1.Job (2.digit),
2.Job (2.digit),
3.Job (2.digit),
points of formation
1.Job (2.digit), points of formation
2.Job (2.digit), points of formation
3.Job (2.digit), Age(2.digit), Groesse(4.digit),
Gewicht(4.digit), IQ(4.digit), Herz(4.digit),
Oberweite(4.digit), Taille(4.digit), Becken(2.digit).
4 lines further down are the empirical values, caution to 255 are
them to 2 digit starting from then 4 digit.
Note: With four-digit offset are to be rotated these.
01 Hostess
02 chambermaids
03 Animateur
04 Fuzzy
05 Bunnygirl
06 Domina
08 coaches
09 Trainerin
0A Bikinigirl
0B portier
0C S&M Girl
0D nurse
0E cook
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