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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Grim Fandango
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 11 Текущая : 7

You'll end up with the key. Now, head to the lighthouse, and use the key on the door. Walk in, and get the card that
was left behind. Head to the Calavera Cafe, and use the card on Lupe to get the jacket. Use the jacket (without facing
anything) to get a piece of paper. Now head to Toto's and show him the paper. Finally, head to the cat track. Pull out
your ticket printer and print up a ticket for Week 2, Tuesday, Race 6, and use it at the Photo Finish window. (NOTE:
Week 2 can be found by reading the plaque on the statue of the cat, Race 6 can be found by looking at the photo, and
the day of the week, well, it's a 1 in 7 chance). Head to the VIP lounge, and use the photo you got on Nick, who's
you're new lawyer. You've got the tools, you've got the card, you've got a job, now you need Glottis.

Betting the Farm
Glottis won't leave the track, so you'll have to cut him off by getting the cafe shut down. Go to your office, and use
your desk to bring up the roulette system. When the red light is on for the rightmost wheel, use the magnet to make
the ball land on a different number, and Bogan will shut down the club. This will get Glottis kicked out of the Cat
Track, and you're on your way.

Year Three

Head into the ship and down the ladder, then start down the hall, and you'll be rescued by Glottis. Raise the starboard
anchor, use the controls and push right, lower the starboard anchor, raise the starboard anchor, use your scythe on the
anchors out the starboard porthole, and raise the port anchor to rip the ship in half. Go to the controls and pull back
to let `er rip.

Under the Sea
Walk to the edge of the light, and along will come Chepito. Say: "Well, I don't wanna break your stride there"
He'll walk next to you. Grab the light, and turn towards Glottis, who will handle Chepito for you. Once you're at the
pearl, walk along the ridge to the rock sticking out of it. Walk around the rock counterclockwise (in front of it first),
and Chepito will get caught, and you'll get a ride.

The Edge of the World
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: Corvin Когда: -:-:- - стр. 7 -


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