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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Gilbert Goodmate and the mushroom of Phungoria
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 12 Текущая : 6

inventory and tie the BRAS together to create a BUNGEE CORD. Give the BUNGEE CORD
to Eric and after a short animation sequence you will be able to use the KEY on
the door. Gilbert will leave automatically when he has the gold and you will end
up with the overhead view of Phungoria. Choose Larry's Caveshop. Enter the cave
and use A LOT OF GOLD on Larry. A short animation sequence will follow showing
you how Larry breaks all the crystal balls and gives you a CROWBAR. Leave the
place and return to the city.

Enter Sheriffs house (now unlocked) and take the BOOK from the table. Next, use
the CROWBAR on the chest and look inside to find another BOOK. Pick up the PAPER
that falls from the book and exit the house. Go back to the Shoemaker's area and
give the PAPER to Barry, the generosity potion salesman. Watch a short animation
sequence to get GENEROSITY POTION. Enter Crazy Pete's tower and use the clean
NAPKIN with ship picture on the cannon's GUN SIGHT. After the short animation
sequence, go down and pick up the BELT from Saul's sewing machine.

Go to Madame Zyz's place, talk to Genie and exhaust all the dialogues to get a
GLOW-IN- THE-DARK PAL and information about the crystal ball's expiration date.
Leave and head for Elton's Workshop. Exhaust all dialogues with Elton and he will
have his robot move the crates so he may demonstrate the time machine. Use the
belt on the robot to continue the demonstration. The machine breaks, so pick up
the spring that falls to the floor. Leave Elton's Workshop and give the BROKEN
SPRING to the Blacksmith to discover that it can be replaced with a clock spring.

Head back to Dr. Fraud's area and talk to Arver to discover that he will give you
his filter for some of the Dr. Fraud's medicine. Talk to the wagon door and
exhaust all the dialogues. Now open your inventory and use the CANNON BALLS on
the ALUMINIUM PIPE from the junk pile to create a HEAVY LOOKING DUMBBELL. Talk to
the Wagon door again and after a short animation you will find a bottle of
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: BART Когда: 15:6:2001 - стр. 6 -


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