"record on, look, record off". (4) Reading a newspaper. Go to Bodanski
Square, "buy newspaper, record on, read newspaper, record off".
(5) Riding some form of public transportation. Go down into the tube
system, wait till a tubecar arrives. "Record on, enter tubecar, wait" till
the tubecar stops, "leave tubecar, record off".
(6) Attending a court in session. Go into the court. "Record on, look,
record off".
(7) Talking to a church official. Go into a church eg St Michael's, "record
on, talk to elder, record off".
(8) Going to a movie. Go to the cinema , "record on, buy ticket, in, record
off". (9) Visiting your own home or living quarters. "Inventory, open
wallet, read licence"; you now know your address is Parkview Appartments,
Southway. Go there, "unlock door, w, unlock door, record on, n, look,
record off".
"Abort, PEOF, ask Perelman to look at recordings". So long as you have
recorded all the things required, he will tell you that the experts are
pleased and it looks as though the Plan will be adopted. As a result of
your recordings, more accurate simulations will be possible in future.
At the start of this section, you will be asked to do some psych tests.
This is just a bit of fun, the answers don't mean anything so you can reply
whatever you want!
In a while, Perelman tells you the plan has been recommended for full
adoption in a few weeks. But he says he has a funny feeling about it. If
you "enter simulation mode" now, you can go to either 10 or 20 years into
the future. So go into 20 (2051).
If you have a look around, you will see several things have changed and the
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