AugCombat - Combat Strength (Greater Melee Strength - Melee attacks are more damaging) AugMuscle - Microfibral Muscle (Greater Lifting Strength) AugBallistic - Ballistic Shield (Protects player from physical projectiles/weapons) AugShield - Energy Shield (Protects player from energy projectiles/weapons) AugCloak - Cloak (Concealment from organic entities - guards, soldiers, cops) AugRadarTrans - Radar Transparency (Concealment from mechanical entities - bots, cameras, turrets etc) AugHeartlung - Synthetic Heart (Upgrades performance of all augs) AugPower - Power Recirculator (Reduces power cost of all augmentations) AugAqualung - Player can swim better AugHealing - Players healing rate increased AugEnviro - Environmental Resistance AugEMP - EMP Shield (Protects player from EMP damage) AugTarget - Targeting (Provides info on target and increases accuracy) AugVision - Vision Enhancement (see through walls, night vision etc) AugDefense - Aggresive Defense System (Protects against missiles and grenades) AugDrone - Spy Drone (player can launch a drone for reconnaisance, disabling cameras and turrets etc) AugStealth - Player can run silently ... Далее >>