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éÇÒÁ: Mystery of the Druids

The Mystery of the Druids
Complete Walkthrough


In the year 1000 AD the druids were facing their extinction. The
last druids
decided to transfer their powers and magic onto five babies in a
cruel rite at
the megalith circle of Stonehenge, to make sure their secret
powers survived
A small group of the druids feared though that these children
would never be
taught how to responsibly use their druidic powers - they might
become tyrants
nobody could ever stop. To prevent this, the small group of druids
kept their
energy in the rite, so it remained incomplete
The children, the ¡®inheritants of the druids¡¯, grew up and
became powerful
personalities. The secret existence of the druids circle was
guaranteed, but
not the whole druidic powers were united

You play as Detective Brent Halligan, inspector of Scotland Yard,
who has to
investigate in a mysterious murder case.


Left mouse button:
- Normal arrow ³C moves character up/down/left/right in the screen
(one click)
o - makes character run (double click)
- Special arrow ³C pick objects, open doors or items
- Directional arrow ³C takes character to another place (different
- Magnifier glass ³C take a closer look to an object or section of
a room

Right mouse button:
- Special arrow ³C examines objects
- When holding an object ³C releases that object

Escape button ³C go to the main menu or cuts dialogues


Watch movie
Speak with Chief Miller (all topics*). He will give you the green
files of the
case (a hard copy of these files comes in the game box, if you
want to have a
look what they contain; Anyway the cases description is not
important for the
game, it only allows you to understand the context).
Pick the green matches box from his desk.
Go outside the office.

¡¤ NB: some topics disappear after you chose one sentence.
You will have to go
back and re-start the conversation with a character in order to be
able to go
through all topics. You can skip topics that you already did by
pressing the
¡®Escape¡¯ button. Some other topics will appear in the option
only after your
character has completed certain tasks or found certain objects,
therefore you
might have to do things and then go back and speak again with a
character. Do
not hesitate to speak again and again with the same person.

Go through the right door (Chriss¡¯ lab.).
Talk with Chriss (all topics).
Use magnifier glass on the upper right part of the screen (the
shelf with white
and orange jars). Pick the fingerprint powder box (black).
Use magnifier glass on the left shelf (chemical bottles). You
cannot pick

Exit the lab.
Go to the lower part of the screen.
Go to the second section of the hall.
Go into your office.
Use the magnifier glass on the drawers under the book shelves.
(You can open
the four draws separately!).
Pick the green scarf, the plastic bags, the bottle of apple juice,
and the
Exit you office.
Go in the left office (Jannet).
Talk with her (all topics).
She will give you a purple form. (If she does not give you one,
you can still
pick it from the shelves behind her desk, next to the window).
Go behind her desk and use the magnifier glass on the shelves
Pick a white form (for stationeries), a carbon paper, and a
In your inventory, use the purple form with the note-pad, then the
carbon paper
with the note-pad, and finally the white form with the note-pad
(Brent combine
them all).

Exit Jannet¡¯s office.
Enter Lawry¡¯s office. Talk with him (all topics). You can switch
on the big
white fan, but I don¡¯t think that this will change the game. Make
sure you ask
him about his office extension number (#196).

Exit the office. Take the elevator, and Exit Scotland Yard.
Go to the Eppiny forest.
Talk with the sergeant (all topics).
Use magnifier glass on the pile of bones. Use the magnifier glass
again. Use a
plastic bag on the long bone (Halligan picks the bone). Use the
plastic bags on
the small burned grass in the lower right area next to the skull
(Halligan will
also pick some grass there).

Go back to Scotland Yard. Go to Criss¡¯ lab. Show him the bone and
the grass,
and talk with him about all topics. He will give you the name of
Turner at the Oxford Anthropological Museum.
Exit Scotland Yard and go to the Oxford Anthropological Museum.
the Museum is closed. Go to the road in front of the Museum and go
left. Talk
with the beggar (all topics). Pick the empty flask at the right
side of the

Go back to Chriss¡¯ lab. Use the magnifier glass on the left
(containing the bottles with chemicals. Look closer to the
bottles. Use
Jannet¡¯s green scarf on the bottles (Halligan will dust them!).
Go and talk with Chriss (all topics). When he asks you if you want
to try some
alcohol, say ¡®Yes¡¯. (Halligan will not be able to give this
answer before you
dusted the chemical bottles with the green scarf!!!).
Watch the video clip.

Go to the shelves with bottles and use magnifier glass on them
(the closest
view). Use the fingerprint powder on the bottles. Examine them.
Pick the
alcohol bottle with the positive fingerprint. In your inventory
use the alcohol
bottle with the empty flask. Put the bottle back on the shelf
(Brent will not
exit the lab with this bottle in his pocket). In your inventory
use the apple
juice bottle on the flask.

Exit the lab. Go to the Museum. Go left and talk with the beggar.
Give him the flask containing alcohol and apple juice.
Pick the coins from his hat.
Go to the main screen in front of the Museum, and then go right to
the phone
boot. Use magnifier glass on the phone boot and click on the
phone. Click on
the phone book (one of them will allow you to do so after you get
the money
from the beggar). Use coins with phone (upper part). Talk to the
Exit the phone boot and return to Chriss¡¯ lab (Scotland Yard).
He is back now, so talk to him. He will give you the name of the
girl you spoke
with on the phone.

Go back to the Museum and to the phone boot. Redial the museum
number and speak
with Melanie Turner.
Exit the phone boot and go to the entrance of the Museum. Melanie
is waiting
for you there. Watch the video-clip.
Go to Melanie¡¯s lab. Talk with her (all topics).
Use the bone with Melanie.

Playing as Melanie:
Go to the table (the most south limit of the room) and look at the
weapons there. Use the bone on the sickle. Melanie will observe
that it matches
the notches in the bone.
Go to the table with the microscope and use the magnifier glass on
the cutter
machine (upper right from the microscope). Use the bone on the
cutter, and it
will cut a small bone fragment.
Use the magnifier glass on the microscope, and use the small bone
fragment on
the microscope.
Click on the visa button (the big black wheel on the right). One
click on the
visa, then one click on the central image, until the image of the
bone fragment
becomes clear (Melanie will make some strange observations).

Exit the microscope, and go to the weapon table. Use magnifier
glass on the
journals and books there, and Melanie will read an article in the
Go and speak with Halligan. You will find out about Arthur Balke.
Get his
address (it is written under the article).
Talk some more with Melanie (all topics).
Exit the museum and go to Arthur Blake¡¯s house.
Ring the bell next to the entrance door.
Talk with Blake (all topics). You will find about Celts, Druids
and the amulet.
Some topics appear in the menu only after you ask Blake certain
questions, so
make sure you re-start the conversation as many times as

Exit Arthur Blake¡¯s house and go to Portsmouth.
Speak with the Captain (he won¡¯t say much).
Speak with Pierre the fisherman (All topics).
Go and see the castle (not much to be seen this time)
Go back to the village and speak with Pierre again. Ask him about
fishing. Go
through all topics and he will tell you the whole title of the
Speak with the Captain, using his title (all topics)
Go back to the castle and in the first main scene go with the
arrow on the most
extreme left of the screen. A directional arrow will appear
leading to the back
of the main crumbled tower. Go to the left, down the stairs, to
the cemetery
gates (locked)
Use the file folder with the gates and they will open.
Visit the cemetery all possible places and look at all the graves.
You can use
the magnifier glass on them. Brent will observe that they have a
hollow on the
top (there are twelve such graves).
Go and visit the Mausoleum and think about it.
Go back to the village.
Speak once again to the Captain. Ask him about working in the
merchant navy,
his memoirs, his stories and about the castle of Carmors (he will
tell you the
story of the castle)
Go back and see Arthur Blake. Talk with him about the captain (all
topics) and
he will eventually send you back to the village of Carmorse.
So go back to Portsmouth and to the Carmorse village.
Go to the right extreme of the screen just above the barrels.
Wait for the cat to go behind the first set of crates.
When the cat is there walk to the extreme right down corner. Wait
for the cat
to sit in front of the lamppost. Use the green craft on the cat
(Brand will
catch the cat).
Go to see Pierre the fisherman.
Use the caught cat on him.
The cat escapes and knocks his baits in the water.
Pierre goes chasing after the cat.
Pick the bucket and the fishing rod.
In your inventory use the fishing rod on the bucket.
Use the magnifier glass on the bottom of the boat.
Use the bucket and fishing rod on the salt deposit on the boat
(you will get a
few boulders of salt)
Go to the castle of Carmorse and into the cemetery.
Go to one of the tombs with a hollow on the top. Use the magnifier
glass on one
of these tombs. Use the salt boulders on the hollow. Use the big
bone on the
boulders (Brand will smash the boulders into salt). Pick the
crushed salt and
go to the Mausoleum.
Use the salt on the Mausoleum. The Mausoleum will crush and a red
crate will
appear. Use the magnifier glass on the red crate.
Click on it and take the amulet.
Go back to the village and ask the captain to take you back.

On the boat:

Click on the ventilation pipe above the wardrobe (a flap will
Use the amulet with the flap (Brand will hide the amulet in the
Go out to get fresh air.
When you are back, the cabin was searched, and the amulet stolen
(I was
wondering why in the world he didn¡¯t keep the amulet with him!)
Go to Arthur Blake¡¯s house.
Ask him to call Melanie.
Go to Scotland Yard. The chief is, of course, screaming, but go
and talk to him
(all topics)
Go in your office. Use the magnifier glass on your answering
Oh, Joy! You got 6 messages! Including one from your mother¡­
(Yay¡­.) set the
machine on message no. 5. Click on the loud speaker of the phone
and dial 196
(Larry¡¯s extension) Click on the play button on the answering
If the timing is correct, Larry will ¡°speak¡± with the screaming
Go to Larry¡¯s office (empty now) and pick the scissors from his
Use in your inventory. Use the scissors on the notepad (AFTER you
combine the
notepad with the purple form plus the cardboard paper plus the
white form for
Brent will cut the extra carbon paper. (All THIS just to CUT that
&%*?@ carbon
Go and do some small talk with Janet (if you go directly to the
office, you won¡¯t be able to enter because Larry is there!!
After some useless conversation with Janet, go to the chief¡¯s
office. Use the
notepad on him. He will unhappily sign the form.
Go back to Janet¡¯s office. Use the purple form on her.
She becomes (Oh surprise surprise¡­) very nice and gives you some
(talk all topics)
Ask her to print the info for you. She will do so graciously
(apparently a
purple form was required to seduce her¡­)
Use the magnifier glass on the printer. Take the printed-paper.
Go out in the main hall and use the magnifier glass on the
Use the printed-paper on the photocopier. Pick up the photocopies.
Go to the museum. Go to the museum door and use the photocopy on
the letterbox
in the door.

Go to Lord Sinclair¡¯s house.
Ring the bell and the butler will answer.
No matter what your answer will be, he will refuse to open the
>From the main gate, go left, and talk with the gardener (all
Look at the pile of dry grass.
Use matches on the dry grass (Brent will set the fire and the
gardener will run
for help)
Pick the clippers from the barrel.
Go back to the main gate. Go right. Use the magnifier glass on the
Use the clipper on the wired fence.
After the clipper brakes, use the scissors to continue the
But the scissors will brake too. Luckily, the hole is big enough
now, but STOP
the fence is electrified!
Use the gloves on the fence (twice!!!)
Use the green scarf on a plastic bag in your inventory. Use the
green scarf and
bag on the loose wire on the ground that you can see through the
opened hole on
the other side of the fence.
On your side of the fence, in the right, lower corner, you will
find another
piece of loose wire. Pick it up.
Use the directional arrow to jump on the other side of the whole
in the fence
(though you lost the precious perfumed green scarf, you gained a
no less
precious wire)
Go in the garden and the bodyguard will catch you and take you to
see Lord
Watch the video clip.
You are locked in a room.
Look at the picture on the wall. Click on it and it comes out.
Look at the nail
on the wall (upper right)
Use the picture on the nail (Brent will use the frame to lever and
extract the
nail from the wall)
In your inventory use the nail on the picture which will detach
into the canvas
and the frame.
Use the magnifier glass on the light coming from under the room
Use the nail on the upper edge of the lowest tiles.
Brent will scratch and detach 2 tiles.
Use the canvas on the gap. Use the nail on the keyhole. Pull the
canvas and
pick the small key. Use the key on the door.
Go out in the corridor and staircase. Visit the dinning room and
look at the
pictures on the wall.
Look at the set table. Go out in the back garden and watch the
dreadful video
clip (classified 15!)

Play as Melanie

Go to Lord Sinclair¡¯s house. Go right from the gate (the butler
will not open
the gate of course.
Go through the hole in the fence. Two guards are patrolling and
you need to
hide behind the first bush (the left front one).
Melanie will pick some rocks.
SAVE GAME NOW (if the operation fails, the game will end)
When both guards turn their backs, use the stones on the bush next
to the front
entrance. The guards run to the bush, towards the main entrance to
the noise. Click on the bush at the left of Melanie (towards the
open window)
DO NOT GO DIRECTLY TO THE WINDOW (if you do so, the guards will
catch you no
matter how fast you are)
Once hidden behind the second bush, click on the directional
button in front of
the open window. Melanie will climb up (it will probably take
several tries to
succeed this.)
You find yourself in Sinclair¡¯s study room.
Look to the altar.
Look to the left picture on the wall.
Look to the bines and skulls in the left cupboard.
Look at the paperweight (a skull, no surprise here¡­) on
Sinclair¡¯s desk
(Melanie will say she cannot take it with her because it is too
Look the pentagram on the window newt to the wall. Click on the
little men
figures around the pentagram until the standing one (it¡¯s in the
lower middle,
at 6 o¡¯clock) click on the internal ring until the black bead is
towards the standing man (at 6 o¡¯clock) A crack is heard.
Use the magnifier glass again on the picture on the left. Click on
it and it
will reveal a safe.
Click on 10 until the red indicator gets there.
Click on the rectangular button (hear a click)
Click on 1 to get the red indicator there. Click on the
rectangular button
Click on 6 to get the red indicator there. Click on the
rectangular button
The safe door is opening and reveals the amulet and a parchment.
Watch the video clip.

Go to Blake¡¯s house and talk with him (all topics). You will be
asked to find
a book.

Go to Oxford library.
Look at the books in the display cases.
Talk to the woman at the desk (Misses Owen)
Of course she will not help you, why should she?
Go in the right entrance and pick a copy of the book displayed
there (Some
cheap sort of book on loan)
Go out in the main hall and then to the left entrance. Talk with
the senile
Use the cheap book on his pocket.
Exit the library and use the magnifier glass on the black car
parked outside
(the professor¡¯s car)
Use the wire on the top of the opened window.
Watch the video clip.
Take advantage of the situation and go to the computer room. Use
the computer
to find the position of the book you are looking for. (48/3-C-B)
Go to the biggest library room behind Mrs Owens¡¯s desk
As you enter, click the right direction arrow, towards compartment
Click on the third shelf marked 3!!!
Brent will climb up the ladder and pick a book.
Go to the main hall and talk with Mrs Owen.
Go to the right book room again and use your precious book on the
cheap books
on loan on the table (Brent will pick a cover and hide his book in
Speak with Mrs Owen again and give her your fake book.
Go to see Blake and give him the book.
Watch the video clip.

Talk with Melanie about all topics (including her agitated
personal life!!)
Look at the danger signalling board.
Pick the two wood pieces of the board.
Walk over the bridge as far as you can go.
Use one of the boards on the right edge of the bridge. (Brent will
place this
board between the two edges.
Walk on the board.
Use the second wooden board ahead of you, also between the two
Walk on this second board.
Pick up the first board and put it ahead in front of you.
Repeat the operation until you crossed the collapsed part of the
Use the amulet with the big bucket.
Use the wooden danger board with the opened door.
Go back and pick the amulet from the bucket.
Enter the tower and look to the bucket in the center of this room.
Go out again and use the magnifier glass on the previously lowered
Click on the left, half unscrewed screw. (I am not sure why you
have to do
this, but just do it anyway)
Go back inside the tower.
Look to the door from the inside of the room. Pick the board that
is holding
the door.
A huge hourglass rises from the floor.
Use the broken scissors on the screw.
Use the metal hook on the device.
Watch the video clip¡­

CD 2 ¡°The past¡± Played as Melanie

Pick up the book on the barrel furthest left.
Look at the scales. Look at the shelves with lots of pots.
Pick a metal tray from the right lower shelf.
Click on the first right jar on the middle shelf.
Click on all other middle shelf jars, from left to right.
Pick up the wooden bowl.
Pick some hot water from the cauldron with the wooden bowl
(however does she
put it in HER POCKET?! It¡¯s full of hot water!)
*In you inventory you now have a:
A green plant: Menthol.
An unknown plant: Yellow.
A cinnamon plant: Red
A fleshy, herbaceous plant: Brown, but it¡¯s rather green.
An Aniseed plant: Blue, but this one also looks green.
A spongy plant: Lilac, rather brownish.

Go outside and speak with the soldiers (all topics)
Offer them to make a love drink.
Go one moment in the kitchen and use the small metal plate of the
Return to the soldiers and speak to them.
Take a coin from the bag on the floor just behind the chatty
Go back in the kitchen and use the magnifier glass on the scale.
Use the coin with the metal plate on the right.
You will weigh out the plants since the coin is one once.
Each once of plant should be added to the water separately
immediately after
You must put: 2 ounces of the red plant (cinnamon), 2 ounces
of yellow plant
(unknown plant), 1 ounce of the blue plant (aniseed).
Now the water in the bowl becomes clear again and the potion is
Go to the soldiers and make them drink.
Go back in the kitchen and take some more water.
Return to the fast asleep soldiers.
Pick the key from John (the blond one).
Go through the right door, down the stairs. Talk to Brent and open
the door of
the cell. Talk to him.
Go up the stairs and check the key in the main door (but it
doesn¡¯t fit).
Go back down and speak with Brent again.
Go to the crates next to the stairs and push them. Go into the
secret passage.
Go ahead in the dark.
Watch video clip.

The monastery

Look through the two windows.
Pick up the cover from the bed.
Watch video clip
Talk to Maglor (all topics)
Go out of the room.
*There are ten rooms that you will need to visit. And I will
number them
starting from the first one (Maglor¡¯s room, first door on the
right of the
Brent¡¯s room- left of the screen. The direction will always be
towards the
-Room one: first room on the left is Brother Maglor¡¯s room.
Speak with him all
topics. Go out.
-Room two: The meat store. Nothing to do here.
-|Room three: Next room on the right of the tapestry on the
right of the boat
is a monk¡¯s room. Nothing to do here either.
Go out and go straight through the door at the end of the
You will reach a big blue hall with a locked gate on the right.
Look at the two
heavy locks.
Go to the furthest left corner. You will enter another corridor.
-Room four: First room on the left is the candle deposit.
Pick some candles
from the pile on the floor. Go out.
On the corridor¡¯s wall left from room four there is a tapestry
with a war
-Room five: Next room on the left of the tapestry is a
monk¡¯s room with a fire
lit in the fireplace and a basket opposite the fireplace.
Go out and continue on the corridor.
-Room six: It¡¯s another Monk¡¯s room.
-Room seven: The room at the bottom of the corridor is
Serstan¡¯s room. Speak
with him all topics. At the end of the conversation he will throw
you out. But
don¡¯t despair and re-enter the room and speak with him some more.
He will
throw you out again. Insist and re-enter. Do so until he allows
you to look
around in his room. On the walls there are three pictures
representing three
elements, Earth, Air and Water. On his desk you can see a red
crate with a key
inside (coincidence? I think not¡­)
Look and think about the key, but when you try to take it, Serstan
will not
allow you. (Should this be considered as a surprise?).
Look through the two windows.
Go out. Go left on the next corridor.
-Room eight: the Dinning room. With a completely
undisturbable monk.
-Room nine: The kitchen. Look at the working bench on the
right, close to the
door. Pick the iron Crucible. Look on the table opposite from the
door. Pick
the green roots. Exit the kitchen and continue on the corridor.
-Room ten: The double door on the left lead to the
¡°conference room¡± with the
¡°throne¡± and the kind of abacus on the wall behind the throne.
Going through the small door in this room will take you to the
library where
you find Melanie reading an old book.
Talk with her all topics.
Exit to the corridor.
The big arch on the right leads you to the garden. Go back in the
corridor and
in the room with the fireplace (room five). Put the iron crucible
in the
fireplace. Use the candles with the hot crucible (they will melt)
and you get
back a wax block and the crucible (Which will probably burn your
pocket, but
who cares¡­)
Now go back in the garden.
Go right and get to the shed with the blacksmith anvil in front of
the door.
Enter the shed and talk with the blacksmith (all topics).
Look around, click on the fireplace and think about it.
Go back to your room and look through the window next to the bed.
Click on the
nest on the top of the chimney and think about it. Go back to the
garden. Go
left and look to the salad patio. Use the roots from the kitchen
on the drain.
Turn the switch on the pipeline on.
Follow the water pipe to the back of the yard, past the stables,
and right to
the cistern.
Use the magnifier glass on the switch there (under the pipe where
it exits from
the cistern)
Turn the switch.
Go back to the salad patio which is now flooded.
Use the magnifier glass on the ground and pick the three worms.
(Now, not only
is his picket going to be burnt, it¡¯s going to be soggy as well!)
Go back to the blacksmith shed.
Don¡¯t enter, instead go left and click on the back of the house
to the lower
edge of the roof, just above the window with a red curtain (An
directional arrow will appear.)
Brent will climb on the roof.
Use the worms with the roof¡¯s side on the left side of the
Watch video clip.

Pick up the nest.
Go back in the blacksmith¡¯s shed and talk to him.
Go out and behind the blacksmith¡¯s shed again) from where you
climbed on the
roof and put your cursor to the lower edge of the screen.
Go there (it is the very end of the garden, with another shed and
a chopping
block with an axe in front of it)
On the chopping block there is a little piece of wood. Pick it up.
Go in Serstan¡¯s room (room seven)
Go behind him with the picture with the water symbol and use the
glass on the secret compartment just under the picture.
Use the little piece of wood with the secret compartment.
Exit the room and go to see Maglor (room one) and convince him to
lure Serstan
out of his room.
Go to Serstan¡¯s room and look to the secret niche.
Click on it, and pick up the red crate.
Also pick up the little piece of wood.
Use the red crate with the chair just in front of the secret
Take the key and in your inventory use it on the wax block.
Also in your inventory use your key with the red crate and replace
it in the
secret niche.
Use the big stone to lock the secret niche again.
Exit the room and for the blacksmith.
Use the wax block with the key impression on the blacksmith.
While waiting for the key to be ready, go to the library and talk
to Melanie.
Go back to the blacksmith and the key will be ready.
Go and speak with Maglor and then will Melanie in the library
again (all
Go to the blue hall.
Use the magnifier glass on the locked gate. Use the key on both
Click on the large wooden plank blocking the door.
Click on the door and enter.
*You are in a strange sort of maze. I will number the doors. 1
being the one
furthest left on the screen, and 2, 3 or 4 being on the right side
of the
Sometimes, you will have to go back through the same door. I will
describe the symbols, but have a look to the attached pictures.
(Coming soon)

1) Balcony with an arrow symbol. (Directly from the blue hall,
which is door
2): go through door 3. (Right)
2) Balcony with a Y shaped symbol: go door 2.
3) Balcony with reversed arrow: door 4.
4) Eye with legs symbol: door 3.
5) Sigma like symbol: door 1. (Back through the same door)
6) Y shape with an extra line symbol: door 1.
7) F shaped symbol: door 3. (Back through the same door)
8) Very complicated X and brackets symbol: door 2.
9) Upside-down Y symbol: door 1.
10) Criss-crossed arrowheads symbol: door 3. (Back through
the same door).

Once you reached the lower level, go straight to the opening with
Look at the young tree, hourglass and old tree.
Turn around (using the directional arrow) and close the gate
behind you.
A secret passage will open under the reliefs.
Go through it.
Go left and look at the intact beads apparatus (abacus like thing)
similar to
the one in the big conference room, under the old tree relief.
Go right, and right, to the broken beads apparatus, under the
young tree
Go back and down to the center of the room.
Use the magnifier glass on the crystal ball.
Click on it and an image of the destroyed Stonehenge appears.
Go back to the monastery, to the library door, inside the
conference room, and
speak with Maglor.
Enter the library and speak with Melanie.
Go behind the throne and look to the beads apparatus there. It
looks like

I-¡Ó-I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I (14
notches with a
bead at position 1)
I--------I---¡Ó---I--------I--------I--------I---------I (6
notches with a
bead at position 2)
I------------I------------I------¡Ó------I-------------I (4
notches with a
bead at position 3)
I------I------I------I---¡Ó---I------I------I------I------I (8
notches with a
bead at position 4)
(12 notches
with a bead at position 5)

This structure represents a calendar (a bizarre one I think but a
nevertheless. If you find some significance to it, please Email
Go back to the crystal ball room (luckily, Brent goes right to
there without
passing through the maze)
Go left, to the intact beads apparatus. The two upper strings are
Serstan¡¯s new addition. So leave these two upper strings alone,
and set the
lower 5 in the order seen on the beads apparatus in the conference
The code being: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Go and have a look in the crystal ball. If you have entered the
code correctly,
you will have a glimpse of an intact Stonehenge.
Go back to the intact bead apparatus, and set it as to show the
execution date.
Here the code will be from the top string: 6, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4,
and 5. (The most
top string shows the twelve hours, so it must be advanced to 6;
the second up
shows night/day succession- just 2 notches and it must be set to
2, ie. At
night. The third probably shows the days, so it should be advanced
by 2. Have a
look in the crystal ball again.
And watch the video clip showing your execution. (That, of course,
if you have
entered the code correctly.

Go back to your room and speak with Maglor. Use the bed sheet in
your inventory
on the candle on the table.
Use the magnifier glass on the left window.
Click on the two white buildings in the distance.
Watch video clip.

Go back (down the screen) to the forest.
Look for the hurt Maglor.
Speak to him.
Use magnifier glass on the weeds at the far end of the screen.
Use gloves on the healing mistletoe.
Pick it up.
Use the healing mistletoe on Maglor. (Too late, he is already
Pick the top (Magic gyroscope) from dead Maglor.
Go to the temples (on the other side of the river where you
Go to the left temple. Use the magic gyroscope on the table on the
Go through the entrance that opens.
Repeat (it¡¯s a rotating door)
When you exit the second time, a stone relief appears on the
Use magnifier glass on it and you will see that the first two
buttons are
Click on the middle stone button.
Go in the rotating door and you enter a hall with two sets of
stone steps and a
copper plate on a pedestal.
Use the magnifier glass on the plate.
Pick the flint.
Go up the stone stairs and use the magnifier glass on the second
copper plate.
Look to the iron ladle. Take it.
Exit and re-enter the rotating doors. You are in another hall with
a copper
plate in the middle containing a bubble that you cannot take.
Go up the stone stairs in this hall and use the magnifier glass on
the other
copper plate and pick the small shovel up.
Exit and re-enter the turning doors. You are standing in another
room with a
pedestal bearing a copper plate full of clear water. Use the ladle
on the
Go up the stone stairs and pick the second flint from the second
copper plate.
Exit and re-enter the turning doors.
Use the magnifier glass on the copper plate containing soil. Use
the small
shovel on the soil.
Go up the stone stairs and pick the bellows from the copper plate.
Re-enter and exit through the turning doors twice (to get to the
bubble room)
Use the bellows on the bubble and it will suck some air from it.
You know have the 3 elements Earth, Water and Air.
Exit the left temple and enter the right temple.
Use the magnifier glass on the middle pedestal but you cannot take
the key.
Enter the upper left area with a cage filled with straws.
Pick the torch on the wall at the left.
Use the flint with the fire symbols on it on the cage and it will
light the
Use the magnifier glass on the golden lock at the bottom right of
the cage. Use
the amulet against the lock. Open the cage and use the torch on
the burning
Go to the next area on the left where there is a large metal ball
with a hole
at the top. The ball has the symbol of Air on it.
Use the bellows on the metal ball.
Use the torch on the small grate under the metal ball to light the
Continue to the left area but you find a locked door and further
on the left
another iron ball with the Water symbol on it. Click on the ball
to open it.
And use the ladle full of water on the metal ball.
Click on it again to close it and use the torch under the ball as
In the next area to the left, there is a third big metal ball,
open it and use
the small shovel with soil.
Click on it to close it.
Use the torch again to light the base of the ball.
The barrier around the pedestal with the golden key vanishes.
Pick the golden key up.
Go to the locked door and use the key on it.
Go down two flights of steps and use the magnifier glass on the
right wall (You
can do that in TWO places) pick the two tiles up (wind and earth
symbols on
them respectively)
Same at the next floor (tiles with water and fire symbols
Go down two more flights of steps.
Use magnifier glass on the LEFT wall. Pick the two tiles (air and
Same with the next floor. (Another air and water)
Reach the main underground room with a pedestal in the middle
containing the
staff, and four other rooms around it, each containing a pedestal
and a
>From where you stand, at the bottom of the stairs, Brent¡¯s
face turned
towards the central pedestal.
Go towards the left side of the screen (right from the stairs)
In the first room put a tile containing the symbol of the earth on
pedestal, and air on the megalith.
Exit this room.
Go left and left. In the next room place fire in the pedestal and
fire in the
Exit to the main area and go left and left.
In the next room set air in the pedestal and water in the
Exit to the center area.
In the next room to the left set water in the pedestal and air in
the megalith.
The light barrier on the central pedestal with the stuff vanishes.
Use magnifier glass on the central pedestal.
Pick up the staff.
Watch the video clip.

Use hedge clipper on Melanie. (if someone understands WHY he did
let me know!!)
Watch video clip.

Use healing mistletoe on Melanie.
Watch final video.

ëÔÏ ÐÒÉÓÌÁÌ: Olga ëÏÇÄÁ: 18:10:2001 - ÓÔÒ. full -


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