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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Tony hawk's PRO skater 2
Тип документа : Cheats Всего страниц : Текущая : full

All Cheat Mode
Platform: PC
Pause the game, then hold [Numpad 7] and press [Spacebar](3), C,
V, [Up], [Down], [Left], [Up], C, V, [Spacebar], V, B, [Spacebar],
V, B.

If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.
Then, select the "End Run" option from the pause menu.

All cheats, FMV seqences, McSqueeb, Officer Dick, and Spider-Man
will be unlocked.
Big head mode
Platform: PC
Pause the game, then hold [Numpad 7] and press C, B, [Up],
[Left](2), C, [Right], [Up], [Left].

If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.

Alternately, successfully complete the game by completing all
level objectives in career mode ten times.

Blood mode
Platform: PC
Pause the game, then hold [Numpad 7] and press [Right], [Up], C, V
to toggle blood mode.

If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.
Change Resolution
Platform: PC
Change Resolution, Brightness
Open Th2_opt.cfg with Notepad. It can be found in the directory
where you installed the game.

In the file, you will find the following lines:

The number 3 is the resolution. The lower the number the highter
the resolution, the higher the number, the lower the resolution.

Also, the -5 is the brightness or contrast. The lower this number,
the darker your game will be.
Fat skater
Platform: PC
Pause the game, then hold [Numpad 7] and press [Spacebar](4),
[Left], [Spacebar](4), [Left], [Spacebar](4), [Left] to make your
skater fat.

If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.

Note: This code may be entered multiple times to continue
making your skater more fat.
Full Motion Videos
Platform: PC
Neversoft Bails FMV sequence
Earn a medal in every competition with any character.

Neversoft Makes FMV sequence
Earn three gold medals with Private Carrera.

Skater's FMV sequence
Earn the gold in all three competitions with a character to unlock
their FMV sequence. Additional FMV sequences are available when
this is done with Spider-Man or McSqueeb (Tony Hawk's Style C).
Full stats
Platform: PC
Pause the game, then hold [Numpad 7] and press [Spacebar], V, B,
C, V, [Up], [Down] to raise your skater's attributes to 10.

If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.

Alternately, successfully complete the game by completing all
level objectives in career mode six times.

Marseilles Grotto
Platform: PC
In Marseilles, you may look at it as just an in and out
competition. Technically it is, but to have 100% of the level
beaten, you must have all o the cash icons. There are some very
obvious ones that are in the vacinity of the bowl.

However, there is also a fair amount of cash in an underground
grotto. To unlock this part of the level, simply skate over to the
trees at the far end of the course. You will see 1 white tree, and
this tree will be being held up by a stick at its base.

Run over this stick to cause the tree to fall, in turn, unlocking
the secret area.
Neversoft Skaters
Platform: PC
At the main menu, hold [Numpad 7] and press [Up], C(2), V,
[Right], [Up], B, V. If you entered the code correctly, the wheel
will spin.

Then, enter create skater mode and enter "Joel Jewett", "Connor
Jewett", "Mick West", or any other people from the Neversoft
development team as a name.

Note: More names from the Neversoft development team can be
found in the back of the instruction manual.
Play as Prived Carrera
Platform: PC
1. pause the game
2. hold numpad 7
3. then press down, up, left, left, b, left, up, v, v, up, right,
c, c, up, spacebar
4. the pause screen will shake
Special Characters
Platform: PC
Play as Spider-Man
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode with a created skater.

Play as Officer Dick
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode.

Play as Private Carrera
Get all the gaps in each of the regular levels.

Play as McSqueeb
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode with Tony Hawk to unlock 80's Tony Hawk (Tony
Hawk's Style C).
Special Levels
Platform: PC
Chopper Drop: Hawaii level
Earn three gold medals with all characters.

Skate Heaven level
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode with all of the original characters, Officer Dick,
Spider-Man, and a custom skater.

Special Meter Always Full
Platform: PC
Pause the game, then hold [Numpad 7] and press [Spacebar], V,
B(2), [Up], [Left], V, C to always have a full special meter.

If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.

Alternately, successfully complete the game by completing all
level objectives in career mode five times.

Special Modes
Platform: PC
Skip to restart (random start locations)
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode two times.

Kid mode
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode three times.

Perfect balance
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode four times.

Wire frame mode
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode eight times.

Slow-Nic mode (slow-motion tricks)
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode nine times.

Smooth mode (no texture maps)
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode twelve times.

Moon physics (low gravity)
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode thirteen times.

Disco mode
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode fourteen times.

Flip level
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode fifteen times.
Thin skater
Platform: PC
Pause the game, then hold [Numpad 7] and press [Spacebar](4), C,
[Spacebar](4), C, [Spacebar](4), C to make your skater more thin.

If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.

Note: This code may be entered multiple times to continue
making your skater more thin. Alternately, successfully complete
the game by completing all level objectives in career mode eleven

Turbo mode
Platform: PC
Pause the game, then hold [Numpad 7] and press [Down], C, V,
[Right], [Up], B, [Down], C, V, [Right], [Up], B to increase the
speed of the game by 25%.

If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.
Unlock Three Original Levels
Platform: PC
By gaining golds in each competition, you will unlock a new stage.
In all cases, these stages are from the original THPS! They

Gold in Marseilles = unlock Downhill Jam
Gold in Skate Street = unlcock Chicago
Gold in Bullring = unlock Warehouse

Note: This is specific to the PC version of the game. The
Playstation version does not contain these extra levels.

!!Эти читы работают только при изначальных настройках

Кто прислал: Nimble Когда: 28:12:2001 - стр. full -

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