NEW - starts new game.
RESTART - restarts current level.
QUIT - quits to DOS.
CHOJIN - gives invulnerability.
AMMO - restores ammo for all weapons.
KEYS - gives all keys.
WEAPON - gives all weapons to player.
INVISIBLE - gives 2 minutes of invisibility.
ARMOR - gives 200% of armor.
FULLMAP - allows you to the see full map of the current level.
KILL - kills all monsters on the level.
REANIMATE - reanimates all monsters.
RESPAWN <#time> - sets the monsters' respawn time.
(#time=0 means no respawn)
REVERSE - swaps right and left sound channels.
DEPTH - sets depth level.
SHADOWS - sets the upper limit of shadows casted by a 3D object.
GO - warps to the specified level.
NEXT - warps to the next level.
PLAY - plays the demo with the specified number.
CDPLAY - plays CD track with the specified number.
CDSTOP - stops playing the CD audio.
==== Multiplayer commands =====
KILLP - kills the player with the specified number.
KICK - disconnects the player from the multiplayer game.
NICK - sets your name for multiplayer gaming.
NICK without a newname shows current name.
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