
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Red Alert 2
Тип документа : Help Всего страниц : 1 Текущая : 1

So, if you are playing for allies and you want to get PSI-Corp
Trooper, then train a spy, lead it to Psychic Beacon, and
infotrate it. When that girl would say that it is infotrated,
click infantry button, and build your PSI-Corp Trooper.

To make your Troopers be born with promotions, lead spyes to
Barracks, War Factories, Tech Centeres, Naval Yards e.t.c.

What does Cloning Vats do ?
I had such question once. I built it and ... POOF! When I trained
one Yuriy, I found another one inside! Don't make your Troopers go
into the Clonong Vats building. This option is only if you have
captured enemy Tanya, for example. You should get a "Train Tanya"

Wait, and maybe you'll se a "What does Ore Purifier do?"

Good Bye, YO!

Кто прислал: Unknown georgean Когда: 6:2:2001 - стр. 1 -


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