button to select.
Select Hot Pad: Move joystick to position arrow on Hot Pad and press either
joystick button to select.
Select Hot Pad: Press the "TAB" key to move the arrow from one Hot Pad to
another. Press the "SPACE BAR" to select.
The first menu screen is Main Select. It is the starting point from which you
enter the game.
Mission or Campaign?
Among the seven menu choices in Main Select Menu are Fly One Mission and Start
Campaign. These are two modes of game play that A-10 Tank Killer offers.
Fly One Mission allows you to individually select which mission to fly. Each
mission will include a Briefing/Debriefing, Weapons Select and Mission
Summary. When a mission is completed or exited, you will be returned to the
Main Select Menu.
Start Campaign enters you into a preset "tour of duty." You will start at
mission #1 and continue until you have either completed all of the missions,
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