shoot that bat when you see him. Follow him. Then swing on the
stalagtites. Then get on the left of the big rock and blast the
base. Go up one level and go all the way to the right. Blast
out the rock and run like hell back to the left. Ta-da!
Segment 4: The Halls
Basicly, you just blow the hell out of everyone you meet. There
are some tricks.
Kick the guy in the balls.
Set up a shield and get close to the door then step back.
Shoot the chandelier (to free your buddy).
Wait until he stops pacing and shoot the globe.
Subsegment: The Water
Swim down and shut the power off. Or don't (it makes
for an interesting light show).
These hints are designed to be vague, but they were the hardest to
figure out (well, not the kicking one).
Oh, and when you think you are trapped, hold out. Your buddy
will save your behind.
Segment 5: The Guardhouse
Run around it while your buddy gets caught. Then surprise them.
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