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The training mission is, strangely enough, great for training. It teaches you the basic maneuvers such as jumping, climbing, knifing, changing clothes, dragging, strangling, and shooting. 1 - The first parts of this mission are very straightforward. Follow instructions and listen to the great information on each weapon. 2 - When you come up the last elevator, you will see an orderly ahead of you. There are numerous ways of killing him, but the easiest for me was to sniper him, which, to me, is the most fun anyway. If you go into sneak mode, you can come up behind him, but make sure he's not looking. Then strangel him (fiber wire), or slit his throat (knife). Of course, you can always just mow him down with an assault rifle, pistols, SMG, or shotgun. After killing him, drag his body back near the elevator or into a corner away from the door. Then, take his clothes, holster all your weapons, and walk through the door. The orderly on the other side will unlock and open the barred door for you and you can exit. You can then leave the level, or if you are hungry for death like I am, kill him as well before leaving.
Hints & Tips Take the time to fire each weapon as much as possible and learn how each fire. They each have their own effectiveness at different ranges. Some are louder than others are, and some have more stopping power. Get well accustomed to the sniper rifle as it a good sniper skills will server you well in later levels. Also being able to switch rapidly between weapons and equipment will help you out quite a bit. Practice quickly drawing your pistols "akimbo" (two handed) style. Equip one pistol, then hold down your left-control key, select another pistol, and let go of control and the mouse button. The Hitman will then put the first pistol in his left hand, and draw the other with his right. The pistol in the right hand becomes the primary pistol, and due to a bug, it is what your ammo limit is set at. When the first pistol is out of ammo, you must reload, therefore it makes sense to draw the pistol with the higher ammo capacity second, or, in the right hand.
Kowloon Triads in Gang War Weapons used: Sniper rifle
In this mission you are suppose to kill a Red Dragon Guard. He is in the park, next to Buddha statue, talking with a Blue Lotus Guard. There are 4 rooftops where you can see the park {hongkong1}. Just pick one and use the elevator to get on top of the building {hongkong2}. Take out your sniper rifle and kill the Red Dragon Guard. Do not kill the Blue Lotus Guard! A few second later enemy helicopters will arrive. You don't have to fight with it. Drop your weapon and run to the elevator. Go down and go back to your car.
Ambush at the Wang Fou Restaurant Weapons used: Fibre Wire Car Bomb
This mission is exactly the same mission in the demo. Kill the driver while he is taking a leak. Take his clothes, plant the bomb, and take your old clothes. Go next to your car. You will see other Blue Lotus Guards standing around the corner. Wait a few seconds. The limousine will arrive. While the limousine is passing by them, detonate the bomb using the bomb remote. Go to your car.
The Massacre at Cheung Chau Fish Restaurant Weapons used: Knife Beretta SD
Walk to the restaurant and climb through the window, drop your suppressed Beretta and climb back out. Run to the other side of the map where you'll see the Red Dragon member walking down the street. Get behind him and slit his throat with the knife, take his clothes and amulet and drag his naked corpse into the closest sewer and stash it. Now drop your knife in there as well and walk to the restaurant - by now there should be police out the front who will search you for weapons, they wont find any, and let you enter. Walk up to the chief, have a quick talk and he'll let you go to the bathroom. Ask the bartender for the key, enter the bathroom, drop the amulet, pick up your Beretta and open the door (if it has closed). Now peak around the door (but don▓t leave the bathroom) so you can see the police chief (and Blue lotus member, it doesn't matter, they don▓t see you as long as you don▓t walk out of the bathroom) take aim and a single shot to the chief's head should do it. Holster your weapon, jump out the window and run to where you killed the Red Dragon member. Switch clothes back into your suit, take your knife and run back to your car.
Alternatively you can kill the red dragon member and stash his body in the sewer and just take his amulet (not the clothes as well), climb through the window of the restaurant and drop the amulet in the bathroom. Climb out again - wait for the meeting to be canceled and wait for the chief in an alleyway that he walks past (alone) to leave the map and give him the good news with your favorite pistol.
Lee Hong Assassination Weapons used: Fibre Wire Beretta SD
Enter the restaurant. Go to bar, talk with the bartender. Pick up the flyer on the counter. Turn back and walk until you see a single door. Open those door and walk in. You will see a restroom sign. Follow that sign and enter the door where there is some Chinese writing on top of it. In the room you will see a guard and two doors. Kill the guard, drag him to the ladies room (right door), and take his clothes. Now you have access to every place. Go back to the lobby, enter the double doors on the left side. The guard will say "welcome honorable guest...". Move forward, turn left, and walk down. You will see 3 guards guarding 3-seperate door {hongkong3}. The door right in front of you leads to the storage room (one possible safe location). You might need to go there later so don't forget where it was. Talk with the "fat guy" (on the right, guarding double doors). Enter and follow the stairs. Talk with the old woman. Follow Lei Ling to her room. Talk with her and follow her again. After you save her, she will give you the safe combination and a kiss. Go to the kitchen. Use the stairs to go down to the basement. Find the CIA guy. Use the MAP 0 to locate him. Green circle is you and the red dot is where CIA guy is located. The yellow dot is a guard. He patrols in that area so kill him before you save the CIA guy {hongkong4}. After you killed him silently, kill the guard in front of the door, which leads to CIA guy. He will tell you the safe location. There are four different possible safe locations. Its location changes in every game so leason the CIA guy very carefully. If you try to open the wrong safe the alarm will go off and you're dead.
1. Storage Room See the {hongkong3}. The single door you see goes to the storage room. There is one guard standing next to the safe. 2. Brothel Go to the brothel (where you met Lei Ling). Open the single door you see in front of you. The old women and a guard will be in this room (and a big mirror). Open the other door and here is the safe location. Kill the guard and exit. 3. Guards Quarters The easiest way to go to guards quarters is taking the elevator in the VIP area. Go to VIP area and walk to the double doors (don't enter){hongkong5}. Turn right and you should see an elevator. Take the elevator to go to guards quarters. There are three guards in the area {hongkong6}. The one on the left patrols so kill him first then kill the rest with silenced Beretta (Be quick). 4. VIP Area Go to VIP area. Enter the double doors you see in {hongkong5}. Walk a little and you should see the safe. One guard is next to safe, the other one is patrolling.
Open the safe, take the Jade figure, go to the restaurant, and go to the herbal shop. Give the Jade figure to old man. In exchange he will give you poison. There are two best possible ways to kill Lee Hong and complete the mission.
1st Option Kill one of the waiters (green or yellow). The best time to kill him is when he is in the restroom. The Agency will charge you $5000 because you killed a civilian. Take his clothes. Go to the kitchen. Talk with the cook. He will tell you to bring the soup to Lee Hong. Put poison in it and give it to Lee Hong. Tzun will taste it first and he will die. Now Tzun is out of the way! Killing Lee Hong is much easier. Go back to restroom, wear your old clothes. Now you will use the secret passageway to go Lee Hong's villa. Go to the kitchen, use the stairs to go down to basement. Find the elevator to go to Basement level 2. When you are in the basement level 2, take the other elevator to go to his villa. Go upstairs, kill him (if he is not their, wait). If the other guards attack you then kill them too (you might want to take their AK). Go down stairs, turn left, open the single, black door. Take the elevator to dock. Use the boat to escape. 2nd Option Notice the ceiling on top of Lee Hong's table. It is glass! That should give you an idea! Go to the rooftop (go to brothel and exit from the door where you and Lei Ling got out). Walk to the very end of the roof. While nobody is around take out your silenced Beretta and kill Lee Hong {hongkong7}(the first shot will break the glass and the second shot will kill Lee Hong). After you killed him, back up so that no one would see you. Go back to basement. Take the elevator to go to basement level 2. Then take another elevator to go to Lee Hong's villa. You will see Tzun walking back and forth. Run to the single black door on your right side. Take the elevator to dock. Use the boat to escape.
Find the U'wa Tribe Weapons used: Fibre Wire [AK 47] [M 60] [Sniper Rifle] Compass Binoculars
Just to the northwest of your starting location, you will find an unguarded cache of 7.62 ammo in a broken down pushcart. Pick this up, as you may end up needing to use an AK later in the level, even if you don't have one now. Head east by southeast, and as you near the road (check your map), watch for guards. They are sometimes hard to spot until too late, so use your binoculars frequently to check ahead. The guards will move towards the crash site marked on your map, in an attempt to secure the site. On your way to the crash site (southeast) kill a guard and take his clothes {columbia1}. When you arrive the crash site you will see 4 or 5 guards. One of them is on top of the aircraft's wings, the other one is standing next to aircraft's side door. The idol is on the ground. Approach to that guy in sneak mode {columbia2}. Kill him using piano wire, then take the idol and leave the area quietly. Don't worry, no one will see you. Go south until you come to a river. To find the village, face east and run along the river. This may take a while so be patient. Take the idol to the village, in the northeastern corner of the map. Make sure the idol is equipped so the villagers see it. One will usually greet you, and tell you to take the idol to the chief. His home is in the center of the village, and he will come out to take the idol from you, after his servants praise you for returning the idol. He will then ask you to go free his family member at the bridge. Follow the river again, facing west this time, until you near the bridge. Since you have changed your clothes, no one will attack you. The bridge is guarded by five or six guards on the bridge, and one in a watchtower. Climb to guard tower. Pick up all of the sniper rifle ammo then kill the guard silently (in sneak mode). Pick up the sniper rifle and start killing everyone on the bridge except the tribesman. When you receive a message "prisoner is free" go back to village. Go back to village. Another way to free the tribesman is by using a guard uniform, walking up to the rear of the guards' formation on the bridge, and pulling out AK, then wasting as many of the guards as possible. The village leader will thank you, and you've completed the mission.
Hints & Tips This mission, and the following one, are both fairly easy to accomplish. The settings of the Colombian jungle can seem intimidating at first, but are quite easy to navigate with your compass at hand. The trees offer great cover for stealth, and for when the firefights break out. The ambient sounds and gorgeous graphics on these levels will definitely impress you when you first get to them.
On mission you have one objective given to you by The Agency. It is simply to locate a downed aircraft that was carrying an ancient golden idol revered by local tribes▓ people. You must then take this idol to them in order to win their friendship so that they will help you to find the secret lair of Pablo Belisario Ochoa, the drug lord. However, this mission will reveal a further objective as you get into it. Once the idol is given to the chief of the village, he will ask you to free his relative from the clutches of soldiers that are holding a bridge nearby. Upon rescuing the chief's family member, he will reveal how to reach Pablo's lair, and you will move onto the next level. An invaluable piece of equipment on this level is the compass, as it is very easy to get turned around in the jungle. Binoculars are also useful for penetrating through the jungle fog. I recommend starting with an AK, as opposed to the M16, as there will be plenty of 7.62 ammo lying around, but none for the M16. There are locations marked on your map where you can find caches of ammo and weaponry. Remember, however, that these are guarded by two or three guards in most cases.
The Jungle God Weapons used: Whatever is left from the previous mission [M 16A]
Cross the bridge, and head west. Look for the wild pigs, and kill one. Take its body to the south and locate the leopard. The cat will not bother you unless you cross over the bloodstained stone altar. Drop the pig on the altar, and back up. Wait for the leopard to start eating, and then run past it and go to the hole in the rock wall just south of the altar.
Say Hello to My Little Friend Weapons used: Whatever is left from the previous mission [Knife] [Beretta SD] [Desert Eagle] [AK 47] [AK 103] [M 60] [MiniGun] [Bomb]
Get the body armor and a knife from the crate in front of you. Also if you haven't changed your clothes in the previous two missions kill someone and take his clothes. Go into the base, and then to the tent in front of you. Take the Silenced Beretta and ammos. You might want to leave the armor for later. Also go to the tent in front of the mansion and take the M16 or AK47 ammo. Now it is time to enter the mansion. Use the back door to enter the mansion. Instead of killing everybody inside with AK or M16, use knife (also you can use Fibre Wire). That way no one would be alerted. First kill the guards who are alone in the first floor one by one with knife. Then kill the guard in the middle of the mansion with a shot to back of his head (use Silenced Beretta). Close the door and wait a few seconds. The guard who is standing in front of Pablo's door will run downstairs. He is probably not going to attack you because he didn't see you killing anybody. Cut his throat too! Now it is time to kill guards on the second floor. Do the same thing you did, kill everyone with a knife. After you killed everybody take out your silenced. Open the main entrance door. Kill the two guards outside and close the door. There are two more guards in the mansion, on the first floor, in a room with double doors. Kill them too. Now there is no one in the mansion. You killed everyone because if you don't, they attack you while you are fighting with Pablo. You can kill Pablo with AK47 but it takes too long and the gunfight alerts the guards outside. So take out your knife and attack! Try to get behind of him, especially while he is loading his weapon. Then cut his throat. It just took me a few seconds to kill him. Take the bomb and the letter from Prof. Go to the lab. There are three guard towers, which see the lab clearly. First kill the guards in the three towers. You might fall of the stairs. Hold the run and move keys while climbing and don't let go. One of the guard towers is close to the fences. Be careful while you are killing the guard in that tower. Other guards who walk by the fences might see you. No one should be around and you should be in sneak mode. When you are done, use the back door to enter the lab. Look around. If no one is around, take out your silenced and kill the guards. Quickly open the door and enter. Now you are between two doors. Reload your weapon and wait for others to come. Enter the lab in sneak mode. If there are other guards inside doing nothing don't bother. Silently plant the bomb on explosives and leave the area. When you are outside, if someone attacks you, run to the mansion. Change your clothes. You might wear the light brown uniform. If no one attacks you then you don't have to change. Go next to plane. Take out Desert Eagle or Beretta. Kill them all and use the plane to escape.
Traditions of Trade Weapons used: Fibre Wire [Knife] [Luger SD]
The hotel, as the mission briefing says, has high security. Make sure the only weapon you take is the fiber wire, as all others will set off the metal detectors. Enter the hotel and talk to the person at the customer service desk just to your right after you enter. Here, you will find what room "Wuff" is in (202). Wuff is your target. If you want to get a knife go to the kitchen. I personally prefer knife for silent kills because it is much quicker than fibre wire. The easiest way to go Wuff's room is to take the elevator to 2nd floor in the lobby. Open the double doors in front of you and you will see a guard standing. That room is Wuff's. Follow one of the bellboys with the vacuums around until he goes into a room and leaves (carelessly) the master key in the door. Take it (don't let him see), and go into the room just to the right of Wuff's room (201). Go out onto the balcony, and check the one to your left. Make sure the guard isn't out there, and jump across {budapest1}. Be careful now, and enter "sneak" mode. Wait until he has his back turned and is looking into the mirror. Come up behind him and kill him quietly. Take the letters, keys, silenced pistol and the sign. I suggest you to kill the other guard before you kill Wuff because if you can't kill Wuff with a shot or if he screams, the guard will run in and attack you. This will alert the policemen. To kill the guard, open the door. Check if there is anyone in the hallway (bellboy or police). You can do that by leaning. When nobody is around strangle him, drag him in quickly and put the "do not disturb" sign on the door. Close the door. Now it is time to kill Wuff. Go into the bathroom. Kill Wuff quickly with the silenced pistol {budapest2}. Take the bomb case in the room. You might want to drop all of your weapons except fibre wire because you can finish the game without using any weapons. Also you can go through the metal detectors too. It will be easier for you to navigate around the hotel. Leave through the balcony, and out the door of the room next door. If you decided to keep your weapons then be careful not to go through metal detectors. Go to the guy at the front desk. Talk to him. He will give you Wuff's letters. Read the letters. Now you know that you are suppose to kill the dentist too because he has the bomb. Also Florist has a package for you. It is a shotgun in a flower box. As I said before, you don't need to use any weapons other than fibre wire. So it is an option. But the way Hitman opens the flower box and the roses fell down is really cool. It is like in the movies. Go upstairs to the dentist's office and find out where Mr. Fuchs is. Go and kill him. There are two places that he can be.
Thermal Bath The easiest and most subtle way was to wait until he was in the thermal bath. Wait for him to leave the bath and go into the east sauna. If you talk to him in there you will see he has a heart problem. Leave and turn the valve outside of the sauna {budapest3}. He will die of a heart attack. Take his key.
Restaurant If he is in the restaurant, wait for him to go to the bathroom. Kill him there and take his key. Go to the 3rd floor. You will see double doors with a green exit sign on it. That door leads to the roof. Go into the window on the northwest side of the roof {budapest4}. Sneak and strangle the guard here. Open the double doors. There is a guard here but if you walk in sneak mode he won't see you. Walk into the x-ray room and put the bomb into the case. Run out the window and go into hotel. Go left then right, straight through two double doors and take another right and there should be a single door with a green sign on it. Go all the way down, run through the kitchen, out the back door, and into the alley to escape.
Gunrunner's Paradise Weapons used: Beretta SD MP5 SD Kevlar Vest
Go forward a bit and you will see a gang member coming {rotterdam1}. Kill him and take his clothes. Go to Strip Joint (Kinky Cola). While you are on your way, change the first train switch (map-yellow dot). Talk with the bartender. Enter the dressing room and talk with the striper {rotterdam2}. The gang member who is guarding the car will leave the car alone for a while and go with the striper. Attach the transmitter and wait for gang members to leave. There are three different meeting locations that changes every time you play the game. You can use the receiver or your map to locate it but you still cannot go there because fences are blocking your way. You have to change the train switches so that the train would go through the locked fenced door and give you access to the meeting location. You have to change the switch on the yellow dot in any cases (but you already did that in the beginning). The green lines shows where you started this mission.
MAP 5 1st Possible Meeting Location Change the switch on the Red dot. 2nd Possible Meeting Location You don't have to change any switches. 3rd Possible Meeting Location Change the switch on the Blue dot.
Now go to the warehouse. Kill the dogs with Beretta SD. Pick up the transmitter from the car and enter the warehouse. Waste everyone and hide his bodies. You may hide the bodies behind the crates. You will receive two informations saying that: Ivan will arrive in 3 minutes and Ivan will arrive in 1 minute. After you hid the bodies attach the transmitter to the briefcase and pick it up. Give the briefcase to Ivan when he arrives. You've completed the mission.
Plutonium Runs Loose Weapons used: Knife MP5 SD [Sniper rifle]
THE LEGEND FOR THE MAPS: Red dot: guard or a dog on the ground White dot: guard on the roof Blue dot: two guards Numbers: gates Gray lines: the location where you should kill the specific guards Red lines: path
MAP 1 Climb the ladder. Kill the guard (Red). You can sneak behind him and kill him with a fibre wire or knife. Take his clothes and go to the gate 1. The guards don't let you go so wait for another guard to come. You can go in with him.
MAP 2 Follow the red lines and does the same thing you did before to enter the gates.
MAP 3 Now you are going to the small arms depot. You are going to kill all of the guards on your way back, not now! Follow the red line.
MAP 4 Now you are on the green dot. There are two dogs between two buildings (Red). First kill both of them with your silenced weapon. Then run to the small arms depot (don't worry about the gray dot right now). Another dog will attack, kill it too. Go into the depot. Take the bomb and the sniper. Now it is time to kill every dot (guards). Use only your sniper! Kill the gray dot.
MAP 3 Kill every guard you see! Before you open the gate 5, kill the guards guarding gate 4 too. Open gate 5 and go in a little bit. Kill the guard on the roof. Drop your weapon and kill the guard between two buildings with a Knife or Fibre Wire.
MAP 4 Now you are going to plant the bomb into the car. There are two buildings next to the car and 4 guards patrolling around the buildings. 2 of them are patrolling around the upper building, the other 2 are patrolling around the lower building. The gray line shows the location where you suppose to kill the guards. Kill them with your silenced weapons. Don't let them alert anyone. Always be in the sneak mode while you are killing them. After you are done, go get your sniper and kill the guard in front of the car. Plant the bomb. You can go to the ship now.
Kill the crewman who is alone! Drag him in a little bit, not too much because the guards who are patrolling along the dock might see him. Take his clothes and go into the ship. Walk forwards and turn left. Open the door {rotterdam3}. Go in, turn left 2 times, walk and take the stairs to go down again. You are in a cargo hold. Turn right, walk and go downstairs. You will come to an engine room {rotterdam4}. The nuke is in a room behind that engine. Kill everyone inside and disarm the nuke. Go back to the deck of the ship. Use the ladders to go to the bridge. Start the engine and you've completed the mission. By the end of the mission, my health was 100% and my armor was 100% too.
The Setup Weapons used: Kevlar Vest [UZI]
Enter the sanitarium. Talk with the guard. Before you go to Dr. Kovac's office upstairs, open the double doors in front of you. You are in an office now. Go upstairs and walk until you see a door. Enter the lab. There are two guns but pick up only UZI. Exit from where you are. Go to the second floor and pass through operating theatre. Enter the double doors right in front of you. Dr. Kovac's office is on the right. Before you enter his office, kill a guard and take his clothes. You can also kill a madman with a syringe (go to the bathroom and open the first aid box) and take his clothes. Anyway, enter Dr. Kovac's room. Talk with him. SWAT will arrive and he will run away. Pick up the sanitarium key hanging on the bulletin board. Go back to lobby (down stairs). Open the double doors between staircases. There is a fountain in the middle. Turn right and open the double doors again. Walk forwards and open one of the doors. Dr. Kovac's is in this room. Kill him (you don't actually have to kill him to finish the level). Now go to the TV-room (second floor). Talk with the guy sitting on the chair (seem familiar?). He needs antidote. You can find lots of antidote in the caged area in the same room. He will help you to get to the next mission.
Meet Your Brother Weapons used: Whatever is left from the previous mission
Kill the guard. Find yourself a perfect spot. Lean your back against the wall and kill them one by one. When you killed one, drop your weapon and take his weapon. Do this every time until you kill all of them (10 clones). Drag one of them to the place from where they were coming out. Drag the body to the footprints. Enter the door in front of you. Kill the professor. Watch the cut-scene while 47 breaks his neck (that should have been included in the game!). (I first found the window where you can see them coming. That was my spot to kill them all.)