While playing, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + "~". This will bring up a small text icon at the bottom left of the screen. Type any of the codes below (including spaces):
Code - Result @ bythepowerofgrayskull - Full Heal @ ihavethepower - Full Mana @ yourbulletscannotharmme - The Wizard is Invincible @ dontfearthereaper - Adds Souls @ castratetheheathens - Wizard Can Collect Red Spirits @ timeisonmyside - Resets the Spell Timers @ aplethoraof [monster name] - Summon 4 Monsters of [monster name] @ alliwantforxmasisa [monster name] - Summon 1 Monster of [monster name] @ gimmegimmegimme [spell name] - Gives Spell [spell name] @ ragebuilding - Levels you to Level 9 and gives you all spells and creatures (local multiplayer)