============================================= KINGPIN: Life of Crime (TM) - Getting Started =============================================
LOW VIOLENCE INSTALL: The violence level on the low violence installation can judgementally be equated to a movie with a PG-13 rating.
It is HIGHLY ADVISABLE that you study this document carefully, as several new features have been added to Kingpin that are not present in other first-person shooters.
This document will refer to all keys in their default configuration; you may re-configure your keyboard layout at anytime through the options -> customize controls menu.
Please checkout our website at HTTP://WWW.INTERPLAY.COM for the latest information on Kingpin.
================= TABLE OF CONTENTS =================
- 1.0 First things first - 2.0 Holstering your weapon - 3.0 Talking - 4.0 Giving Orders - 5.0 Activate Key - 6.0 Searching bodies - 7.0 Reloading weapons - 8.0 Sneaking around - 9.0 Moving Boxes - 10.0 Ammo Crates - 11.0 Pawn-o-matic - 12.0 Bars and Clubs - 13.0 Weapons and Items + 13.1 Lead Pipe + 13.2 Crowbar + 13.3 Pistol + 13.4 Silenced Pistol + 13.5 Shotgun + 13.6 Med Kits + 13.7 Backpack + 13.8 Flashlight + 13.9 Keys and Plot Items - 14.0 Character Behavior - 15.0 Improving Performance - 16.0 Troubleshooting - 17.0 Multiplayer Tips + 17.1 Dedicated Servers + 17.2 Bagman (Teamplay) + 17.3 Deathmatch Flags + 17.4 Cash Limit + 17.5 Messages during Deathmatch + 17.6 Bringing up the console during play - 18.0 Technical Support and Contact Information - 19.0 Software Use and Limitations License Agreement
====================== 1.0 FIRST THINGS FIRST ======================
If you want to survive for more than a few minutes in the world of Kingpin you'll need to know a few things. First, forget about killing everyone that you see. The people that you meet on the street will often have valuable information, so if they aren't hostile towards you, talk to them.
The following are the essential new keys that you will need to know to play the game.
==================================== 2.0 HOLSTER WEAPON - DEFAULT KEY "G" ====================================
This key will toggle your weapon up and down. This may not seem like a big deal, but in the world of Kingpin every character pays strict attention to your intentions; if they see you approaching with a weapon out, they might just shoot first and ask questions later. When cruising the streets it is advisable to keep your weapon lowered. If it looks like someone wants to get busy, all you'll need to do is press your fire key (default is "left mouse button") and your weapon will be automatically raised. If someone tells you to "...drop your weapon!", you'll generally have about 2-3 seconds to holster your weapon; unless, of course, you decide to start blasting.
================================ 3.0 TALK - DEFAULT KEYS "Y", "X" ================================
These two keys let you speak to other characters in the game. When you approach another character, you can initiate conversation by using either the "y" (positive/yes) key, or the "x" (negative/insult) key. If someone asks you a question, "y" will be a "yes", and "x" will mean "no". There are a lot of ways for conversations to go, and sometimes you might actually want to insult someone to intimidate them.
================================================= 4.0 GIVING ORDERS - DEFAULT KEYS "Y", "X" AND "Q" =================================================
At various points in the game you will encounter potential gang members. They will be easy to spot by their distinctive gray-blue shirts. Once you approach them, use the "y" key to initiate a positive conversation. If available, they will tell you how much money you will need to hire them. When they ask you if you want to hire them, use the "y" key if you want them, the "x" key if you do not. You will, of course, need enough money to hire the particular gang member you desire.
Once hired, point your cursor at one of your gang members and issue one of the following orders:
"Y" - Follow Me/Move out of the way "X" - Hold Position "Q" - Attack or activate the Desired Target
The last mode works as follows. Point the cursor at your gang member, hit "q", then place your cursor on the person/thing you want attacked/activated and hit the "f" (activate) key.
================================== 5.0 ACTIVATE KEY - DEFAULT KEY "F" ==================================
All items that need to be used in Kingpin, including switches, levers, doors, etc., will require using the activate key. Simply approach the item you wish to activate and press "f".
============================================================ 6.0 BODY SEARCH - DEFAULT KEYS "C" (CROUCH) + "F" (ACTIVATE) ============================================================
When you find a dead body on the ground, whether you put it there or not, you should definitely give it a quick search for money. You can accomplish this by crouching down (holding down the "c" key) and then pressing "f", which is the activate key. When killed, an enemy will drop any other items that he is holding near him on the ground, including keys, weapons and ammo. Money, however, will have to be taken directly off of their bodies.
Tip: Bodies tend to get dragged off after a while, so search them immediately upon finding them.
=================================== 7.0 WEAPON RELOAD - DEFAULT KEY "R" ===================================
This feature works just like it sounds; pressing "r" will cause the current weapon that you have displayed to reload.
========================================= 8.0 SNEAK MODE - DEFAULT KEY "LEFT SHIFT" =========================================
This is not a toggle; you must hold down the "sneak mode" key for the duration of time that you want to use it. While in "sneak mode", enemies cannot hear you approach. This is, of course, extremely useful for sneaking up behind someone and cracking their skull open.
========================= 9.0 PUSHING/PULLING BOXES =========================
Any small boxes that you see on the floor may be pushed or pulled. To push a box, simply get behind it and move forward. To pull a box, face it and hold down the "f" (activate) key, then move backwards. If you find that you are moving away from the box too fast, you can also hold down the "L-Shift" (sneak) key to move slower.
================ 10.0 AMMO CRATES ================
You can tell an ammo crate by its distinctive green color and rectangular shape. These crates hold ammunition of various types, and will explode if shot. However, if you use your pipe or crowbar on them, they will break apart to reveal their contents.
================= 11.0 PAWN-O-MATIC =================
This is where you can buy various items that you'll need during the game. In Kingpin you typically won't find weapons, ammo or health just lying around on the ground waiting to be picked up. You will uncover caches of these items at various points in the game, but they will usually be heavily guarded. So, one safe way to increase your arsenal is by visiting the Pawn-O-Matic.
Once inside the Pawn-O-Matic you will not be able to use any weapons; you will deal directly with the shopkeeper through the Pawn-O-Matic interface. The box on the left contains the categories of purchasable items. To select a category use your up and down arrow keys and hit enter. After pressing enter, the menu box on the right will display all of the items available in that particular category. You can then use the arrow keys to highlight the item that you want to buy. Press enter and the shopkeeper will ask you to confirm your purchase; press enter again, and if you have enough cash, you've bought that item.
====================== 12.0 BAR OR LOCAL CLUB ======================
Any bar or club that you enter in Kingpin is a "no weapons" area, so forget about picking fights in a bar. Bars and clubs are great places to find potential gang members or get information on what's going on out on the streets.
====================== 13.0 WEAPONS AND ITEMS ======================
Learning how to dispose of your enemies with different weapons can be fun. Here is a brief explanation of some of the weapons you can find in Kingpin.
================================= 13.1 LEAD PIPE - DEFAULT KEY "1" =================================
Not much explanation is necessary here; press the "Left Mouse" (attack) button to start swinging. Being a melee weapon, the lead pipe has a very close range of attack, so make sure that you are right up on someone before you try to crack their skull. You start the game with this weapon.
============================================== 13.2 CROWBAR - DEFAULT KEY "1" - ALTERNATE MODE ==============================================
Same idea as the lead pipe, but more range and more power. If you can manage to sneak up on someone without being detected (see "Sneak Mode"), you can probably drop them with one swift crack to the back of the head with the crowbar.
============================= 13.3 PISTOL - DEFAULT KEY "2" =============================
Definitely a step up from the melee weapons, the pistol will let you start blasting other punks without having to get right up on them. Initially, the pistol is not very accurate, but the more you use it the more accurate it will become. The pistol will also accept a variety of "mods" that will increase its potential.
Mods can be purchased at the Pawn-O-Matic. These mods are permanent; once attached to your pistol you won't have to ever replace them.
ROF (RATE OF FIRE) - Increases the pistol rate of fire RELOAD MOD - Decreases reload time MAGNUM MOD - Significantly increases stopping power
======================================================= 13.4 SILENCED PISTOL - DEFAULT KEY "2" - ALTERNATE MODE =======================================================
The silencer enables you to cap an enemy without any of his friends hearing you. This is very useful when you are trying to make your way through an area undetected. Deadly when used in combination with "Sneak Mode". Typically lasts for 10 shots.
============================== 13.5 SHOTGUN - DEFAULT KEY "3" ==============================
A real room-cleaner, the shotgun is the perfect close- quarters weapon. The shotgun holds only eight shells in the breach, so reloading is important if you don't want to get caught dry. The shotgun does tremendous damage at close range; generally, if you are within a few feet of an enemy one shot to the torso or head should do the trick. Remember, the shotgun takes time to reload, and is also not very effect past a range of about 25 feet.
============= 13.6 MED KITS ============= Small and Large Med Kits will heal a portion of your character's health when you walk over them or purchase them through the pawn-o-matic.
============= 13.7 BACKPACK ============= The backpack will allow your character to hold more ammunition.
=============== 13.8 FLASHLIGHT =============== The flashlight will illuminate the area your character is facing when you press the key "l" to toggle on and off.
======================== 13.9 KEYS AND PLOT ITEMS ======================== As the character progresses they will need to pick up different keys or special items to gain access to new areas. You can view what items your character has at any time by pressing "tab".
======================= 14.0 CHARACTER BEHAVIOR =======================
The characters in Kingpin are always checking out the situation around them in order to determine what their next actions will be. For example, a guy with a lead pipe is more likely to run away from you if you're bearing down on him with a shotgun. Enemies will often try to find alternate routes to your location in order to get the drop on you. So, remember to watch your back; you never know who might be sneaking up behind you.
========================== 15.0 IMPROVING PERFORMANCE ==========================
Kingpin adds a ton of new features to the standard FPS and taxes your computer in the process. One of the most important things that you can do to improve performance is to make sure that you re-boot your computer before playing Kingpin, and to make sure that you have no other programs open in the background that might steal cycles away from your computer while running Kingpin.
If Kingpin is running slow on your system, here are some things to try.
1) Lower Your Screen Resolution This can be done in the Visuals Menu. For TNT owners, try taking your desktop to 16-bit color for improved performance. 2) Lower Your Sound Quality Kingpin uses a lot sounds, and sometimes they will causes glitches in the game while they are being loaded from your hard drive. Using low sound quality will eat up less RAM and decrease load times. 3) Decrease Pain Skins Each character in the game has two distinct pain skins for each of their 15 body segments. Try decreasing the number to one or none for improved performance. 4) Turn Off Props Non-essential props may be toggled off and on. 5) Turn Off Fog Fog may be toggled off an on. No fog will pick up the frame rate dramatically on some systems. 6) Directional Lighting Turning off directional lighting will improve performance. 7) Shadows Toggling shadows off decreases the character polygon counts by half, improving frame rate. You may also select "auto" shadows mode and the system will turn shadows on only when the frame rate permits. 8) Blood Time The amount of time that blood remains on screen. Decrease to improve performance. 9) Decrease your screen size You can use the "+" and "-" keys to adjust the size of the game screen. 10) Using 3dfx mini-gl driver If your system has a Voodoo family card in conjunction with, try using the 3dfx driver instead of the default OpenGL driver by changing the driver in the Visuals options. 11) Listed below in no particular order are some video cards that we've had good results with: Voodoo Graphics Voodoo 2 Voodoo Banshee Voodoo 3 Riva 128 Riva TnT Riva TnT2 ATI Rage Fury
=========================== 16.0 TROUBLESHOOTING =========================== 1) If you satisfy all the system requirements for Kingpin and are still having problems running the game make sure to get the latest drivers for your hardware devices. Our testing department found that installing the latest reference or card manufacturer's video drivers corrected many problems found on older drivers.
2) Kingpin may not recover from energy saver programs that go into sleep or standby modes. You should disable these features while playing Kingpin if they become a problem.
3) Some systems may not multitask properly while playing Kingpin. Switching programs while Kingpin is running is not supported.
=========================== 17.0 MULTIPLAYER TIPS =========================== +17.1 Dedicated Servers For optimal performance we strongly suggest using a dedicated server for multiplayer games. From a command prompt, change to your Kingpin installed directory and type, "Kingpin.exe +set dedicated 1". If you would like to use a pre-made server configuration already included,type "Kingpin.exe +set dedicated 1 +exec server.cfg". You can edit the server.cfg file found inside the main directory with notepad to change your settings.
+17.2 Bagman (teamplay) The multiplayer game called teamplay in the manual is now called Bagman. This game pits two teams against each other to see which gang can deposit the most loot. You can get money by offing of a member of the other gang, stealing from the other team's safe, or sometimes it may just fall from the sky. Each side has their own safe that they can deposit their money in, but watch out the other team can steal from your safe if you are not careful. Bagman games can be started from a dedicated server by seting teamplay "1" in the server.cfg file
Each player can hold up to $150 of loose cash and $200 of money robbed from a safe. To pick up money laying on the ground crouch down and press the activate button. The objective is to get your gang the most cash.
+17.3 Deathmatch flags -17.3.1 Falling Damage: You can set whether or not players will take damage from falling -17.3.2 Weapons Stay: This toggles whether or not weapons can be immediately picked up by another player. If set to no the player has to wait for the weapons to respawn. -17.3.3 Allow Health: Setting this to no stops health from spawning in. -17.3.4 Allow Armor: Determines whether or not armor spawns in. -17.3.5 Spawn Farthest: When set to yes, you will spawn farther away after dieing. -17.3.6 Same Map: If set to yes, the same map will load when the game is finished. -17.3.7 Force Respawn: You can set whether or not players are automatically spawned back into the game. -17.3.8 Teamplay by model & skin: Players with the same model and skin as you will be considered friendly targets (Deathmatch only). -17.3.9 Allow Exit: If there is an exit on the multiplayer map you are using, this option will let players exit the map. Kingpin did not ship with any multiplayer maps with exits. -17.3.10 Infinite Ammo: When set to yes, the player does not need to reload or pick up additional ammo. -17.3.11 Fixed FOV: This sets whether or not players are allowed to adjust their field of view. -17.3.12 Friendly Damage: Setting this to yes allows friendly shots to inflict damage. -17.3.13 Auto assign teams: This toggles whether or not you are automatically assigned a team when playing Bagman (Teamplay).
+17.4 Cash limit This option on the Start network server menu sets the money limit for a Bagman (Teamplay) game.
+17.5 Messages during Deathmatch There are 2 modes of communication availible during deathmatch. "messagemode" will send your message to all players, Default key is t "messagemode2" will send your message to only players on your team. The Default key is v To change the key use for these commands add at the bottom of your config.cfg file bind keyofyourchoice "messagemode" bind keyofyourchoice "messagemode2" As an example, bind t "messagemode" will bring up the chat when the user presses the letter t.
+17.6 Bringing up the console during play To enable the ability to bring up the console during play add "+set developer 1" to the command line in you windows shortcut.
==================================== 18.0 TECHNICAL SUPPORT ==================================== The Radiant.exe or Kingpin editor is included as a use at your own risk utility. Interplay customer service will not take calls concerning this product. If you want help for this program you should consult the readme.txt found in the kprad directory installed on your hard drive. Information about the Kingpin editor can also be found at the following sites. http://www.gamedesign.net http://www.qeradiant.com
TROUBLESHOOTING DOCUMENTS ONLINE! Interplay Productions Technical Support now offers troubleshooting guides with complete installation and setup instructions as well as information that will help you overcome the most common difficulties. If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can find these at http://www.interplay.com/support/ Here you will find troubleshooting information on as well as information on regular system maintenance and performance.
DirectX http://www.interplay.com/support/directx/ Joysticks http://www.interplay.com/support/joystick/ Modems and Networks http://www.interplay.com/support/modem/
(For game-specific information and additional troubleshooting, visit our main page at http://www.interplay.com) If you have questions about the program, our Technical Support Department can help. Our web site contains up-to-date information on the most common difficulties with our products, and this information is the same as that used by our product support technicians. We keep the product support pages updated on a regular basis, so please check here first for no-wait solutions: http://www.interplay.com/support/
If you are unable to find the information you need on our web site, please feel free to contact Technical Support via e-mail, phone, fax, or letter. Please be sure to include the following information in your e-mail message, fax, or letter: -Title of Game -Computer manufacturer -Operating system (Windows 95, DOS 6.22, etc.) -CPU type and speed in MHz \ -Amount of RAM -Sound card type and settings (address, IRQ, DMA) -Video card -CD-ROM-Mouse driver and version -Joystick and game card (if any) -A copy of the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files from your hard drive -A description of the problem you're having
If you need to talk to someone immediately, call us at (949) 553-6678 Monday through Friday between 8:00AM - 5:45PM, Pacific Standard Time with 24 hours, 7 days a week support available through the use of our automated wizard.
Please have the above information ready when you call. This will help us answer your question in the shortest possible time. When you call you will initially be connected with our automated wizard. For information pertaining to your specific title, press "1" on the main menu and listen carefully to all prompts. All titles are listed alphabetically. After you have selected your title, the most common difficulties will be listed. If the difficulty you are having is not listed or you need additional assistance, you may press "0" on your games main menu, and you will be transferred to a Technical Support Representative. No hints or codes are available from this line. You must call Interplay's HINT Line for hints, tips, or codes at 1-900-370-PLAY (1-900-451-6869 $1.25 in Canada only). You must be 18 years +, have a touch-tone phone, and the cost is $0.95 per minute. Hints are available for this title via the hint line.
*United States and Canada* Interplay Productions Attn: Customer Service 16815 Von Karman Ave. Irvine, CA 92606 nternet E-mail: support@interplay.com Web Site: http://www.interplay.com FTP Site: ftp1.interplay.com Interplay Support: (949) 553-6678 Fax: (949) 553-9549
*France* Virgin Interactive BP 319000 13853 Aix-en-Provence CEDEX 3 Tel: 0 803 09 41 64 (1,09F TTC/ minute) Fax: 04 42 16 52 13 Email: vie-hotline@ncc-marketing.com Web: www.virgininteractive.fr
*Germany* Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Deutschland) GmbH Borselstr. 16 C 22765 Hamburg direct line: 040-8970 33 00 (M-F 15.00-20.00) 24 hour infoline: 040-8970 33 33 Fax: 040-8970 33 11 Web: http://www.setupcs.de E-Mail: support@setupcs.de
*Spain* Virgin Interactive Entertainment ESPA-A, S.A. C/ Hermosilla, 46-2? Derecha 28001 Madrid Tel: (91) 578.13.67 Fax: (91) 575.45.88 Web: www.virgin.es Email: virgin@virgin.es
*UK & remaining European countries* Virgin Interactive Customer Support 74a Charlotte Street London W1P 1LR Tel: 0171 551 4266 Fax: 0171 551 4267 Web: www.vie.co.uk Email: customer_support@vie.co.uk
*All Other Territories outside Europe, N. America & Canada* Contact your local distributor for support as listed in your game manual
================================================= 19.0 SOFTWARE USE LIMITATIONS AND LIMITED LICENSE =================================================
This copy of Kingpin: Life of Crime (the "Software") is intended solely for your personal noncommercial home entertainment use. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Software, except as permitted by law. Interplay Productions, Xatrix, and Id Software retain[s] all right, title and interest in the Software including all intellectual property rights embodied therein and derivatives thereof. The Software, including, without limitation, all code, data structures, characters, images, sounds, text, screens, game play, derivative works and all other elements of the Software may not be copied, resold, rented, leased, distributed (electronically or otherwise), used on pay-per-play, coin-op or other for-charge basis, or for any commercial purpose. Any permissions granted herein are provided on a temporary basis and can be withdrawn by Interplay Productions at any time. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
If the Software contains modem or network play, you may play the Software via modem transmission with another person or persons directly without transmission through a third party service or indirectly through a third party service only if such service is an authorized licensee of Interplay. For the purposes of this license, a third party service refers to any third party service which provides a connection between two or more users of the Software, manages, organizes, or facilitates game play, translates protocols, or otherwise provides a service which commercially exploits the Software, but does not include a third party service which merely provides a telephonic connection (and nothing more) for modem or network play. Authorized licensee services are listed on the Interplay Productions World Wide Web Site located at http://www.interplay.com. This limited right to transmit the Software expressly excludes any transmission of the Software or any data streams thereof on a commercial basis, including, without limitation, transmitting the Software by way of a commercial service (excepting those specific commercial services licensed by Interplay) which translates the protocols or manages or organizes game play sessions. If you would like information about obtaining a pay-for-play or commercial license to the Software, please call Interplay Productions in the US at +(949) 553-6655.
By acquiring and retaining this Software, you assent to the terms and restrictions of this limited license. If you do not accept the terms of this limited license, you must return the Software together with all packaging, manuals and other material contained therein to the store where you acquired the Software for a full refund.
Kingpin: Life of Crime (c)1999 Xatrix Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. This product contains software technology licensed from Id Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology c1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Id Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Kingpin, Kingpin: Life of Crime, Interplay, the Interplay logo, and "By Gamers. For Gamers." are trademarks of Interplay Productions. Xatrix and the Xatrix logo are trademarks of Xatrix Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.