invisible 1 makes u invisible. If u run into a guy, it doesn▓t work.
invisible 0 makes u non-invisible
allammo gives u all the ammo for the guns u have
killpawns kills all monsters on your screen
playersonly freezes time. Type it again and the game is back to normal.
suicide kills u instantly
behindview 1 tomb raider style
behindview 0 resets this
Single player levels
open vortex2 Vortex Rikers
open nyleve NyLeve▓s Falls
open dig Rrajigar Mine
open dug Depths of Rrajigar
open passage Sacred Passage
open chizra Chizra-Nali Water God Temple
open ceremony The Ceremonial Chambers
open dark Dark arena
open harobed Harobed Village
open terralift Terraniux Underground
open terraniux Terraniux
open noork Noork▓s Elbow
open ruins Temple of Vandora
open trench The Trench
open isvkran4 ISV-Kran Deck 4
open isvkran32 ISV-Kran Decks 3 and 2
open isvdeck1 ISV-Kran Deck 1
open spirevillage Spire Village
open thesunspire The Sunspire
open skycaves Gateway to Na Pali
open skytown Na Pali Haven
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