
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Indiana Jones and the Last Cruesade
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 6 Текущая : 6

corner. Keep going up the ladders to 3rd level. On 3rd level
run to a different ladder going down. Go down to 1st level and
this time you'll go to the biplane. Henry will already be there.
Fly around and dodge the plane. Just don't let them shoot ya
down for a while. After crashing, choose the expensive looking car.

Give the pass to the guards at the guard posts. Once outside
the grail temple save the game for the last time. Once inside,
go to Donovan and go past the 3 trials. If you die on the trials
you will have to start over from the 1st. The 1st trial is
tricky. You have to get Indy to go more south or he will get cut
all up. The 2nd trial is easy. All you have to do is step on
letters that spell out the word Indy keeps saying. Just wait
till he says the word. For the 3rd trial, immediatly possition
the pointer over the cave to the right and press return to go
there. Once inside, you must choose the correct grail from the
written version of the grail book the game comes with and use it
in the water. Then you can pick up the grail after rescuing your
father and give it to the knight. You can also give it to Elsa
and look at the seal once it is broken to use your whip to get
the grail back. Be sure to give it to the knight. After that,
the game ends! Pretty good game, huh? Corny jokes though.
Good luck. Later....
я сам лично в эту игру не играл(не достанешь) у кого она есть пишите

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