge Use Captains Chair. Fire. Activate RRS.Go to
Engineering. Use Tunnel on rear-right wall. Pull Close-Middle
(Transporter) Fuse and replace with Spare Fuse. Go to Science Lab.
Get Spike. Use Cryo Chamber transport to the Goliath. Walk to
Engineering Panel. Use Engineering Panel. Use Warp Distributor Cap
on Opening when lights are red. Walk through door. Watch closing

Кто прислал: Илья Когда: 30:1:2000 - стр. full -


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