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Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: King's Quest 8 Mask of Eternity
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : Текущая : full

Mask of Eternity
AUTHOR: Oleg (Legion)
Connor is in front of Sarah's house. Enter the house. DON'T
click the kettle near the fire unless your red health bar is
low. The broth shouldn't be wasted. At the table, get the
mushrooms. From the shelf near the beds, get the square amber
potion of shield. Exit the house.
On the left side, get mushrooms from the ground. Your weapon
right now is your fists. Click the fist icon, go to the right
side of the house and punch the Goblin. Search it for anything
it might have. In a small corner by the house, get the coins.
If you lost a lot of red health in the fight, go back in the
house and drink from the kettle. The mushrooms should be saved
for later.
Click the raven and it flies down the road. Turn right and go
north to your house on the left. Punch the bull's-eye target,
in the field, till your experience rating increases. This
target only does it once. In the inclosed side yard, punch the
target for another experience increase. Left of the entry, get
three mushrooms. Avoid the Goblin for now.
Enter your house and go into the back room. Get the dagger
from the table top. If your health is low, there's a kettle of
healing brew by the fire. On a bottom shelf in the corner,
open the jar and get 35 coins. Exit the house. Choose your
dagger and get rid of the nearby Goblin. Hit Alt to put your
dagger away. At the fence post, click the play cursor on the
Follow the raven south, past Sarah's house, and down hill to
the west. Stay off the west road and to the right as you go by
a Mausoleum, then a Church on your left. There's a Spriggan
hiding with a crossbow in the fenced area between the two
structures. Hit End and run on past and straight toward a
Wizard who says, "Come closer lad." Get rid of the Goblin
TIP: when you have a weapon in your hand, you can hold Ctrl
use your regular cursor without putting your weapon away! But you
CAN click your potions with the weapon cursor.
Click your regular play cursor on the Wizard to talk to him.
He eventually gives you a magic map. You can view it anytime
by hitting Tab. Head back east and stay off the left side of
the road as you pass the Church and the Mausoleum. Near the
top of the hill, go due south (right) to the cliff overlooking
the Mausoleum roof. SAVE GAME!
Hit F2 to see yourself (third person view.) Line up the corner
of the cliff and the Mausoleum roof corner (hold down right
button and move mouse.) Back up a good bit, and while still
lined up with the two corners, make a running jump to the
Mausoleum roof (End toggles run/walk and Insert for jumping.)
Hold down the up arrow, then hit and hold Insert at the
correct time. Once on the roof, let up on the keys. Get out
your dagger.
TIP: At other times, it may actually be easier to be in first
person view (you can't see Connor) though. Then when there's an
automatic scene, it temporarily switches to third person.
Go to the opening at the far end. When the camera view
changes, step forward and you automatically jump down and kill
the Spriggan. Take the crossbow. If your experience isn't at
least 5, avoid the zombies coming up out of the ground in the
graveyard area. Run around the Mausoleum to the road. Go to
the farmhouse north of the Mausoleum and on the right side of
the road. The small map icon at the lower right of your screen
has a tiny arrow showing direction. In the farmhouse, get
mushrooms from the table basket.
Next to the bed, get the leather boots. Get some coins from
the shelf. Open the chest on the shelf and get an additional
25 coins. Exit the farmhouse.
TIP: For possible experience increase, and weird fun, kill
chickens with your crossbow. Every time you kill something, your
green experience meter increases. When full, it increases your
armor status and you start with zero in the experience meter
again. Now you start building experience again and when it's
full, you get another armor status increase. This routine is
repeated over and over during the game.
Turn right and go around the farmhouse. Kill and search the
monster near the petrified farmer. Behind the farmhouse, kill
and search a couple of zombies. Go back around front and cross
the road to the farm stand. Get all the mushrooms from the
three baskets. If your health is down, eat the fish and fowl
hanging in the stand.
Go north up the road and to the fountain. If your health is
still down, get a drink.
TIP: It is rumored that if you keep drinking, Connor will
Go north west up the road to the tavern on the right. Enter
and go behind the counter. Get the leather gloves for another
Armor rating increase. On the shelf, get coins from the chest.
On the tables, drink from the mugs to see Connor get dizzy. Go
up to the balcony and get healing crystals from the large
chest. Go down and exit the tavern.
Find two barrels, on the side of the tavern, and use any
weapon to bust them. Get the potions. From the front of the
tavern, get out your bow and slowly go west toward the bridge.
When you see the TOUGH Spriggan, fast click shooting should
kill it. Cross the bridge and go to the intersection. Turn
left (south) and take a few steps. Look up (Page Up) to see
the windmill on the left. Get ready with your crossbow and
When you arrive, start shooting the hopping Spriggan near the
door (switch to dagger for second one if necessary; you can
even back up while fighting and eat mushrooms to restore
health.) Another crossbow Spriggan is inside. You can shoot it
out or rush forward with your dagger. Once safely inside, look
up to see an axe stuck in the roof beam.
Push the hay bale under the axe, jump onto the bale and get
the axe. Arm yourself with the axe and make sure your health
is 100 percent. Exit the windmill and get confronted by a
Henchman. Drink the square amber shield potion and kill the
Henchman. Pick up everything he drops. Go back north and east
over the bridge.
Go due south past the fountain and take the first right (west)
to the mill. To the right of the door, get the mushrooms near
the evergreen tree. Enter the mill and Connor says "I could
use that rope and hook." Exit the mill and walk around the
left side to a tall tree and chop it down. The water is
stopped and the wheel quits turning. Reenter the mill.
Jump onto the milling area. Get squarely in front of the
balcony opening and jump onto the balcony. If it's too
difficult, maybe you could back flip onto the balcony. Facing
the opening, turn around and step forward a couple of steps if
you can. Hold the back (down) arrow and immediately hit
Insert. Once you're on the balcony, get the rope and hook.
Exit the mill, head due north and west back across the bridge.
Go to the intersection, then north to Kavanagh's house. Enter
and click on the hobby horse and the drawings on the table.
Take the mushrooms from the shelf basket, then exit the house.
Go around the left side to the outhouse. Get out your axe,
open the door and kill the surprised occupant.
Continue northeast to the fence and jump over. Go north along
the river bank toward the falls and click on the falling
water. You notice something behind the water. Approach the
wall on the west (left) and you should see a large yellow
rope/hook arrow appear at the lower right of your screen.
Click your rope and hook in inventory, and click that on the
Hold forward (up arrow) to climb to the top. Push the stone
blocks off the table, shutting off part of the water. Maneuver
to get the yellow down arrow and use your rope and hook on the
wall. Climb down and enter the revealed tunnel. Choose Yes to
enter the new region to Castle Daventry. Follow the zigzag
tunnel and click on the candle to open a secret door.
Enter the castle dining hall. Click the portrait of King
Graham. With no weapon in hand, walk against the portrait to
push it. Take the brass key from the secret niche. Walk
through the door to the left and pick up some ashes from
beneath the burned out wall torch. Continue on into the throne
room. Look at (click game cursor on) the two statues.
Click the mirror while it swirls to see an evil being that
taunts you. Return to the dining hall and exit through the
tunnel. Wade to the east shore of the river and go north up
the road to the Daventry sign. Turn right and go east. Five
zombies rise out of the path, kill them and take all the
things they drop. Slowly continue east till you see a Spriggan
guarding a mausoleum.
Kill him with your bow. The spirit of Sir James of Daventry is
released. He says to "Find the door of divine origin; the urn
will reveal the way." Use your axe to bust the door and enter
the tomb. Put away the axe, and walk against the sarcophagus
lid to push it aside. Take the hero ring and exit the tomb.
Cross the bridge over the moat but don't enter the keep ruins.
Two Spriggans wait inside to either side of the passage. Make
sure your health is high and your healing potions are handy
(press Space bar to see inventory.) Get out your axe, enter
castle keep and defeat the two Spriggans. Pick up any potions
and coins. Keep your axe out , climb the nearby ramp, and kill
a Spriggan at the top just around to the left.
One more Spriggan is on this level. Climb the ramp to the
lookout post and kill the TOUGH guard. Talk what he drops,
including the leather breastplate. Go down both ramps to the
bottom. There's a small room on each side of the entrance. In
one is a single chain, and in the other are two chains. Pull
those three chains once each. This should disarm a couple of
nearby traps.
Enter the back hallway and follow it to the first corner. See
that wall slot, it's a trap that should be off. Continue
toward the locked doors. If you didn't turn off the traps,
you'll know when you step into the patch of sunlight. Use key
(from Graham's picture) to unlock the door and enter. This is
a Teleporter room. DO NOT use it right now!
Exit the room and run down the hall to the right, hugging the
right hand wall as you run. An arrow trap is firing away. If
you hurry, you can safely round the corner before getting it
in the backside. Exit the castle keep and go due east through
a narrow pass in the hills. You'll find a big beast with it's
forelegs in a foul pond. Don't step in the toxic water.
Talk to the beast, which is actually a unicorn. Click on the
beast till she has nothing new to say. Go around the beast and
head south to the Alchemist's house-with the boarded up front
door. Bust the boards with your axe, then put it away. Enter
and get the scroll for a Permanent Spell of Might. In
inventory, right click the scroll to see the ingredients
A piece of giant golden mushroom, a blue adamant, and the
tongue of a basilisk; combine these under a blast of
lightning, or something similar! Turn right to the shelf by
the stove. Get the Elixir of Life and the Potion of Shield. Go
back to the church down in the extreme south central part of
the map.
Approach the front door and your rope/hook arrow should
appear. Use your rope and hook on the wall and climb to the
roof. Approach the hole in the roof on the correct side and
use your rope and hook to climb down inside the church. Take
the burning candle from the side table in the entryway (sacred
flame.) Approach the large urn in the back near the lectern.
Push the urn, and through the window you see the mausoleum
door open. Return to the entryway and click some coins once on
the offering box. Use your rope and hook to climb to the roof.
Go to the opening in the wall and climb down to the ground. Go
around the church and hurry through the graveyard and into the
open mausoleum.
You can take your time and gain experience by killing some
Step into the swirling light for a non interactive sequence
with a Shadow Bane guarding the entrance to the Dimension of
Death. Exit the mausoleum and the raven summons you again.
Hurry through the graveyard and go to the Wizard by the lake.
Talk to him and give him the candle from the church, the ring
from Sir James' sarcophagus, and torch ashes.
You get a magical Ring of Illumination. There's another item
you need to more easily survive the Dimension of Death. Go
into the lake behind the Wizard and swim due west to the tall
island in the middle of the lake. Look up to see a structure
on top of the rock. Walk around the island to the odd
Approach the wall directly behind the structure till your
climb arrow appears. Use your rope and hook on the wall to
climb. Open the door and enter the house. Under the desk to
the left, take the Potion of Invisibility. At the ink bottle
by the spell book, click the magical quill to inscribe the
Jupiter symbol on the parchment. Take the parchment.
Go to the spinning globe, by the door, and use the parchment
on the globe. Take a Potion of Reveal from inside. Turn to the
writing stand and drink the red Potion of Reveal to see a
chest near the writing stand. Open the chest and get a large
silver bell. Exit the house and climb back down the cliff.
Step over to the odd structure; it's a bell stand.
Use your bell on the stand. Use your axe to strike the bell
three times. Click on the Lady of the Lake to get the Sword of
the Lake. Now your ready for the Dimension of Death. Swim back
across the lake and return to the mausoleum by the church.
Step into the swirling vortex and your magical Ring of
Illumination dispels the Shadow Bane.
You start out in the extreme south and east part of the map.
Turn around and examine the five symbols above the portal
vortex. Draw them on a piece of paper just as they appear.
You'll need them later. Turn back around and save if you want
(a good idea starting a new level.) Get out your sword. Ahead
in the dark is an archer skeleton on each side.
Step forward into the dark. You automatically encounter the
skeletons. Rush forward and turn to each skeleton to kill it.
Pick up potions, crystals, coins, etc. If you accidentally
pick up a broadsword, it's weaker than yours. Click it on your
Sword of the Lake to get it back. Notice the two pedestals,
with flames, on each side of the main walkway.
Facing the big metal doors, go left around the building. Just
west of the building is a pedestal with a spinning object over
it. Click the game arrow cursor on the pedestal to read it.
Then take the spinning object; Lever of Life. At each of the
two pedestals with flames, on each side of the main blue path,
insert the Lever of Life and walk against it to turn off the
pedestal flame.
As the fourth pedestal is turned off, lasers throw a fireball
against the doors and they open. Enter the building to a
floating tile puzzle. (Get out the drawing you made of the
five symbols over the portal door.) In third person view, turn
right and jump 3 times to the far end of the platform. Turn
left and you should see the first symbol, like a strange
Simply step forward to jump onto the tile. Turn around and
step onto the tile with a half circle and small full circle
inside of it. Turn right and step onto the tile with a circle
and dot. Turn right and step onto the tile with two back to
back half circles and a line between them. Talk with Lord
Azriel. You end up back at the front of the entry hall.
Head back north west past Azriel's altar where you got the
spinning object. In the NW corner, break one of the boxes to
get to the fallen warrior. Click on the warrior to get a piece
of his iron shield. Some of the boxes have mushrooms, etc.
Other boxes have skeleton guards to kill for experience
increase. Stay out of the red area, or else!
Explore the rest of the entry hall. There's some skeleton
guards, with useful items, on the east side. In the SE and SW
corners, read the flame pedestals for an experience increase.
Go to the gate at the hall's north end, between two pyramids.
Two skeletons are on the other side. Try to get them with your
crossbow. You've probably learned by now that you never run
out of bolts. Use Azriel's key on the gate.
TIP: Anytime you see boxes and urns, smash them for useful
If the urns are on a platform, shoot them with your bow, then
jump up on the platform.
A third skeleton shoots from the distance. Kill it too. DO NOT
go east right now. Instead, go west and look for a switch on
the south (left) wall before the corner. Make sure the switch
is down. This disarms eight arrow spitting skull traps just
around the corner. Stay against the left wall as you go around
the corner and head south.
Shoot the urns on the platform, jump up and get all the items.
Flip down the switch while you're on the platform. This
disarms fire traps directly south at the end of the hall. Go
south to the wall and turn west. Continue against the left
wall to another obstruction as you go west. Get over or around
it and continue along the left wall to the far SW corner where
there's zombies and you should hear a crying child. For now,
kill the zombies.
Turn north and continue along the left wall. You enter a large
open area. Pick up any rocks you might see (you eventually
need 4.) There's a large metal crate in each corner and a
water fountain in the very center. There's four shrine
structures surrounding the fountain. Drink from the fountain
if your health is down. Read all inscriptions you come across.
Push each of the four metal crates in this fountain room till
a metal plate pops up from beneath each one and torches light
on nearby pedestals. Don't forget to pick up the rock near the
NW metal crate. Go to the fountain and click on the Sylph to
talk to her. Click on her till she mentions rust and mold for
a protection spell.
Go south to the passage just left of the tower ( look up to
see the tower.) Just inside the passage, there's a room full
of boxes to either side. Enter the left room, kill two
skeleton guards, and take any items they drop. Smash the boxes
for some items. Read the pedestal about a key to Creation.
Exit the room and go to the next room blocked by a metal
There's several ways of getting into the room. Make a running
jump over the crate, do a back step and flip over, or climb
the outside wall of the tower and climb down into the room.
Once there, break all the boxes for items. Talk and listen to
the child, then go push the metal crate so she can escape.
Exit the room, go north toward the fountain and go west to the
Stay against the west wall and go north and kill three
skeleton archers. Continue north to the River of Death (DON'T
step in the water!) SAVE GAME! Dip your piece of iron shield
in the water. Enter the south end of the boat house and talk
to the boatman.
Keep clicking him till he tells you about "Judging the skulls
on the left",..."Down Creation plus Completion equals All
Things." Turn around and exit the boat house. Turn slightly
left and carefully enter the open area with a pedestal and a
Weeper. Take it out with your crossbow from distant shots
(weepers draw life out of you.)
Read the pedestal about "Seven holds the key...." Exit the
room, get out your sword and continue east along the
riverbank. Kill all rising zombies and any other monsters. You
come to a wall blocking your eastward route along the river.
Turn south and stay against the left wall. Three skeletons are
just around the south corner.
Keep against the left wall and pass a spiked gate. Continue
east and take the second left into a room with many urns.
Shoot them all from a distance, then collect all the goodies.
Exit south to the wall and turn east. Go east to the wall and
turn south. Go south to the second left and pick up a rock. At
the east wall, go north to wall and turn right to a wall
switch and pull it down. This turns off fireball traps on the
other side and just north.
From the short corner, go south to the wall then east to the
wall. Turn south and take the next right and go west through a
narrow passage. Follow it upward and around to a tower with
glyphs of Lord Azriel. You're at the East Tower. Walk to the
tower until the climb arrow appears. Make sure your health is
up, change view if necessary to see Connor (hit F2), and make
sure you're in run mode. Now SAVE GAME!
On top, you can't kill the Commander Skeleton, you have to
force him over the edge. Climb the wall, then if you have a
square amber shield potion, drink it. Wait till the skeleton
comes near, then run around it. He's near the edge and is
easier to force him to his death. After the skeleton falls,
climb down and take the Chain Mail outfit.
Now your experience might be around 12 or 13, depending on how
much fighting you've done. Go back down the winding path. At
the bottom, turn right and head south. Five skeletons guard
the hallway and a key box. From a distance, kill them with
your crossbow if possible, then finish up with your sword if
Pick up any useful items and get a square key from the box. Go
W to wall, S to wall, W to wall, S to wall, W to wall and
slightly south to a blue locked door in the south central area
of the map. Use your square key on the door and automatically
enter to see 6 skeletons fighting and wagering. Carefully back
out to the narrow doorway and rapid fire your crossbow. You
should be able to get all the skeletons. Finish with your
sword if necessary.
Pick up any valuables and particularly the circular gold key.
Exit, turn right and go due north up the corridor with a patch
of burning stuff. Approach the wounded man in the corner and
talk with him. He tells about a Hammer necessary to cross the
River of Death. Continue left around the corner and get the
rock nearby. Beware a Weeper around the next corner and shoot
it from a distance.
Continue north and east from the Weeper and down a passage
with fallen columns. Kill a skeleton and pick up the potion.
There's 2 archer skeletons farther north in the dark. Ease
forward and shoot them from a distance. Continue north and
follow the passage around the Central Tower. At the top, make
sure you can see Connor, then Quickly SAVE GAME!
There's a pressure plate on each of the four corners of the
tower and you have to depress them with something heavy.
Around the tower, zombies rise out of the ground. Try to lure
one onto a pressure plate before you kill it (you probably
don't have four rocks.) Then throw a rock onto each of the
other plates. When all four are depressed, four VERY important
portals are activated down at the Sylph fountain.
There's another rock nearby. Walk around the tower till the
climb arrow appears. Climb to the top and read the pedestal.
Walk west over the crossway. At the far side, get a rock just
north of the ramp. Cross back to the tower and climb down. Use
the rock if necessary.
When all four plates are depressed, go back down the winding
path and continue around the south area and work your way over
to the large west central area to the fountain. You might see
another rock along the short twisting south hallways. The four
shrine structures around the fountain now glow with swirling
portals to the Halls of Light hidden in the four corners.
Approach the northwest portal inscribed with "Hall of
Respite." (Look up and right click on the plaque over the
portal to make sure.) Get out your crossbow and step through
the swirling portal. Step forward, turn left and shoot the
skeleton archers. Jump onto the lower block, then the taller
block. Make sure you see Connor, press F2 if necessary.
SAVE GAME! Be sure you're in walk mode (End toggles walk or
run) and carefully walk to the far edge of the tall block
(next to the small block.) Put away your weapon and switch to
run mode. Make a running jump across the river. Avoid the
deadly river and stand in front of the statue. Get the shield
potion from the statue. Look at the skull collection in the
left cabinet. On the bottom shelf, take the seventh skull from
the left.
Turn right and go to the column with a crack in it. Push the
column into the river. In third person view, use the fallen
column and make a running jump across the river. Exit the hall
through the portal. Approach the northeast portal, inscribed
with Hall of War. Make sure your red health meter is high. Get
out your crossbow and SAVE GAME! Step through the portal, turn
right and shoot the archer.
Go around the pedestal and shoot the archer on this side. Get
his coins. Cross the bridge by carefully walking on the right
side railing to the gap. Jump across and carefully continue to
the other side. Get the potion of strength from the anvil. See
if the skeleton dropped anything. Put your skull (from hall of
respite) on the headless statue.
Pick up the Feather of Truth, and Save again if you want. Go
back across the bridge railing and exit through the portal
*(you might need the game patch right here!) Go through the
southwest portal marked with Hall of Immortality. Pick up the
red potion of reveal and exit through the portal. Finally, go
through the southeast portal Hall of Justice.
Take the green potion of invisibility above the pedestal fire.
Put your feather of truth on the scale. Step forward to jump
on other scale side. The heart is healed and Lord Azriel
appears. Step forward to jump off the scale, and forward again
to exit the portal.
All the blood pools are now dried up. From the fountain area,
go west to the wall and stay against the left side as you go
north to the boat house. Continue east along the river to the
wall, turn south and bear left around the north central
structure, east past the gate and take next left. Go north to
riverbank and turn east. Watch out for skeletons, especially
high up on the walls.
Continue east to wall and turn south. Go south and take the
next right to a narrow passage and go through it. As Connor
turns the first corner in the narrow passage, he says "Phew!
What's that moldy smell?" Continue to the drained blood
get all the mushrooms AND the lump of Green Mold! Return to
the fountain. Give Sylph the rusty shield piece. Give her the
green mold. You get a spell that increases your Armor rating.
From the fountain, go west to the wall, north to the wall turn
east and ready your crossbow. Slightly to the right, go down a
narrow passage past a broken column. Watch out for a Weeper
and get it before it gets you. At the double doors in this
narrow passage, use your circular gold key (from the skeleton
training area to the extreme south central area.)
Through the doors, ready your crossbow. There's a skeleton in
each of the six boxes and two more stand in the open. Kill all
skeletons and pick up all the useful items. There's large
doors west and a barred gate east. There's lots of switches on
the walls. They open gates and cells in the jail area.
Carefully do the following instructions:
Flip down all four switches on the east wall. You now have
access to four blocks of cells, each block has four cells for
a total of sixteen. Go east through the open gates, shooting
from a distance and killing everything in each of the 8 cells
to the left and to the right. Just remember to keep your
distance. With all 16 cells taken care of, return west to the
switch room.
These four switches direct power to each of the four blocks of
cells. You can only pull down one switch at a time. The first
switch should already be down, so go to the south wall.
These four switches open each of the 4 individual cells in a
particular block. Pull all 4 down. Return to west wall.
Pull second switch down. Return to south wall.
Pull all four switches down. Return to west wall.
Pull down the third switch. Return to south wall.
Pull all four switches down. Return to west wall.
Pull down the fourth switch. Return to south wall.
Pull down all four switches.
Now all 16 cells should be open. Get everything from each
cell. In the last cell on the east end and on the left (north)
side, pull the lever to open the main northern exit. For now
though, return west to the switch room.
Ready your crossbow. Face the west double doors and drink a
red Potion of Reveal. The doors are an illusion. Get close
enough to see the huge Egyptian Skeleton and fire away to kill
it before going through the fake door. Watch the wandering
Spirits and notice their patrolling pattern. Put away your
weapon, approach the platform steps and SAVE GAME!
Do a careful walking jump onto the front edge of the main
platform, but not into the spirit' path. Switch to run mode.
Time your run and jump past the spirits onto the center
platform. Your health will be depleted. Drink only Sacred
Water to heal! Third from left in inventory. Now take the
hammer and the spirits leave.
Go back through the illusion door to the switch room. Exit the
switch room to the north and turn right. Take the first left
and follow the path around this Northwest Tower. You have to
climb twice to reach the top. Get four healing crystals and a
red Potion of Reveal. You need the reveal potion much later in
a frozen region, so don't use it until then.
Climb down twice, go down the incline and return to the large
open fountain area. Get against the east wall, go south and
take the first left (east.) Turn south again and take the
first left. Turn north and take the next right. Turn south and
pick up another rock. Since you're just south of the central
tower, go up around it and pick up the rocks you left there.
Return to the north central structure. Make sure you're in
full health and your sword is ready. SAVE GAME! As you go
through the gate, a main skeleton talks the sends his squad
after you. Back away and make the skeletons come after you,
and shoot to kill. Then switch to your sword and drink a
shield potion if you have it. Rush forward and kill the main
skeleton. Pick up all useful items AND the double-edged sword.
Go left of the steps and look across the river at a lever.
Throw your hammer to trip the lever and lower a bridge. Cross
the bridge and go through the portal to the swamp.
SAVE GAME! Be cautious of Swamp Bubbles-they're deadly underwater
creatures. When you see hear or see them, throw your hammer at
them till you see a dying tentacle. A Swamp Slimes are light
brown four legged super water spiders. Swamp Fiends are big
goonie creatures carrying big sticks. Avoid toxic green patches
of water.
From where you arrive, go west and very slightly right as you
approach land. Find a big trunked tree against the hill. The
tree is the Oracle of the Tree. Talk to it and give it gold
when it asks. Keep giving it gold (10 times I think) till it
has no more to say. You get several boosts for your green
experience. From the Oracle, go southwest and through a narrow
area to a couple of swamp shacks. Enter the left shack. In the
left corner, open the trunk and take the gold. In the other
corner on the shelf, take the metal gloves.
Exit and go to the other boarded up shack. Smash the entrance
and go inside. Open a chest for some gold. Smash the inner
door, enter and get the white Hearing Horn. Get gold from
another chest. Exit the shack and go northeast back to the
Oracle tree, then go southeast towards the Whispering Weeds
(looks like people standing around.)
Take one step at a time till you get close enough to hear loud
whispering. Get too close and they go under water. Use your
Hearing Horn on them to hear about a Mask piece. Go north and
northeast to a cove with giant mushrooms. Get all small
mushrooms you can. In the back of the cove, get a piece of the
Golden Mushroom with your sword.
It's an ingredient for the Permanent Spell of Might. Exit the
cove, go north then northeast to a grove of dangerous
Mandragor Trees. Each one has two protective upright roots. Go
around the left side to the back of the cove. You'll see a
corpse hanging from a root. You HAVE get that Crossbow. SAVE
GAME! Rush in and take it and get away before suffering too
much damage.
To fight a Mandragor, use your sword to cut one of it's roots,
rush in and slice up the tree.
Exit the grove of trees and stay to your right against the
hill avoiding toxic water. As you go northwest along the hill,
you'll eventually notice a scaffold building surrounded by
toxic water. In the building is a teleporter. Forget it right
now and stay to the right as you round the cliff in a
northerly direction. Make sure your armed with the sword.
You'll start to see Wisps, snake like plants sticking up. Get
too close and they strike. Stay close to the cliff and cut the
ones too close for you to safely pass. To do this, squarely
face one from a distance, take a step and slash, take another
step and slash. Do this slash and step till you safely cut the
Wisp off. Continue to a far northwest cove where you see
sparkling patches of floating light.
Get close and talk to the Swamp Wisps. They ask for a secret
in return for cure of poisonous water. Click them again and
Connor tells about the secret from the Whispering Weeds. Click
the Wisps yet again to see a magic flower and learn of a
Golden Ladle to cleanse the waters. Take the flower and Connor
eats it. Now you're protected from poisonous waters.
Go all the way back toward the whispering weeds in the extreme
southeast, then go to the extreme south of the map to the
Swamp Witch's Tower, ready your sword and make sure your
health is high. SAVE GAME! Go around to the south side where
the Witch awaits. Use a square potion of Shield, horn potion
of Strength, then rush in and kill the Witch.
Approach the blocked door and look through to see hanging
sandbags. Use your crossbow on them and the door will open. Go
inside and enter the left room. Get any rocks you see. Go into
the right room with a dead Goblin on a table. Get the Unicorn
horn from its chest. Click the cauldron and watch a movie of
Henchmen being made.
Click the book on the pedestal. Click on the cauldron again.
Go to the foot of the upward ramp and stop. Click the holes on
the right-hand wall. Click on the bloodstains on the ramp. As
you slowly climb, click your sword on each hole to trip arrow
traps. Check out the second floor and break things to find a
large assortment of useful items.
Go outside to the balcony and pick up all health items. At the
edge of the spike trap at the bottom of the ramp, throw a rock
onto the trap to spring it. Go up the ramp to the third floor.
Go up the East ramp and get a full suit of Chain Mail. Go up
the west ramp, ready your sword and SAVE GAME! Open the chest
and get the second piece of the Mask.
Another Henchman appears. Rush forward and kill him. You
automatically cut off his hand. Pick it up and go back down
the ramps and exit the tower. Cross the swamp to the northwest
till you reach the tall scaffolding structure in the west-
central area of the map. Climb the wall side, then climb again
to reach the top. Cross the bridge to the gate.
Click on the hand print and realize your hand is too small.
Use the Henchman's hand on the print. Connor walks forward to
some stone columns and stumps.
SAVE GAME, and every time you make a correct jump! Where you
arrived, follow the stars: ne2, n1, w1, nw1,sw1,w1,nw1, ne3.
Safely across, you automatically enter the Swamp Witch's secret
vault. Two Swamp Fiends attack, one from each side. Kill them,
and get a Golden Ladle from the chest.
Pull the 2 chain handles to open a switch box by the door.
Pull the switch in the box. This opens the gate and disarms
the grid's charges. Go straight across to the other side. You
automatically walk out onto the bridge. Climb down the
building and return to the Witch's Tower in the extreme
southeast of the map.
At the cauldron on the first floor, use the Golden Ladle to
purify the swamp's water. Connor talks to Mudge, snail King of
the swamp. He creates a whirlpool. DO NOT GO NEAR IT, yet! Go
to the Teleport Tower in the northwest area of your map (the
gold star) and careful of any carnivorous plants there.
Climb the tower and stand on the swirling circle. At the lower
left of your map, scroll to The Kingdom of Daventry. Then
click the lower right teleport icon to go there. Just east of
where you arrive, go east to the Unicorn-beast, at the foul
pool, and give it the unicorn horn. You get a small dark
crystal pyramid in return.
Go to the brown Kavanagh house in the extreme west northern
area of the map. Inside, talk to Gwennie and get the gold she
offers. Then talk to her again. Go back to the teleporter in
Castle Keep and teleport back to the Swamp. Climb down the
teleporter tower, return to the Witch's Tower in the extreme
SE and step into the whirlpool in back to teleport to the
Underground Realm of the Gnomes.
SAVE! Rock Demons rise out of the floors, Bat Mantas drop from
the ceilings, and Zombies roam the halls. You arrive in an entry
hall. Look for a rock and health items. Pick mushrooms and break
barrels. Get ready to use your hand weapon. Throw a rock onto the
pressure plate to open the main door. Watch out for a Bat Manta
on the other side.
Enter and kill the bat. From the main door, go due east and
kill a rock demon around the first corner. Bust barrels, get
health items and any rocks. Hear that digging? At the dead
end, speak to the Gnome and pick up a rock. Exit and go back
past the main door heading due west. Take the first left
(south) and go down a slope (kill a bat) that angles back east
under the entry hall.
Continue zig zagging east to a dead end and talk to another
Gnome. Go through a door to your right going south. Buy the
best armor you can afford; yellow bronze breastplate 350, or a
lesser plate mail for 250. To purchase, put on the item and
give coins to the merchant. Exit the armor shop and go left.
Go north at the first right.
Continue on to a ramp but don't go up yet. Kill a hopping
Spriggan and get it's gold. Get the rock. Go clockwise around
the open shaft under the ramp. Go under the ramp to find lots
of useful things. Go back around the shaft and continue up the
ramp. At the top, go west and bust a Rock Demon and 2 Bats.
Continue west along the twisting corridor and kill two more
Spriggans. Take their gold and potions. Enter the first
corridor right.
Go down the stairs and head east. Alert! When you turn north
at the end, kill a bunch of Zombies. Cross the bridge,
continue north and talk to the Old Man. You learn about a
Light of Life. Use your weapon to cut off and get a piece from
next to the old man. Pick up an Elixir of Life from the floor
nearby. Go back across the bridge.
At the steps, you have to jump up the higher ones. At the top
go right and keep right when you have the choice of direction.
Kill a Stone Beast and 3 Zombies. You arrive at an open pit.
SAVE GAME! Run/jump over the pit, then SAVE again! Go along
the corridor to a room guarded by a Rock Beast and some Bats;
kill them.
There's Amber-Glow on the wall. Use your sword to get some. Go
back to the pit and SAVE before you run/jump back across. Then
take the first corridor going north to a Teleporter but DON'T
use it just yet. Go back to the main door area (work your way
south, then west, down twisting stairs then due west and up
the ramp) where you arrived in the extreme south central area.
At the top of the ramp, go west continuing past the opening
with pressure plates to your right. Continue west and kill a
Rock Beast outside a door. Enter the weapon shop in this
extreme SW area. From left to right; heavy crossbow 300, small
bow 200, war hammer 400. Buy the best, most costly, leaving
yourself at least 250-275. If you can get the heavy bow and
the hammer, without going below 250-275, you'll be a mighty
Exit the shop and arm yourself. Zig zag east along the
corridor. Take the first left and kill Bats. Three pressure
plates control the turning bridge. Throw a rock on the left
plate to rotate the bridge. Throw a rock onto each of the
other 2 plates to lower the ramps, then cross the bridge.
Follow the corridor and take the first left leading down,
around and under, kill a Rock Beast and a Bat.
There's lots of items for sale here, but you SHOULD already
have plenty of crystals and potions. Just in case though, the
prices are: shield potion 75, invisibility 100, strength
mushrooms-3 gold each, crystals 20. Click the statue on the
right to learn it's the Essence of Sun Tsu, a strength
enhancer. REMEMBER, you need at least 250 gold later.
Exit the shop and go up the ramp. Turn left and go to the
padlocked door. Use a hand weapon to break the lock, then take
it. Ready your weapon, open the doors and kill a Spriggan.
Take the gold and continue north. Take the first left, kill 2
bats and continue west. Hear the rumbling? SAVE! One at a
time, time you run through the boulders. Beware of a Rock
Beast at the end of the corridor. Go through the door at the
Approach and talk to the Gnome Sage to learn his machine needs
a new lodestone. Exit and go back through the boulders. Go out
to the north south corridor and go north. At the next
intersection, beware 5 or 6 Bats. Then go west and down a ramp
to kill a Stone Beast and get a potion. Continue the corridor
and kill another Stone Beast.
Take the first right to a big empty room. Look up to see a
cliff wall. Maneuver to see the yellow climb arrow appear and
use your grappling hook to climb. At the next intersection, go
left to kill several bats and continue to another room. Cut
off a piece of tree root, pick it up and exit the room. Go
back to the intersection and turn right.
Slowly approach the edge, use your grappling hook and climb
back down. Continue south and go east. Go up a winding ramp
and go east to the central area and a brick wall blocking an
opening. Continue east up slope, if you have at least 2 shield
potions, use one then kill 2 Rock Beasts. Go south to another
wall and climb up.
Follow the passage to a room with a large boulder and a hole
in the floor. Push the boulder through the hole, then jump
down after it. Push the boulder around a circular corridor.
When you reach the down ramp, you automatically push it down.
The boulder breaks through the brick wall. Go through the
busted wall and enter a new area, but not too far!
Use your crystal piece (from old man at fire) on the purple
wall receptacle to light all lamps in this area. Ready your
hand weapon and SAVE! Continue down the corridor to the Dragon
Wyrm's Lair. Use a Shield AND Strength potion. Rush forward
and kill the Dragon Wyrm. Get the Black Diamond Heart and
someone briefly appears. Enter the next room.
Click the purple diamond switch on the right side to watch a
message. Hector tells Connor about the mask being betrayed.
When the bright crystal pyramid is offered, take it from the
top of the pedestal. Put the dark purple pyramid (from the
unicorn in Daventry) on top of the pedestal. Click the diamond
switch again for another message.
Retrieve the dark crystal, then take the lodestone from the
pedestal. Go back to the Gnome Sage in the extreme west
central area of the map. Give the lodestone to the Sage. Open
you map and scroll it to see the Barren Region is blank thus
far. To return to the Apothecary (red cross on the Underground
map), pass the rolling boulders, to the wall, turn south and
go to the first right. Go down, around and under. Give the
Amberglow, Tree root, and Iron lock. If you have at least 250
gold, click your coin icon on the Sun Tsu statue to get an
increase in you armor rating. Put any change back into
Exit and go up, around and south across the bridge. Return to
the teleporter room (the star in east central area.) Go to the
south central area of the map, go down, around and under. Zig
zag east, take first north (left), go up and around the open
shaft. Go on north to the teleporter (star) on the map. SAVE!
Step onto the teleporter, open your map to the Barren Region
and teleport.
Quickly back up to the cliff and ready your crossbow. Start
picking off the fire ants with rapid shooting till their
numbers are considerably reduced. Then carefully go west,
picking mushrooms along the way. Watch out for Pyro Demons
rising in the lava river to the north. Continue west and cross
the bridge. Follow the path north to a couple of huts and
enter the east one. This is a weapon shop.
The super battle axe costs 500. Buy it if you have enough. The
long range weapons aren't any better than the one from the
Gnome Weapon Shop if you already have it. You learn of a
Basilisk and a weapon that can be made to kill it. You should
already have a black diamond heart. Now you need a good metal
Exit and go to the west hut. Talk to the shaman woman. You
should already have enough healing potions and crystals. Exit
and go around behind the hut. Go up a path due west between
two pillars. Climb into the fortress and cross the footbridge.
The guards ignore you. Talk to the creature blowing the BIG
horn. You learn of the disappearance of the Stone of Order.
Enter the shop next door and talk to the blacksmith.
Exit the Sanctuary and go down the hill. Go north west along
lava, to the right of the sanctuary hill, and arrive at a
broken stone block bridge where stone blocks rise up. When you
step on a correct block, it stays put. Stay too long on an
intermediate block and it sinks.
Jump n, nw. 1 safe. Jump nw, n, n. 2 safe. Jump se, e, e, e, e. 3
safe. Jump sw, s, s. 4 safe. Jump w, w, w, nw, nw. 5 safe. Jump
ne, e, e, e, ne. 6 safe. Jump s, sw. 7 safe.
Metal blocks line up between the two sides. Jump across the
blocks to the north side.
Watch out for 2 fire ants. You'll see one right away and
another as you continue. Listen carefully for it. Avoid the
lava geysers and go due north east along the left hill, then
turn north up an incline. Continue north and go up a ramp to a
stone pyramid. At the very top, take the fire gem from the
stone altar. You automatically speak with an Archon.
Go back south into the lava geyser field, go due east and
continue through a mountain pass down to the river and some
disconnected stone bridge sections. Ready your ranged weapon
and SAVE GAME! Several pairs of Pyro Demons are in the lava
lake. Cross the series of stone sections to the tall building.
SAVE after each successful jump.
Go to the structure; DO NOT jump the last 3 sections east
unless you want to fight an army of Pyro Demons. Climb the
building with your grappling hook. At the top, step forward
onto the inscribed platform and get out your crossbow. You
have to shoot the 7 gongs in the correct order; red, orange,
yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, and purple.
Of course, you won't know the color until you shoot a gong!
Just do the following:
Number the gongs left to right 1-7 (1-3 on your left, 4 directly
ahead, and 5-7 coming back toward you, on the right.) Shoot the
gongs in this order: 4, 2, 7, 5, 1, 3, 6. After the bridge is
fully extended, you go on across. Take the stone of Order and
return to the fortress on the hill above the village igloos.
Next to the creature with the horn, place the Stone of Order
on the pedestal. Go into the blacksmith shop and get a strong
metal shaft. Go down the hill to the weapon shop. Give the
metal shaft and the black diamond to the shop owner. Give him
10 gold coins, and you get a powerful Black Diamond Pike. Exit
the village and head south.
Go across the bridge and continue to the far south central
area of the map toward the Basilisk Lair. Go west up the slope
that leads behind the Basilisk. Bear left (south east) through
a pass and to some stone blocks in the lava. You have to jump
from one block to another to reach the other side. Work you
way to the highest block, then run/jump to the back of the
Climb the cliff and ready your diamond pike. Step forward and
Connor jumps onto the Basilisk and kills it with the pike.
Ready a ranged weapon; Pyro Demons could appear! Nearby, cross
the bridge. Go around the right side of the Temple and climb
the wall with your grappling hook. At the top. Approach the
hole in the roof, and use your grappling hook to climb down
the hole.
Click on the dead Fire Dwarf and pick up a granite key. Click
the square wall panel to get a bottle of Sacred Water. Look up
at the series of four symbols repeated around the wall. Each
symbol appears on each of the four pressure plates around the
sarcophagus in the middle of the room. Have Connor walk
against the pressure plates in the following order:
triangle, circle, square. The door will open. Take the long-
sword off the sarcophagus.
Go through the open door and turn right. Get a bottle of
Sacred Water behind the square wall panel. Turn around and get
the full suit of armor for a big armor increase. Return to the
wall near the dead Dwarf and climb with your hook. From the
roof, climb down the outside wall and return to the Basilisk.
Use your sword to cut off its tongue, and pick it up.
Go past the right side of the Basilisk and start uphill. Head
back over the ridge behind the lair. This time, go right at
the fork. Work your way north, then west until you find a dead
tree near a narrow strip of land between the lava lakes. Ready
your crossbow, a couple of Pyro Demons hide nearby. Cross the
narrow strip of land, turn left and head south.
Continue south, staying close to the cliffs, until you find 2
Fire Dwarves guarding an entrance to their underground lair.
Kill the guards and get their gold, potions, and the Super
Fire Arrows. Turn around and go forward to the lava lake, and
kill another Pyro Demon for a combat boost. Find a lock in the
rock wall.
Use your granite key (from dead dwarf in temple) to open the
door and enter the lair. Follow the walkway, eliminating
guards as you go and get their potions. At the end, you should
find 3 buttons on the north wall. Shoot the buttons to extend
three ramps. Cross the leftmost ramp and flip a lever to
release Freesa the Snow Queen.
She opens a secret door, then leaves. In the leftmost cell,
get a pipe cap from the floor. Ready your sword, go through
the secret door and kill the Fire Dwarf. Get the potion.
Examine the wall safe. Click the panels in the same order as
at the temple sarcophagus. Get another pipe cap. Exit out to
the 3 ramps and cross the middle one.
In the chest is another mask piece and you have to kill
another Henchman. Get 3 potions from the floor. Exit and cross
the rightmost ramp. In the back of the room is another Fire
Dwarf to kill. Pick up any useful items dropped. Put a cap on
JUST ONE of the steam pipes and step on the platform. Use your
bow to shoot the button on the far wall and ride up.
Step off and get a crystal scepter and a red reveal potion.
Get on the elevator and shoot the button again to ride down.
Put a cap on the other pipe, get on the platform and shoot the
button a final time to go to the frozen reaches.
Enter the palace and talk to Queen Freesa wearing the crown.
She fills you in on the situation and gives you permission to
fly on her crystal dragon. Give the crystal scepter to the
queen but she says, "You need it more than I do." Exit the
palace and follow the icy path due east to the Crystal
Dragon's Pen. Use the crystal scepter on the dragon.
She explains she can't fly until the door is open. A broken
pull chain lies on the floor. Look up to see a segment of
chain hanging from the ceiling. Push the ice block till it's
under the piece of ceiling chain. Stand facing the block but
careful not to bump it anymore. Turn around to face away from
it and take a couple of steps.
You're about to attempt a back flip onto the block of slippery
ice. You get more height than a forward run/jump! Hold the
back arrow and immediately hit Insert, then let up both. You
don't want to slide off the block. When you're finally on the
ice block, pull the chain segment to open the gate. Jump down
and use the crystal scepter again on the dragon and you're
FROZEN REACHES: Northern Shore.
After you arrive, SAVE! Ready your bow and go NW up the path.
As soon as you see a Frost Demon, start firing away and 5 of
the beasts come at you. Keep rapid firing to kill them and
back away if necessary. Frost Demons are relatively slow but
lethal closeup. Killing each one gives you a slight experience
Continue up the path, bearing right along the cliff. Continue
uphill and east through a narrow black pass. Turn left and
start running up the steep incline. Keep running to a Y
intersection and go left into a narrow pass. Turn around and
ease back one step at a time till you see 2 bowman on a black
Ease forward a step at a time till your shots start hitting
them. Keep rapid firing to kill both guards and you should
suffer very little damage. Go up the ramp and get one of the
Ice Crossbows. Pick up the potions. Approach the tower wall
and use your grappling hook to climb. Go to the opposite
balcony, turn around and pull the lever.
Jump into the open trapdoor. Break each barrel and maneuver
around to make sure you get everything. Open the chest and get
four horn strength potions. Pull a lever to open the main
door. Exit and go left back around front. Go north down the
ramp. At the crossroad, follow the path due east. Up ahead is
a large group of Frost Demons.
Rapid fire to kill them, backing up when they start getting
close. With all the Frost Demons out of the way, ready your
sword and continue northeast up the main trail till you start
to hear something snoring. Just ahead is an invisible Snow
Mane. Drink a red Reveal, an amber Shield, and a horn of
Strength. Rush forward and kill the beast. Go to the frozen
pond ahead. Step onto the pond to realize the ice is thin.
Throw a rock onto the ice. Pick up the rock and throw it
again. Do this till the ice shatters and the rock sinks. Use
your Fire Gem (from Barren Region) on the pond. From the edge,
avoid the water and take the Flame Sword. Go back down toward
the east watchtower (where you got your ice bow) and continue
south. Turn west (right) at the first fork and go through a
narrow V-shaped crevice in the mountain.
Follow the path as it bears south through another narrow
crevice to another trail. Turn hard right and head north up a
very steep trail. Watch out for another group of Frost Demons.
You come to a mountain lake. The water is DEADLY cold. Two Ice
Orcs stand guard on the other side. It's possible to kill them
from the south side of the lake.
Slightly southeast of the lake is a guard house. Go inside of
it and get 4 items from each of the two barrels. Exit and go
forward to the lakeshore. Careful of the water, stay against
the cliff, and go around the right side. Get two potions near
the dead Orcs you shot. Go around to the backside of the
stronghold and climb the wall with your grappling hook.
Go to the grate on the roof to start an automatic scene. Then
continue forward into the jail area and turn left. Talk to an
imprisoned Gryph King. Turn around and stand at the lever near
the chair and maneuver so that you can see the chair. Pull the
lever to see the chair rise and the resulting electricity.
Go to the small balcony in front and the scene changes to an
overhead view. Walk forward and you automatically jump the
guard and kill him. Pick up a potion and the jail key. Go
around back and climb the wall again. Unlock the cell to free
the Gryph King. Ready your sword and go out on the room and
fall through the grate with another guard.
Drink a Shield and a Strength potion and kill Thork. In the
chest in a corner, get the Deciphering Amulet. Get the ice
shard on the floor. Look in the barred room to see a chest and
a frozen Henchman. Look at the slot by the door and realize,
"Could be a locking device. Perhaps something fits there."
Open the front door and Connor tries to walk out but nearly
trips on the door gap. Press F2 if necessary to see Connor and
the doorway at the same time. Put the ice shard in the door
gap, then use the flame sword to melt it. Use your ice bow to
re-freeze it, then pick up your new ice lever. Back inside at
the barred door, use the ice lever on the door slot. Enter the
room and you automatically break the frozen Henchman and get
the fourth mask piece from the chest. The Henchman reforms so
kill him again, drink potions if necessary. Exit the
Stronghold, go around the left side of the cold lake,
returning south to the crystal dragon.
Ride the dragon back across the lake. From the dragon's pen,
go south and west past the Snow Palace and a teleporter on
your left. Continue northwest up a steep trail to the Gryph
Cave and go right on past the Gryph guards. Talk to the King
and he gives you a Blue Adamant. Return to the dragon and fly
across the lake again.
Return to the far north central area on the map and climb the
back wall of the Stronghold again. Now to use the 3
ingredients to make the Permanent Spell of Might. Put the Blue
Adamant, Basilisk tongue, and slice of gold mushroom in the
chair. Pull the lever for electricity and get the spell.
Notice the increase in your weapon and armor points.
Use your grappling hook to climb down the back of the
Stronghold. On the west side of the Stronghold, go through the
V shaped crevice and kill 2 Ice Orcs. Follow the curving trail
south and kill some more Orcs. Continue south until the West
Watchtower appears on your right. Kill the two Orcs on guard
Go around the right side of the tower and use your ice bow to
kill the Frost Beast below the cliff. There's nothing on the
roof here so enter the tower, bust the barrels and pick up
everything. Exit the tower and go down due south and take the
first right. Stay against the right cliff and follow it
northwest (kill an Ice Beast) and go to the pillar.
Use your Deciphering Amulet to read the pillar, "Only a blade
of fire can sever the heads of the Drake." Ready your bow and
continue north up the trail. Kill 7 more beasts. Continue
north to the huge structure and look up to see a two headed
drake. Climb with your grappling hook. At the top, ready your
Flame Sword and SAVE!
Jump up the ledge, get close to the drake and cut off both
heads. After killing the Drake, jump down the hole behind it.
You should have 4 pieces of the mask at this point. Go down
the tunnel and you're asked if you want to go to a new region.
Since you have 4 mask pieces, choose Yes.
Go to the altar in the middle of a stonehenge structure. Click
on the altar to notice "a depression" on top. Put your bright
Crystal Pyramid in the depression and an Archon appears. Since
you have the 4 mask pieces, you're transported.
Level 1: Truth. SAVE! Exit the room and ready your sword.
Break all urns you see. Go south and enter the room of water.
Kill the Water Snake. There might also be a Shadow Demon.
Notice the dripping water. Look up to see an opening. Go to
the far wall and climb with your grappling hook. Bust the urn,
look down and take the Mask Medallion.
Climb back down and watch out for a Shadow Demon. Exit and
turn north. There's Henchmen and other manner of beasts around
the hallways. Go north from the water room and take the first
left. Go west all the way to a room at the end and kill 2
Henchmen. Open the south and the west wall panels for potions.
In some areas, stepping on certain sections of the floors
cause Shadow Demons to rise out of the floor. The sections
have very faint discolored outlines.
Exit the room to the north and work your way along, hugging
the left wall until you get to a room full of several statues.
Take the Tablet of Knowledge from the altar. Right click it in
inventory to realize it's "void of its precepts." Listen to
some of the thoughts of the statues. Now you have to go to the
northeast to the big gold doors:
Exit N to wall, E to wall, N to wall, E to wall, S to wall, E to
wall, S to room, go east and take the second north and go through
the room. Enter a large room with a central block. There's an
Archon in the NW corner, leave him alone. Open all 8 panels
around the block and get the potions. Approach the Archon and
talk to him. He opens the doors.
Enter the Hall of Truth and enter the first room on your left.
Walk off the edge straight at the monster. Get the Key of
Truth. Exit south from the hall and continue south through the
room with 8 panels, carefully just entering the next room. 3
floor panels release Shadow Demons. Turn left, hug the left
wall, and go to the gold door on the left.
Use your Key of Truth to open the door. Enter and take a Sword
and Shield of Truth from the altar to start an automatic
scene. Your tablet is inscribed with the Precept of Truth. Now
for the extreme northwest: exit, go north to 8 panel room
go around left of center block, take first left. Watch out for
loose floor panels. Go W, N, W, N, W, N, W, N.
As you approach the gold doors, you're asked "What is the
power of truth?" Use your Tablet of Knowledge on the door.
Before continuing, turn around and open a secret panel on your
right and get a potion. Now, go through the door.
Level 2: Light.
SAVE! This level has several Henchmen. Go north to the room
and exit it on your left. Go W to wall, N to wall, W to wall
and turn north. Take the next left to a room with a center
block that has 3 urns in alcoves and a secret panel on the
west side. Bust the urns for potions and open the secret panel
for another.
There's an unlit candle on the south end of the central block
(sometimes it's in the northeast exit of this room.) Find that
unlit candle and pull it down. This opens a passage in the
room directly south. From the urn room, take the southeast
exit to wall, S to wall, turn east and take first right. Go
south and take next right. Enter the room for an automatic
scene where Connor finds the final mask piece.
As you leave the room, Henchmen are in the way. Kill them. In
the hallway, go N to wall, E to wall, S to wall, E to wall.
Zig zag north and take first right. Go east and take first
left. Kill some Henchmen on the way and enter a large room in
the NE of the map. There's an automatic scene of a Henchman
coming out of a cauldron.
Use your Mask Medallion (from level 1 water room) to change
the cauldron into a Healing Well. If your health is down,
drink till it is fully restored. Exit the room and S to wall,
W to wall, S to wall, E to wall, zig zag south to an Archon
outside a gold door. Click the Archon and listen to him. Enter
the Hall of Light.
Push the book pedestal to the center of the circle of light.
When you're close, you automatically push it to the very
center and the Key of Light appears. Take the key, turn around
and exit the hall. Continue north and zig zag north to wall, W
to wall, zig zag south to wall, W to wall, N to wall, turn
west and take next right to another gold door.
Use your Key of Light to unlock the door. Enter and take the
Armor of light. A new precept is inscribed on your tablet.
Exit the room and ready your sword. In the hallway, go east,
south, east and zig zag north and straight north to wall. Go
west to wall and turn north. Approach the door and you're
asked "How gainest thou the Light?" Use your tablet on the
door to open it. Enter the next level.
Level 3: Order.
No monsters are in the hallways. Go north then east to a room
with a center block. On the east side of the room is a gold
urn. Push (or click) on it to open a wall panel. Get the
potion. Leave the room at the north exit, busting urns as you
go E to wall, N to wall, E to wall, turn north and take next
right. Bear left through the room and talk to the Archon.
Enter the Hall of Order. This puzzle requires Connor to push
the large gold blocks to form the Mask of Eternity image. Hit
F2 if necessary, to see Connor. Use the tilt up or tilt down
keys to see the top of the blocks. The Mask icon at the top
left of the screen (move your cursor there) is what the blocks
should eventually show. The completed image has to be centered
on the inner black outline on the floor.
When the doors open, enter the north room and take the Key of
Order from the altar. Exit the Hall of Order and ready your
weapon. Bust all urns on you way. In the room with sun bursts
around the walls, exit left and E to wall, S to wall, turn
east and take the next right to zig zag south to next left and
check your health. Then SAVE! and switch to your bow.
Slowly advance one step at a time till you see archers in the
shadows. Kill them and possibly some zombies, then quickly
switch to your sword and kill the commander skeleton. Use your
Key of Order to open the gold door. Enter the back room and
get the Chalice of Order from the altar. A new precept is
inscribed on your tablet.
Exit to the corridor and zig zag south, then go west to the
gold door and a voice says "Speak thou of Order." Use your
tablet on the door, enter the passage and the final area
loads. If you've been busting everything, killing and picking
up potions and crystals, you should have plenty on hand. Click
the Archon by the door. If you have everything necessary, he
lets you pass.
Enter the Altar Room. After talking with Lucreto, approach the
altar and Lucreto attacks leaving your health very low. Use
mushrooms and crystals right now to rebuild your health to
full. Take a mask piece and place it on the altar. Lucreto
feels threatened and appears. Fight him till he vanishes. Put
another mask piece on the altar.
Fight Lucreto again (how's your health?) Put a third mask
piece on the altar and fight again. Place a fourth mask piece
on the altar (Lucreto doesn't appear!) Place the final mask
piece on the altar and a swirling vortex appears. Don't get
too close to it! Fight Lucreto and force him back into the
vortex. Enjoy the ending. Watch the credits to see your score.
Did you think to use any of your invisibility potions in a
particularly difficult area of the game? Could you have used
during this finale?

Кто прислал: Олег (Legion) Когда: 27:10:2000 - стр. full -


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