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I want to tell U about the difficult levels(this is my point of view):
This is a relatively short level, and possibly the most beautiful of
the entire game. Not much to find in this one, tho there is a great
bow to be found...
Find your way to the Succubi Lair
Yep, you've landed in another pool of water. Swim to the doorway and
walk through. A gate ahead of you will clang open and a moment later
a movie sequence will begin. A dying Rimril will tell you that the
Succubi have 'dragonnapped' Arokh and taken him to their lair. You
must now find a way across the Islands, on foot, in order to rescue
When the movie ends, turn to the left and follow the path you'll
find there. A Succubi or two may attack you at this point (if they
do not, they'll be further ahead). Run along the path and kill a
Goblin or two by some ferns to get some (1) Arrows. Keep going
forward. You may notice a green dragon circling overhead. Ignore him
and he'll ignore you.
The path will end at a drop off overlooking a small bay. You'll see
some Goblins below and to the right , hanging out by a fire near
some stone ruins. You might also notice some Goblins patrolling a
ledge high above the first Goblins. Jump into the water and swim to
the shore, kill the Goblins there. The Goblins on the ledge above
you will starting shooting explosives in your direction. Dodge them
if you can and run to the stone ruins, where you'll find (2) a
couple of health elixers in a barrel, then run East up a path that
winds around a large rock formation. Near the top a Goblin will try
to squash you with a boulder. Just stay to the right side hugging
the wall and you'll be fine. Kill the Goblin and any others past
At the top the path ends in a stone bridge. If you remember your
explorings from Level 5, things may start to look familiar to you.
At the other end of the bridge is a Giant (he may already have begun
tossing explosive barrels in your direction) and a couple pesky
dragonflies. Kill the Giant and the dragonflies. The dragonflies are
definitely a pain to hit while on foot, but they will follow if you
try to ignore them, so kill them.
Continue to follow the path, which will veer off to the right. Kill
a few more Goblins, one of which will cough up a potion of life and
continue up the path as it winds around another large rock
formation. At the top is a short bridge, with a Flame Knight at the
end. Kill him and wind your way down the path. As you reach the
bottom some Goblins below and to your left may start firing at you.
You can fire back using your bow or just ignore them and dash across
the path section to safety behind a big rock.
Keep going forward, down a short sandy slope to the waters edge -
kill a couple more Goblins. Turn to your right - you'll run by a
gate door - the one you could not open during Level 5. Run past it
to the stone ruins beyond, kill some Goblins. Behind their cooking
pot, there are some (3) Explosive Arrows in a nook in the wall.
Crouch by the wall to grab them.
Turn around and run back past that gate door and past that slope you
walked down from. Follow the water's edge until you find another
passage to your left. This leads into a semi-open roofed cavern
area. As you run down it, the floor will explode open and a large
ornate (4) coffin will pop out of the ground to hang suspended in
mid-air. From it will emerge a Spectre, who will attack. Spectres
are ghost-like monsters who fire magic spells and require you to
'kill' them two or three times before they will 'die' for good.
Inside the coffin you'll notice a gold key. Look up and you'll see a
hole in the cavern roof above the coffin. Find your way to the top
of the island (kill the Goblins up there for a couple health
elixers, if you wish) and stand by that hole. Your objective is to
drop into the hole and land on top of the coffin. I find it easiest
to do this when you stand by the hole facing South. Line yourself
with the top of the coffin as best as you can, then look up - don't
look down into the hole - then step off into the hole. When you land
on the coffin, have Rynn crouch and press the spacebar. She will
reach behind her and grab the Key.
**Note: Quite a few players have succeeded in jumping into the
coffin from the ground below it by side-jumping. I personally
haven't succeeded using this method. Try both in order to figure out
which method works best for you.
Jump off the coffin and run back to that gate door. Use the Key to
open it and grab the (5) Energy Bow off the pedastal. Leave the tiny
room and turn left back towards those stone ruins. Swim across the
short distance to the next island where you'll emerge facing a stone
wall. A Goblin or two will be behind the wall - kill them then
follow the sand path near the waters edge. Turn to the left into a
wide open sandy area which leads into a open roof cavern with crates
piled on both sides. Just beyond those crates stand 2 Giants, and
there are Goblins lining the roof opening above.
If you lure the Giants to the crates by the wall and stand behind
them, they won't be able to reach you. I've played games where the
Goblins above killed the Giants for me, with their explosive arrows.
At any rate, kill the Giants and run into the area where they were,
turn left and follow the cavern path a little ways. At the end is a
open grass area. A lightning tower is to your left, and ahead of you
is a (6) War Giant. Kill him however you can and proceed on South.
You'll pass another lightning tower, and a couple more Goblins on a
ledge to your right. Kill them for a health elixer. Follow the
ledge/path to the South some more and you'll find the entrance to
the (7) Succubi Lair. Enter to find a chamber with crates within. To
the right of the chamber is a passage way. When you enter you'll
hear some moaning - ignore it, it's just cool sound effects. The
walls of this passage have pulsating knobby things upon
them...ignore them also. Keep going down the passage for a little
ways, and soon the loading level bar will appear and you'll be on
your way to Level 9....
Lots of Flame Knights in this one, as well as many treasures. You
don't have Arokh at all in this level, so you'll have to rely on
stealth and Rynn's sword arm to carry the day.
Getting Started\Find the Succubus Mirror
Run forward through the passage you begin the level in. You'll soon
see a doorway. To one side of the doorway is a wood casket, where
you'll find some (1) Magic Arrows and a Long Bow within. When you
step through the doorway and onto the ledge beyond, two Succubi will
appear in the distance ahead and attack. You can either take them
out with your bow or endeavor to get them to land and kill them w/a
melee weapon.
Run forward along the path towards the door they were guarding - it
should now be open. Walk a little ways straight ahead and a movie s
equence will start. A disgruntled Succubi will inform you that she
will help you locate the (12) Throne Room if you fetch her mirror
from the (5) Bathing Chamber.
When the movie ends, turn to the right and follow the ledge, past a
steaming vent, until you spy an elevator platform on your lefthand
side. Jump onto it and ride it to the bottom, where a Flame Knight
will greet you.
The Spiral Room
You now have 2 choices of direction, around a corner to the left and
straight ahead. The short left path leads to a locked door, so run
straight ahead through the open door, instead. Follow the passageway
till it ends at the entrance to a large cavern, which has a (15)
large spiral rock formation in the middle.
As soon as you stick your nose through the entrance, a Succubi will
attack from the air. She most likely will never land, so you must
use your bow to get rid of her. If you look ahead you'll notice a
Flame Knight standing on a ledge, level with yours. Since you have
your bow out anyway, pepper him with arrows until he falls.
Run/jump to the spiral rock and walk up to the very top. Notice how
it ends in a point? If you look down, you'll see another ledge. Back
up a ways (don't fall off!) and take a running jump *off that point*
to land on the ledge below. This is a tricky jump, since if you
don't initiate your jump at just the right moment, you won't make
the leap and you'll plummet to your death. Even if you make it,
you'll probably take some minor damage when you land.
Once on the ledge, turn left and you'll find a skeleton who's
hoarding a potion of life and (2) the Sword of Resentment. Turn
around and go back to the spot you landed on, and run/jump back to
the spiral rock. Again, you'll likely take some damage when you
Follow the spiraling path around downwards till you reach the
ground. A Flame Knight in front of you, standing by some crates,
will attack. Kill him and pick up the (3) Magic Arrows and Heavy Bow
by the crates, if you need them. On the West side of the cavern
you'll find a small nook with a skeleton and a (4) Fire Crystal.
Run to the door on the East side of the cavern (near where that
Knight was standing) and approach, but do not go through it. If you
step through, a spike trap will activate. So tiptoe up to the door
till you hear a click and step back. Wait for the spikes in the
doorway to retract again and then run through.
Follow the passage, killing a couple Ticks (apparently, that's the
name for what I was calling exoplate bugs) along the way, into a
small cavern. As you walk into it Rynn will say "It's quiet in here,
too quiet." Soon as she does, a small army of Ticks will drop from
the ceiling. Kill them all then run through the door at the other
end of the cavern.
Run through the passage till you near a doorway. There are 2 wooden
caskets to the sides of the door, containing a potion of life and
some Poison Arrows. Go through the door, kill a couple Succubi, and
follow the path until you reach a stone cavern w/a large body of
water in the middle. This is the (5) Bathing Chamber.
The Bathing Chamber
As you enter the bathing chamber, path will fork left and right.
Take the left fork and follow it, past the bathing lake, until you
reach another fork in the path. Now turn around and you'll see some
Spectres chasing after you. Kill them all and then take the left
path of this second fork. Follow to a doorway, through a passage
into a long narrow cavern chamber. Kill the Scavengers inside. To
the right of where they were clustered together is a small wood box.
Next to that is a Jail Key. Grab it up and face the South wall.
You'll notice a couple of doors. The 1st one, on your left, is
empty, but within the 2nd one, to your right, is a pristine set of
(6) Plate Mail and the Death Mace.
To the West of the plate mail room is a 3rd room, where you'll find
an imprisoned Orc behind a locked door. Use the Jail Key to open his
cell door, but *DONT* kill him just yet. He will run out of his cell
back to that small wooden box and will open it. Once he's opened it,
feel free to chop him to pieces. Inside the box you'll find (7) an
Invisibility Potion, health elixer, and more Magic Arrows.
Leave the jail chamber the way you came in, going all the way back
to the bathing chamber. Run around the lake till you find a doorway
with a very large Orc behind it. This is Grungel, and he's not your
ordinary run-of-the-mill Orc - he's holding a big purple hammer and
has more hit points. When you kill him, he'll drop - what else - (8)
Grungel's Hammer.
Beyond the doorway he was standing in is a wooden casket, which will
open as you approach to reveal the (8) Succubus Mirror you're
looking for. Grab it and leave the room, turn left and follow the
path around the bathing lake towards a barred door. As you approach
this door a Flame Knight will appear. Kill him and the door will
open so you can run through it. It might appear to be a dead end,
but there's a passage to the right. Follow it to a doorway that will
open as you get close to it, and you'll find yourself back where you
started, close to that elevator platform.
Ride that platform back up to the top ledge and walk back to where
you talked to that Succubi. She'll appear in another movie sequence,
admire herself in her mirror, then tell you to follow a sparkly,
dancing Light to find the Throne Room. When the movie ends, move
towards the locked doorway ahead of you and the Light will fly to
the door and open it.
**Note: The Light beacon travels much faster than you do. If you
lose sight of it, don't worry. It will stop and 'hover' at certain
key points, and wait for you to catch up.
Find the Throne Room
Follow the Light through the doorway into another open cavern.
You'll see a path that leads across a chasm, and a moving platform
in the middle of the room. A couple Succubi will attack as you
enter. The platform looks worth exploring, but first run past it and
kill a Flame Knight in a doorway or he'll fire at you while you're
trying to jump to the platform. Once he's dead, you can ride that
platform to a ledge on the other side and pick up some Arrows.
Return to where you killed the Knight and go through the doorway.
Follow the passage till you reach yet another large cavern area.
There should be a Succubi hovering in the air near the entrance.
Often you can kill her before she even notices you're there, if you
stay behind the entrance and target her with your bow. Once she's
dead step through the doorway onto a narrow ledge that borders a
deep chasm.
You now have a choice of going left or right. You'll see your beacon
Light dancing in front of a locked doorway to the left and below of
your position. ignore it for now and turn right, following the ledge
path until you come across a Flame Knight. A Succubi may appear as
well, so kill her also. Continue on down the path, being careful not
to fall of the ledge as you wind around. You'll eventually reach a
doorway - go through to find a moving platform. This platform moves
fairly fast, so you'll have to be speedy about run/jumping onto it.
Jump off onto the other side, follow that ledge to the right to find
an (9) Invincibility Potion, 2 health elixers, and a 2nd Energy Bow.
When you grab these items, a Flame Knight will appear on the ledge
behind you. Kill him (don't get too crazy with the jumping moves,
there's not much room on that ledge) then use the moving platform to
get back where you came from. Run allll the way back up the path to
where you started and now continue on past the entrance door. Kill a
Knight guarding a doorway, keep running. You'll pass a barred
doorway that you can't open and will have to kill another Knight
slightly to the right of this door. There will also be, to the left
of you, 2 more Knights, one on a high ledge, who will fire their
flaming spears at you. You can't reach them at this time, so either
use your bow or ignore them and run foward.
**Note: You may have seen the other 2 Knights from a distance,
before, while fetching that Energy Bow etc. If you killed them with
a bow then, they (obviously) won't attack now.
Just beyond the Knight near the locked doorway is where your beacon
Light is hovering. As you approach it will fly into a doorway on
your left. If you follow it you'll only find another locked doorway,
however, so instead, run past that door, following the path. A
Succubus will appear and attack. Kill her and keep going until you
reach another doorway. You'll see a skeleton inside. Walk through
the doorway into the room and a sneaky Orc will close the door,
locking you in.
Don't panic - ignore that Orc and grab the (10) Magic Arrows and
Heavy Bow by the skeleton. Look around the small room. Notice how
the floor is different in that small alcove, across from the room's
door? One 'stone' of that different looking floor is bigger and
rounder than the others. Crouch down and hit it a few times. It will
break open and you'll fall through (short drop, no damage) to find
yourself standing just beyond that locked doorway you couldn't get
through earlier (it will be open now).
Follow the passage until you reach the area where those 2 Knights
are. You'll see your beacon Light dancing by a doorway on the high
ledge. To either side of you is a moving platform. The one on your
left just takes you back to where you were before, so you can ignore
it. However, if you walk in it's direction and follow the edge of
the ground beyond it's position you'll find a small area with a
skeleton, (11) The Cleaver, 2 health elixers and a potion of life.
Run back around to that 2nd platform, the one that's moving up and
down. Ride it up to the ledge it's next to, hop off, turn to the
left and run through that doorway that's up there. Run through a
dark passage with those pusalating warts on the wall until it
changes into a stone tunnel. You'll see a couple of barrels to your
right. Break them open for a potion of life and continue onward
until it dead-ends into a path intersection.
To your right is a barred door, so go left through the open door
instead. Follow the passage for a ways until it opens into a large,
dark cavern. This is where you'll find the (12) Throne Room. You'll
be able to see a Knight standing on a narrow bridge ahead of you.
This is your first Ebon Knight. They're somewhat harder to kill than
the Flame Knights, so beware. Once you kill him he will drop the
sword (13) Mourn Bringer, which is indestructible. Once you have
this sword, you can pretty much throw away all your other melee
weapons, freeing up a lot of inventory space.
Run across the bridge where he was standing towards the ornate
structure beyond. Run into it and a movie sequence will begin,
showing a converstation between the Succubus Queen Shilla and your
captured dragon. When it ends, your new mission is to find the
Grimstone Shipping Docks.
Find the Grimstone Dock
Leave the Throne Room area and run back the way you came, down the
passage to where that barred doorway was located. It will now be
open and you can run through. Follow passage to a grassy floored
cavern. Beware, a War Giant resides inside. You must kill him in
order to proceed, so don't bother trying to sneak past him. Here's a
tip for killing him - he can't follow you back through the doorway.
Once the War Giant is dead, a door on the other side of the cavern
will open up. Run towards it (don't fall into the giant hole in the
middle of the cavern floor) and follow the passage. Kill a large
Scavenger, keep going, kill another Scavanger and continue on until
you reach an area with a lot of crates. There will be some more
Scavangers in this area. Kill them all then turn right through a
doorway just past the crates. Travel down a narrow, tight passageway
till you see a wide open cavern area, with a boat sitting in a small
bay to your right. This is the (14) Grimstone Dock.
Residing in the dock area are lots of Orcs and one Primitive Giant.
If you're lucky and patient, the Giant may kill many of the Orcs for
you as he tosses them into the air in your direction - highly
amusing to hear an Orc scream as it's flying through the air.
Once they're all dead, you may notice a lone Orc on a ledge behind
that big boat. If you follow the cavern wall to the East, back
towards the entrance, you'll find a narrow passage that leads over
there. Kill the Orc and grab the Arrows then run back to the boat.
Run/jump from the docks to the boat, take a couple steps and a movie
will play, showing the boat leaving the dock area. A black 'loading
level' screen will appear and then another movie will begin playing.
This one shows the boat arriving at another dock, populated with
lots of Orcs. Rynn dives off the boat, and you'll hear a broadcasted
announcement about a meeting (very humorous) and all the Orcs will
leave. At the end of this film sequence you'll find Rynn standing
next to some crates on the dock.
You've now entered the Volcano World, and Level 10 begins....
Level TenVOLCANO - Level 10A
This level seems to confuse a lot of people....please keep in mind
that most of the notations on the above map are for locations
underground, in the cavern dungeons.
Getting Started\Rescue Arokh\Dragon Armor Rune
You start this level standing by some stacked crates. Walk forward a
bit to trigger a movie sequence, which will show Rynn talking to the
captured Arokh, who lies chained to a platform. When the movie is
over, you must now retrieve the Rune Cage Key from Queen Shilla, in
order to free your dragon.
From Arokh's platform turn around and run up the path past the
docks. There's a guard post halfway up the slope, with an Ebon
Knight there. You'll probably notice him shooting his sizzling
lightning bolts at you before you actually see him. They have more
hit points than Flame Knights and do more damage when they hit you
so beware. Ebon Knights will, upon death at melee range, drop a Dark
Scimitar, like the Flame Knights drop Flame Swords.
Kill the Knight how you can then continue slowly up that slope.
There's a large Orc standing at the top, who will drop a (1) Mithril
Great Sword when you kill him. Be wary, when you approach him a 2nd
Orc will appear. The 2nd Orc will drop a plain Great Sword, which
you don't really need at this point.
Kill both and turn left into the tunnel pathway. Follow it to find a
doorway - an Ebon Knight will materialize as you approach. Take care
of him and then peer through the doorway...don't dash through just
yet. You'll find yourself looking into a wide open outdoor area,
with a wide stone walkway. At the end of the walkway is the biggest
Scavanger you've ever seen. He's as tall as Rynn - no need to crouch
down in order to hit this guy! When you go through the door and take
a few steps forward he'll come bounding towards you, so be ready to
take him out. He's no pansy, so use whatever tricks you have.
Once he's dead, run through the doorway he was guarding, into a
firey red tunnel. Follow the passage to another doorway - when you
start to go through it a movie sequence will begin, showing Rynn
eavesdropping on Queen Shilla's monster meeting.
At the end of the movie you'll find yourself standing on one end of
a large circular chamber room. Turn to your right and run forward,
following the wall, until you come upon a couple large caskets on
the floor. Stand in front of each one and they will open. You have
to actually jump into them to grab the goodies inside. One contains
some health elixers and Magic Arrows, while the other has a Potion
of Life and a (2) Lightning Axe w/10 charges.
Continue around the room until you reach a doorway that leads into a
long hallway. Don't just run down the hall, tho, because sections of
the floor are actually trap doors that fall away as you get close.
Move forward closely to trigger them, then run/jump over the gaps.
At the end of the hallway you'll find a cavern of lava with 2 large,
spinning, spiral platform things. Your aim is to jump onto the first
one, then jump to the 2nd one, and from there jump to a ledge
beyond. Try not to get too dizzy.
**Note: On the first spiral, stand on the wider section. On the 2nd
spiral, stand on the narrowest section. Or, you can try to take a
running jump off the end of the narrow section, as well. Whatever
Once on the ledge, you'll find a Flame Knight just around the
corner, to your left. Kill him and glance around - you'll notice an
area where large glowing lava balls are flying up and down in a gap
between the ledge you're standing on and another. Jump across that
gap - yes the lava balls will damage you if they touch you - and a
Flame Knight on yet another ledge, directly ahead of you, will start
firing in your direction. Jump over to his ledge, over yet more lava
balls, and take him out.
Run through the doorway, following a narrow cliff edge path. Kill a
couple Flame Knights along the way. At the end of the path you'll
have to leap across another gap to reach yet another ledge area,
dodging the attack of another Flame Knight who makes his home there.
Kill him and look northish to see a doorway in the rock. Jump across
another gap and go through the door. You'll observe a large platform
which has glowing green pillar things upon it. Jump across to it and
you'll find the (3) Dragon Armor Rune, floating in the air in middle
of the platform. Just stand in front of it and press the spacebar.
Jump back to the path ledge and turn left. You'll see another
**Note: *Save your game* at this point, in a new slot, not just a
quick save, because some people have gotten stuck here due to some
monster clipping errors! If you get stuck in the following section,
there's no way out and you'll have to reload. I've also heard that
if you just turn around and go back the way you came, some things
later in the game won't work but I haven't tested this myself.
Run through this doorway, through a narrow hallway. Be
careful...near the end of the hall is a spike trap that triggers as
you approach. Time it to get past the spikes and you'll find
yourself standing at a doorway, looking into a round chamber. In the
middle of the chamber is a pillar of floating, sparkly, green lights
- directly above this light pillar is a hole in the ceiling, which
is covered by a green barrier field. As you walk into the chamber, a
green barrier force field will cover the doorway, trapping you in
the room, and some coffins will rise out of the floor, releasing
several spectres. You must kill them all to be able to exit this
room. Occasionally, a Spectre will get 'stuck' in a wall, or in the
ceiling, as he drifts around to avoid your attacks, and if this
happens your only recourse is to either shoot arrows everywhere and
hope you get lucky and hit him, or reload and replay.
Once you've killed them all, the green barrier field over the small
hole in the ceiling will open up. Now you must use the green light
pillar to float up through the hole. I find the easiest way to do
this is to back into the pillar of light until you're standing right
in the middle, then hold down the jump key.
Once in the room above, follow the hallway you'll find to find a
moving circle platform. If you glance around you'll notice you're
back in the area where those spiral platform things were. Jump to
the circle platform - it will you take you to the spiral platforms -
jump onto the spiral platform, then back to the ledge, and follow
the hallway back to the meeting hall chamber, where you began. As
you reach the meeting hall, a couple more Spectres will appear and
attack - one of them will drop a Potion of Life.
Run up the center ramp and follow the ledge up and around to the
room's exit - you want to return to where that giant scavenger was.
As you approach the entrance to outside, a movie sequence will
begin, showing Rynn confronting Queen Shilla. At the end, Queen
Shilla will attack. She flies in order to avoid your attacks, but
she uses no magic, so just avoid her...uh...unusual methods of
physical attack and take her out. When Shilla dies, she drops the
Rune Cage Key.
Run across that wide stone bridge and run through the doorway. As
you do so, the ground will rumble loudly - turn around and you'll
see a Rune rise out of the ground. Ignore it for now and return to
Arokh's platform - as you approach a brief movie will show Rynn
using the Cage Key to free Arokh. Get on his back and walk or fly
him to the tunnel - you want to get back outside again in order to
Level TenVOLCANO - Level 10B - Dragon Armor & Beyond
Finding the Dragon Armor\Storage Rune & Storage Room
When you near the Rune by the doorway to outside, a long movie
begins, showing Arokh getting his new breath weapon - Lava - and
then a conversation between him and Rynn. When it's over, you'll
find yourself standing on the stone bridge with a large dragon
rushing up to attack you. Get in the air immediately and take him
out. If you move too far West while dodging fire, you'll have to
contend with a 2nd dragon, who is hiding behind a tall rock in that
direction, so be cautious.
**Note: Once again, you'll find that Arokh's breath weapon has
reverted to it's seeming default - Poison - if this is not what you
want to use, remember to hit the [ and ] keys to cycle between his
breath weapons.
Once you've taken care of things and have a calm moment, hover in
the air above the stone bridge facing West and take a look around.
You're in a large lava river valley, that appears to branch to the
left and right. In reality, both 'forks' in the valley just circle
around and end up in the same place, so it doesn't really matter
which direction you choose to fly in. However, there are plenty of
dragons and Knights dotted around the valley, as well as a couple
lightning towers, so my advice would be to move slowly West, killing
everything and clearing the area, before doing anything else.
As you move West, at the very end of the valley you'll find that the
lava stops at a huge drop off point - beyond that is just rock
cliffs, but if you look downwards you'll see a giant, swirling,
misty formation below. If you dive down a bit, the noise it makes
will increase until it's a steady rumbling roar. This is the (4)
Rift. You can't do anything with the Rift at this point, so it's
just decoration for now. Ignore it.
The entrance to find the Runeblade is in this area, tho, so you will
want to return here. However, once you have the Runeblade, you will
not be able to return to the lava valley, so if you want the Dragon
Armor, fly back to the lava valley. You may have noticed as you were
exploring the valley, a green barrier covering a hole in the
cliff-face near the middle of the map. Find it and hover above it.
To the left and right, above this barrier, are (5) small doorways in
the cliffside. Land Arokh on the narrow paths leading to them
(doesn't matter which side) and have Rynn enter. Two Flame Knights
are just inside, so kill them quickly then run through the doorway
they were guarding.
Follow the passage until you reach another green pillar of sparkling
light. This time tho, a elevator platform is also there. So step
into the light pillar and onto the elevator platform and ride down
into a cavern below. You'll see a 3 stacked crates to your right and
a Spectre guarding a lever to your left. Kill the Spectre and pull
the lever, which will dissolve the green barrier in front of you and
Arokh will come flying through.
There is a (6) Potion of Life on one of the crates here - do a side
jump to reach it. Get on Arokh's back and fly Eastish through the
cavern, down a tunnel. The tunnell will drop down sharply as it
bends around a corner and a dragon will appear, hovering in front of
you. In all my games, if you inch forward you can fry him and he
won't even move. heheh
A 2nd dragon awaits a little further ahead - he'll leave a health
rune in the air when you kill him. Just beyond where the 2nd dragon
was hovering is a ledge in the middle of the lava. You may notice a
green barrier doorway upon it. Land there and have Rynn approach the
doorway. On the left side of the door is a pedastal in the form of a
3-pronged claw. Stand next to it and hit the spacebar, and Rynn will
place the Dragon Armor Rune, which will dissolve the green barrier.
Enter the small room to find coffins on both sides of the chamber
and a casket in front of you. As you approach the casket a couple
Spectres will appear and attack. Once they're dead, you can grab
your prize out of that casket - the (7) Dragon Armor.
Return to Arokh and fly back to where you pulled that lever and exit
through that entrance. A dragon will attack as you emerge. Kill him
and then fly West, back to the Rift. Fly down and hover just above
the swirling Rift and turn around in a circle. There's a lightning
tower on one side (you may have noticed it shooting at you earlier).
Behind this tower is a (8) large portal doorway. Fly through it to
enter another cavern dungeon.
You'll be greeted not far up by a dragon and an Ebon Knight, both on
your right hand side. The Knight will drop an (9) Invisibility
Potion when he dies, so land on his tiny platform and scoop it up.
From where he was standing, fly SouthWest, up and over the lava
stream. You'll soon see a green barrier portal on your right side
and a platform ledge to the left of it. Land on the ledge and walk
to the circle in the floor. An elevator platform will descend and
you can ride it upwards, where you'll find yourself in a large room
with pillars on both sides and an Ebon Knight patrolling amongst
them. Kill him and move to the end of the pillars, where the floor
drops off. Another Ebon Knight, on a stone ledge below you, will
attack as you approach the edge. Jump down to where he is, kill him,
and run through the doorway ahead.
You're now in a room full of crates. To the right and below the
larger stack of crates is yet another ledge, where you'll observe a
Spectre and an Ebon Knight torturing a hapless prisoner. The Knight
is 'holding' the (10) Storage Rune - this is not a vital item in the
game, but it does allow you to find some items.
Jump down to their ledge, and kill them both. Grab the Storage Rune
the Knight drops.
**Note: the Storage Rune blends into the floor, color wise, and is
hard to locate at times. Occasionally, the Rune will fall through
the floor due to clipping errors, so you may want to save your game
before killing the Knight.
Around the corner from the Spectre and Knight is a Flame Knight.
Kill him and follow the path to the left till you reach an
intersection. To your left you'll see a green barrier doorway. To
your right are a bunch of crates. On one of those piles of crates
are some health elixers, if you want/need them.
Approach the green barrier doorway. To the right side is another of
those claw pedastals. Place the Storage Rune there and enter the
room. Inside are 3 large caskets. When you approach each one, an
Ebon Knight will appear either behind you or behind the casket, so
be wary. The casket on the left holds an (11) Energy Bow and Potion
of Life. The center casket holds an Invulnerability Potion. The
casket on the right holds a Lightning Crystal.
Exit the Storage room and head back the way you came. turning left,
away from that torture chamber ledge, at the top. Go through a
doorway there, kill the Ebon Knight who stands in your way, and run
to the end of the wide stone walkway. To the right is path - it's
dark, hard to see - use it to wind your way down to the next stone
walkway below. Kill the Flame Knight there, who will drop a Potion
of Life. Then follow the ledge to the right to find yourself on a
round platform surrounded by lava and a green barrier portal to the
right side. There's also a lever to the right. Pull it to dissolve
the green barrier and Arokh will come flying through to join you....
Level TenVOLCANO - Level 10C - Get the RuneBlade
The Lava Rune\The Runeblade
Once Arokh joins you, get on his back. When you do so, a dragon will
appear and hover nearby. You most likely can kill him without him
ever attacking, if you don't fly towards him first. Fly Southish,
down the cavern passage - just follow the lava river - till you
reach what looks like a dead end. Look down and you'll notice a deep
pit. Dive into the pit. About half way down is a small cave, where a
dragon hides, and at the bottom of the pit is a 2nd dragon.
From the bottom of the pit, fly Westish, following the lava river
again, till you notice a doorway on your left side. This is where
the Runeblade room is located, but you can't do anything until you
have the Lava Rune first, so ignore the doorway and keep flying past
the doorway, towards the right, up and over the lava. You'll find a
short tunnel - as you fly through a dragon or two will attack so be
cautious. Once they're dead, follow the tunnel until you come to a
large doorway with bluish grey fog beyond it. As you near, a couple
more dragons will emerge from the fog and attack.
You are now in a large open area full of mistly, swirling fog. From
the entrance, fly straight ahead and upwards to find a ledge in the
cliffside high above. Land there and have Rynn approach the doorway.
The doorway looks blocked by spikes but Rynn can squeeze through
them. Enter and walk to the chamber room ahead. An Ebon Knight will
appear - but be careful, don't just dash in to confront him, because
there will be another 2 or 3 Ebon Knights hiding behind the pillars
to your left and right, as well.
Once they're all dead, run through the doorway on the West side of
the room and follow the hallway until your reach a cavern. You'll
notice a coffin on a ledge to your left and a doorway on another
ledge to your right. Jump the small gap and land on the ledge with
the coffin. It will open and a Spectre will attack. Kill him - his
coffin is important, but there's something else you have to do
first, so turn around and jump to the ledge with the doorway and run
through. Follow the hallway - kill an Ebon Knight then turn your
attention to another pair of swirling, rotating blade platforms. Use
them to reach the ledge high above you.
Once atop, follow the passage you'll find there until you reach a
lever on a ledge. The ledge overlooks a large cavern filled with
cascading sparkly lights. If you glance left and right you'll notice
there's a doorway on each side of the cavern. Pull the lever and
keep your eye on those sparkly lights. After a moment you'll notice
they will have changed shape...they now should form a sort of
twisted funnel which spans the length of the cavern from one doorway
to the other.
Now...remember that coffin? Return there, from whence you came.
Stand in front of the coffin and jump into it. It will raise and
swivel around, so be sure and turn yourself around once you've
hopped into it. Jump out of the coffin onto the ledge it rises to
and follow the hallway to find yourself standing in front of those
sparkling lights.
The lights are actually an invisible path. Step out onto them, you
won't fall. Use the lights as your guide, following the path as it
twists and turns around. If you deviate from the path too far, you
will fall, and if this happens, you have to reload. You'll die, or
if you're cheat mode, there's no way out of the cavern if you fall.
Once on the other side, enter a doorway and follow the hallway to
another room. You'll see a casket ahead of you and once again, a
whole lot of coffins on either side. One guess as to what's going to
Kill all the Spectres that appear as you move forward. Once they're
all dead grab the (12) Lava Rune from that center casket and leave
the room. A couple more Spectres will appear ahead of you as you
leave. Take care of them then cross back over that light
path...return the way you came and rejoin with Arokh. Get on his
back and fly back through the foggy mist and go all the way back to
where that doorway leading to the (13) Runeblade was located. Fly
through the doorway, follow the tunnel until you reach a large
cavern filled to the brim with lava. You'll notice a small island in
the middle, which if you fly over appears to have holes, or windows,
on it's surface.
By the entrance to this lava room is a small stone walkway, with
another one of those claw pedastals. Place the Lava Rune there and
the lava in the room will gurgle away, revealing the bottom section
of the island. Fly over to it and find the small doorway. Land by it
and have Rynn enter, and take a peek around. To the right in this
room you'll notice a very large statue of a heoric looking archer,
to the left is a pull lever, and the middle of the room contains a
circular platform. On this platform you'll observe what looks like a
giant block of ice at the top of a spiral platform, and a big bowl
thing hanging from a curved pole to one side.
Go to the pull lever on the left of the room. Pull it *three* times.
The center platform will rotate around, positioning that hanging
bowl under a faint shaft of light coming from an open hole in the
ceiling. Now, go back outside, get on your dragon, and fly up to
hover over the top of the island rock. Remember those holes/windows
on it's surface? Find the one which is open, hover over it, and look
down into it. You should see the bowl thing below. Aha...
Use one of Arokh's breath weapons - fire or lightning works best -
and shoot through the hole, in order to hit that bowl. If you hit
the bowl, you'll see fire spouting from it. Return to the doorway
and run back through into the chamber. Go back to the lever and pull
it *three* more times - this will place the bowl in front of the
archer statue.
Run over to the statue. On one side of it's base is a large green
button. Push the button and the statue will fire an arrow, which
will catch on fire as it passes over the bowl, and will then strike
the giant ice block. The ice will melt, and you can then run up and
grab the ultimate prize - the (13) RuneBlade.
Once you have the RuneBlade, your quest is almost over. Return to
Arokh and fly out of the area. Go back up that pit and fly allllll
the way back to the (4) Rift, where you entered this dungeon.
Two important things to note here:
One: When you fly through the doorway towards the Rift, a movie
sequence will start, showing Rynn herocially lifting the RuneBlade
over her head before she and Arokh dive into the Rift. This is why I
said you cannot return to the lava valley above the Rift once you
have the RuneBlade.
Two: If you have ANY weapon other than the RuneBlade equipped, it
will *disappear* once you go through the Rift. You won't have it
anymore. So equip the RuneBlade before going through that doorway,
and save your game, as well. (I do not know if the patch to the game
addresses this or not).
Congratulations! You are now on your way to find your brother and
confront the evil Navaros.....