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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Hitchcock: The Final Cut
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : Текущая : full

Manor hall:
Access to Manor ballroom from the door near the stairs and
Robert's office on the right side from the beginning of the game.

Manor ballroom:
It is a wonderful and big hall with a stair leading to the first
floor: Look at the posters and pictures (click on Mary-Rose's
portrait to get the flash of a lightning).
Go to the closet on the right side and go in close-up. Open the
top drawer, click on the album and have a look through the pages.
Go up the stairs and look at some more pictures and diplomas. The
go back to Manor hall... Let's open the door on the right now...

Robert`s office:
Look around at the map, diplomas, pictures at the walls. Have a
look at the safe, the TV set...
Once done, go behind the desk and take the scissors and stamp that
you will find. Click on the answering machine to zoom, and then
click on the "PLAY" button 2 times to listen to the 2 messages
that you will find there. Open the top drawer on the left side of
the desk and read Alicia's medical report that you'll find inside.
Once done, exit the close up.
In the corner of the room is a high wooden chest of 6 drawers, go
to it and click on it to enter the first puzzle. In the riddle in
close up, and move the words to the right part by clicking on it
and dropping it in the right order shown below (in fact it is a
word game, and the solution is: "Foreign correspondent", "Life
boat", "North By Northwest", "The thirty nine steps", "Young and
innocent", "Blackmail". You can either have a look at the
screenshot below.

Open the drawers one by one and read what you'll find inside... Take
the video tape in the bottom drawer.
Go to the TV set and go in puzzle view. Choose the video tape ("welcome
videotape") in the bag and click on the VCR door. It will play Robert's
welcome speech...
Now leave the room, once in the hall, open the door right in front of
you (this one was not accessible before) to gain access to the kitchen.

Manor kitchen:
Go to the table in the middle of the room and go in close up by
clicking on the plate with a chicken meat. Go through the dialog
with Mynah, the black bird.
Take a glass from the shelves on the left: it will be put on the
table automatically, in front of the bird.
Open the freezer compartment and take two ice cubes out of the
tray and put them in the glass.
Take a bottle of brandy (the one which is written "20 years old")
and pour it in the glass.
You'll get the Topaz stopper in your inventory afterwards.
Put the brandy back on the shelves. Get out of the kitchen and,
open the house entrance door on your right, in the hall.

Manor outside:
Once outside, go to the left and go downstairs. Go to the red car,
switch into puzzle view and take the fishing equipment in the back side.
Walk to the Topaz gate, near the stairs, in front of the house,
just before the pool and go in puzzle view. Take the Topaz stopper
(from "20 years old brandy bottle") from the bag and put it into
the lock system by the gate. The Shadow card will appear in the
slot. Take it and the gate will open.

The Soundstage:
Look in the neighborhood for a building where you will find a
painting called "Soundstage": Go inside and talk to Jack seated by
the console. He will give you directions: answer "Yes" 2 times
during dialogs.
Go to the microphone on the stage, move the doll with the gun in
its hands and go out from the stage to get rid of it, then get
back to the microphone and use it.
Walk around the dummy, then run around ("Shift" key), jump ("X"
key), get on the cross, draw your gun (select it in your
inventory), face the dummy from where you are and shot twice
(SPACE bar), put your gun back (select it from your inventory).
Then get back on the cross, draw the gun and say "YES".

Go to the restaurant, which is a small house just near the soundstage.
Inside, go to the music box, click on the painting to move it
apart and take the key you'll see behind (Kitchen key).
Go to the tables by the windows and go in close up on them to look
for clues: Have a look at the table on the right side: click on
the glass. Go to the table on the left, click on 2 of the 3 glasses...
Open the door near the bar to get access to the kitchen.

Turn back and switch on the light.
Go to the oven. Turn it off by clicking on the button on the left
side, open it and look inside.
Go to the drawer on the right open it and take the knife and scotch tape.
Go outside, get round the house and climb the ladder that you will
see laying on the wall. From this stage of the game, if you have
the gun in your hand, put it back in your inventory or you'll
provoke a big bug... Use the knife from your inventory and click on
the rope tied to the window. Get back to the restaurant, you'll
find a corpse.
Cut the rope using the knife from the bag. Once with the
magnifying glass, your inquisition will be interrupted by a sudden
gas trap. Get back to the door and slam it open 3 to 5 times
(press the space bar many times to activate).
Go outside near the ladder and switch the gas bottle off by
clicking on the switch.

Get back in the kitchen in the house and have a look at the corpse.
You'll be in the investigation mode with the magnifying glass: on
the actor's corpse, take the audio tape recorder between the 2 arms,
in front of the body's face, and the key behind the left hand.

Motel Reception:
Go to the motel's main entrance and use the Shadow card to open
the door to reception.
Walk to the desk, have a look at the guest book and all its names
Walk behind the desk and look at the small chest and look at the
one with the number 322 (on the top right corner).
Go outside by using the door near the reception desk, you'll then
be in a small court, and go on the other side.

Motel Courtyard:
Go to the small building with wooden stairs on the left side of
the courtyard and enter the room using the key 322 from the dead
actor (taken in the restaurant).

Cupid room:
Once inside, turn back and switch the light on by the door and
walk to the other side of the room.
Go in close-up on the small lamp with a golden angel shape, next
to the bed, click on the bulb and take the tape.
Go through the other door to access the bathroom.
Go to the mirror and go in close-up on the small panel on the
lower right corner, you'll see a water-pipe closed by a cap: open
the cap and take the motel control key inside.
Walk to the toilet and go in close-up. Open the lid and take the
ear plug.
Then go to the bathtub, open the curtain and look at the hand of
the corpse: death by electrocution is what you'll discover...

Use the ear plug, then use the incomplete audio tape recorder and
you'll have in your inventory a "working audio tape recorder". Use
the audio tape to listen to it...
Now, get back at the hotel entrance, behind the welcome desk, then
look at the mains panel on the wall: Click on the small paper on
the lower edge of the door panel and the orange alarm knob on the
left side, in the middle of the red leds to have a "flash".)

Motel Courtyard:
Back in the yard go to the plants on the right side of the small
building with the stairs (the one which led you to room 322) and
go in close-up. Take the key for the scaffolding and click on the
red socks to see another flash sequence.
Then climb the metal ladder next to the plants, get upstairs until
you reach the top of the building. Once at the very top, climb the
last metal ladder to gain access to the arcade sequence of the
In the arcade sequence 1: walk through the narrow planks without
being hit by the moving grey metal hammers, progress in 2 times
once the hammers have stopped moving, then have a rest, just walk,
but do not run.

Arcade sequence 2: on the plank, run and jump on the platform just
in front you. Once on the platform, turn back and walk to the one
next to it and press the space bar to go to the next sequence.

Arcade sequence 3: Jump on the metal stairs on the right side and
get up a level.

Arcade sequence 4: Once you have climbed the stairs, progress on
the planks: here you cannot fall because it is protected with bars
on each side.Get at the very edge of it, turn so that your
character is facing the top of the screen and let yourself fall
from the edge, you will then land on a plank below !

Arcade sequence 5: You have landed on a platform: Progress until
you reach the lower right side of the screen. Don't run and
progress slowly !

Arcade sequence 6: Walk until the end of the long platform, turn
and walk until you step on secure ground ! Then get near the hole
and press the space bar to climb down, then open the door, once
you have reached the bottom of the stairs.You'll be in the hotel:
Exit the hotel and head to the water front, near the manor: get
back to the manor and take the long stairs surrounding the manor
until you reach a wooden platform with a boat at a distance.

Water Front:
Go to the Water Front and take the cover from the wheelbarrow.
Walk into the boat and take the diving suit you'll find below the
wooden seat.
Press the space bar to row the boat into the open sea.
Use the diving mask to wear it and jump in water. Once underwater,
swim towards the blurred yellow human shape that you see in the
distance. Once in the zoom mode, click on the belt: put in the
combination of those numbers: 36-26-35 (from the left to the
right) and you'll pick it onboard.

Back on the boat, you'll be investigation mode: Click on the
camera to get the digital videotape in your inventory. Don't
forget to cover the body (select cover and press the space bar of
your keyboard. Leave the boat, then Jump to the main wooden
platform and progress back until you get to the next chapter...

Production office in the Motel:
Go into the motel reception, and the phone will ring: pick it up
and Robert will invite you for a meeting. Walk up the stairs and
open the door on the left at the end of the corridor.
It will automatically launch a dialog with Robert. You'll give him
also the tape.
When the first part of the dialog ends, have a look around the
room: look at the statue of a cow on the table, look at the title
and you'll find a clue...
Then continue with all the dialog subjects during which you will
get a key for the soundstage (backroom key) and two magnetic cards
("Psycho" and "Torn curtain").

Go to the soundstage back door and open it using the backroom key.

Find a big wicker basket and go in close-up. Open it and look at
the bloody corpse and look for clues (In fact you'll find nothing
of interest).
Get out and head to the backyard in the hotel, climb the metal
ladder using the scaffolding key to the 1st floor, then open the
door on your right: You'll gain access to the makeup room.

Makeup room:
Use the Psycho card to open the door.
Walk to the makeup table and go in close-up. Take the nail file
(near the white powder pot) and the Grey powder compact from the
table. Open the little tray on the chest, below the handle. Take
the small colored containers one by one and put them into the
tray. The first letter of each of the colors must spell the name
on the chest's tag (GORBY).From the left to the right you have to
put those colors: Green, Orange, Red, Blue, Yellow.

Pull the chest open and its content will reveal an airbag with a
the shape of a face.
Then, go to the table with the TV and go in close-up. Turn the TV on.
Click on the cards to go in close-up and take the Topaz magnetic
card from the pile of cards. Now, you have to rearrange the series
of cards below so that you can read " Norman Bates ": from your
inventory, you have to select them and put them on the table, one
by one, starting from the left. Once done, you'll find something
new for your investigations...
Go to the book shelves in the corner of the room, click on the red
book at the bottom of the shelves to have it in a close-up. Open
it and use the knife in the middle of the left blank page, and
take the cyclo room key that you'll find inside.

Walk under the fan fixed to the ceiling, in the middle of the
room, and go in close-up on it. Use the nail file to unscrew a
wing and discover a hidden camera: click on it.

Also read the bible on the bedside table. Then get out and go
downstairs and open the door you'll find near the ladder: you'll
gain access to Gaffer's Room.

Gaffer's room:
Once inside, your character will go and see the strange statue of
the Christ: you'll discover a hidden camera in his eyes... (if
not, leave the room and enter again...).
Go to the table with the TV and go in close-up. Turn the TV on.
Open the large drawer below the table, click on the table door in
close-up and click on the camera in the lower shelf. It will make
a snapshot Josef. Just click again and you'll automatically take
both camera and photograph in your inventory.
A sequence will show a sniper shooting at you and you will find
yourself again by the the window.
Take the camera from your inventory and use it (press the space
bar) on the window.
After the movie you will find yourself outside the room in the
yard: During the dialog with Gaffer, just say "No" to him (He's
the sniper on the roof)...He will be pushed and will fall... He will
leave nothing on his corpse right afterwards. Get back to the
Gaffer Room.
Go to the TV table again, open the door on the left side and take
the Saboteur card behind the jar which contains eyes (!!).
Go to the book shelves and read the message on the book. Also read
the article in the newspaper on the right bedside table and the
bible on the left bedside table.

Sound engineer's room: First floor of the Scaffoldings.
Use the Topaz card to open the door
Find the suitcase on the floor just in the corner, at the left of
the bookshelf and open it. In close-up, click on the folders to
get a "flash".
Then look at the book shelves and open the DVD box on the shelf at
the bottom. It will reveal a small video tape: put it in your
inventory. Play the small tape on the VCR by clicking the video
tape on the VCR door. Turn the TV on. Click on the letter next to
the video camera to discover a new clue to your investigations.
Read the bible on the left bedside table and take the binoculars.
Go to the drawing at the right of the table with the TV & HIFI.
Click several times and look at the measures of different body
shapes. Then go to the closet, open it, click on the 3 belts: In
the puzzle, you have to find the right numbers on the belt at the
left: starting from the top to the bottom, put in the numbers
35-24-35, which are Alicia's measures.

SFX room:
This room is on the 2nd floor of the scaffolding, at the door on
the right. Use the Saboteur card to open it.
Inside, go to the table.
-Turn the TV on.
-Look at the cigar in the right part
-Open the door on the lower side, click on the roof of the manor
model and you'll find inside a paper roll with a story board.
-Open the drawer, you'll see another manor model.
-Click on the rope on the window and you'll pull a basket inside.
Have a look at it and open the envelope to look through the
Go to the closet and open it.
-Have a look at the pocket of the suit: you'll see a message which
will reveal a clue and you'll take the "Torn Curtain 2 Card".
Go to the book shelves and read the short message attached to the
Read the bible on the bedside table and have a look at the pills
as well.

Actor's room:
The actor's room door is next to the corpse of Gaffer, near the
door leading to the hotel, in the courtyard. Use the Torn curtain
2 card to open the door.
Go to the table with the TV and turn it on. Look at the 2 pieces
papers on the table and the folder.
Look at the bible on bedside table with the glasses on it. Also
look at the book shelves.

Get to the back of the Soundstage and enter. Go to the other door
with the "SILENCE" spots its top.

Walk to the control panel, press the space bar on it and you will
get a flash.
Then go to the left side of the car and use the powder compact on
the car's window (near the handle): It will reveal some finger

Open the car door and then the glove compartment on the right side
of the car. Take the 1st broken Cut card.

Go to the car's trunk and open it. You'll discover a body. Take
the pink scarf from its hand and you'll see another flashback.
Then go back to the car's door and click on the brake pedal (the
one in the middle). It will open an empty airbag box on the
steering wheel: click on it to have a flashback. Exit the room and
also the Soundstage to get to chapter 3...

Shooting sets:
When exiting the room, you'll be at the soundstage where you will
hear Robert screaming from the shooting sets.
You have to climb the big vertical crane and open the door to get
in the control command cabin: Click on the left button to lower
the crane hook. Exit the Cabin and go down.

Lower the small crane where Robert is trapped by pulling the small
lever on its control panel. It will lower Robert safely to safe &
secure ground !
Then head to the Office, near the telephone booth.

Production office:
Walk into the office, pull down the sliding screen in the corner
next to the desk.
Go to the next room.
Go in investigation mode on the corpse. Click on the 2 bottles,
use the knife on the green bottle cap to open it and find a clue.
Use the knife on the remote control.

Then use the remote control from your inventory and press "Space"
on the keyboard, and you will have it in a zoom: Click on the
green button to switch it on/off (and by the same way controlling
the sliding up and down of the screen. Then click on the buttons
1, 2 and 3 to view some short but very interesting movies ...

When done, go outside...

Phone booth:
You'll hear the telephone ringing from the phone booth.
You'll get a call from Constance. She'll ask you to meet in
Brenner's home at the shooting sets. You'll also get the second
half of the "Cut card" in the change compartment at the bottom of
the phone and even some glue. Use the glue on the first half of
the cut card to join both cards in a completed one.

Brenner's home:
Go to Brenner's home which is in front of the Office, but a little
bit on the right: it is an old house, almost a ruin. Use the Cut
card to get inside.
The door closes behind you. As soon you're in, a flash will
occurs, a voice will speak to you and a bomb timer will be
automatically set. Reply "NO" to the first question that you will
be asked at any time.
Go to the sofa with a hand bag. Go in close-up, open it and click
on the lipstick to have a flash.
Walk to the fire place and go in close-up on the stuffed hawk.
Click on it and it will reveal a note on the bottom of the base.
Go near the ladder and press sapce bar to pick it up.
-Carry it under the panel by the door.
-Then go to the table with the small box. To open it you must set
the right numbers on the lock (314... you can get a clue by finding
the book Plato`s republic on the bookshelves on the left. It has
"Pi" written on the cover).When it opens take the key and use it
to open the panel with the bomb.
-NOTE: You can also break the glass door with the shovel hanging
by the fire place. When the panel is open use the knife to cut the
Pink wire.

When done Constance enters the room.
Go through the dialogs. Exit the house and go back to the manor
using your console.

Manor hall:
When coming in you'll see Jack carrying a tray from Robert's room.
He will tell you to see Robert..

Robert`s room:
Go upstairs in Robert's room (first door on the left after the
stairs) and go through all the dialogs.
Visit the other rooms...

Parents bedroom:
There is a round box of fortune cookies on the chair by the door
near the entrance door.
-View it in close-up. Open the box and take two cookies one after
each other.
-You'll break them by clicking on them then read the little
message on the small papers, do it 2 times.

Then go to the record player and go in closeup.
-Click on the 2 records below it: the one is Bernard Hermann, with
this one you'll have a flash...
-Click on Eroica symphony record and the small music box will open.
-Go in close-up and read the message on the scroll paper in it.

Also look at the calendar on the wall.
Then walk to the other painting and go in close-up. -Click on it
and the painting will move, revealing a picture of Robert laughing
at Walters grave !

There is a bible on the bedside table, and the book "Hiroshima my
love" on the shelve below it.
You can also look at the closet...

Alicia`s room:
Go to the closet and go in close-up. Have a look at the clothes
Get on the other side of the bed: Mynah bird will be in the room,
near the corner with the desk.
Use the gun to scare it away.
Then go to the table and go in close-up on the perch.
Open one end of it and take the wooden fish in your inventory.
Then use the wooden fish on the pelican's mouth.
A small drawer will open under the pelican.
Take the Cellar key, look at the postcard and put the recipe in
your bag.

Also look at the book shelves among the birds statues.

Jack's room:
When inside look around.
You can get a close up on bed closet (open it) and a bible on it.
Alicia's photo on the bedside table.

Then go to the door next to the ballroom door.
Use the Cellar key to open it.
Walk downstairs to the table and go in puzzle view.
Look at the book on the table and the printing on the wall.

Then walk to the shelves by the stairs.
Have a look at the pocket of the suit: you'll see a message which
will reveal a clue and you'll take the "Torn Curtain 2 Card".
First look at the basket with apples.
Take one apple, open the cupboard door below the basket and take
one big bag of flour and a small red bag of cinemon near the bags
of flavour.

Go out of the close-up and go to the next compartment end of the
closet: take the birds machine.
On the shelf at the top, there is a jar with a brain inside (go in
close-up and read the note on it).

Phone booth:
Go to the phone booth on the shooting sets and try to call Jack.
Get back to Brenner's house.

Brenner`s home:
Go inside to the table in the middle of the room.
Click on the envelope on the middle of the table.
Go to the bookshelf in the corner near the fireplace and have a look at
the book on the table: inside you'll find a "Heaven's Gate" marker.
Go to the church.

Church graveyard:
Go to the graveyard first (it's on the right side of the church).
Walk to the workbench and look around.
Take the saw on the coffin and look at the small paper hanging.
Then go to the family tombstones and look around.

Church inside:
During your investigations, a shadow may run in the distance and
then enter the church...
Open the door to the church.
The shadow will pass through the door, run after it to the steeple.
At the end of the chase on the top of the stair case, shoot at
the the shadow (Space bar): you'll see it falling down afterwards.
Go down go into investigation mode on it and look for clues:
you'll discover that the woman was already murdered with a knife
before you shoot at her...

Then go back to the confessional, near the exit.
Open the door on the right, first.
Go inside.
When inside the door behind you will activate a sword in the "customer"
side (door on the left side).
Go out and open the door to "customer" side.
Look at the book and turn over the purse.
Pick up the nail polish and the lipstick and click on the purse again.
It will come in close-up.
Use the knife to cut the hidden pocket in the purse.
Read the small message and take Constance's driving license from the bag.
Take also the brown cloth in the corner near the blade
Go to the reliquary on the end of the church and go in close-up
with the puzzle on the altar.
On the altar, click on each picture and press the button, drag
the mouse left or right to make the pictures turn. From the top to
the bottom, you have to select: Mountains, cage (cube), tiger.
When the small door opens, open the little door below the
globe and take the "Topaz II magnetic card". Close the box and exit.

Walk to the left of the reliquary table and open the door.

When inside go to the table look around and take some coins.
Go to the slot machine insert a coin and pull the lever on the
left side of it.
Repeat the same, until you win a "Keller video tape, a "blue
slide", and an "AnDia box" (white and blue).

Then go to the closet next to the slot machine and open it: it is
on the other wall on the right, it looks like a secret door.
Take the book from the shelf with a bookmark. If you missed to
take it from Brenner's home, you can take this one.

Church inside:
Then walk the stairs to the pulpit. Get into the puzzle mode and
insert "the heaven gate marker" in the slot on the left side: it
will reveal a hidden box.
Take the beauty case, open it.
Take the Saboteur 2 card in the lower corner of the box, click
on the envelope and use the knife to break the seal, and you can
read both letters.

Go to the windows by the reliquary table and go in close-up on
Saint Robert's window (it is on the right side).
Click on the stone board with his name.
It will slide and reveal the Psycho 2 card and the red slide:
take them into your inventory. Put the stone where it was and exit
the close-up.

Church graveyard:
When outside the church again go through the dialog with the Mynah
bird and you'll follow him to the swamps.

Alicia has fallen into the quicksand.
Go to the scarecrow and use the saw on the it.
When it falls take the wooden pole and the birds machine (if
not taken in the Cellar before).

Go to Alicia who's on the other side of the wooden platform and
use the wooden stick to get her out of the quicksand (select it
from inventory and press Space bar).

After the dialogs, you'll be back in the manor, on the first
floor... Get down to the kitchen (left door).

Manor kitchen:
When in kitchen you will have to bake an apple crumble.
Open the fridge and take the butter on the door (if not
already done before).
Take the apple on the plate (if not already done before).
Go by the cooker and get in a close-up: open the cupboard door
on the lower right side and click on the frying pan to put in on
the cooker and to automatically take the large spoon on the upper
shelf, click then on the yellow bowl on the lower shelf to put it
on the table.
Use the knife on the apple to cut it in slices. Use the knife
on the lemon to cut it in slices as well. Click on the bowl on the
table to get into close-up, throw both lemon and apple into the bowl.
Click then on the bowl to pour its content in the frying pan.
Use "powdered cinnemon" and white "sugar" (taken from the bowl on
the right side of the table) in it.
Click on the handle of the oven to open it, and click on the
plate that you'll find inside to automatically put in on the
table. Click on the plate, put some butter in it.
Use the spoon on the frying pan and click on it to pour its
content into the plate.
Click on the brown/yellow bowl to get in a close-up. Then click butter,
brown sugar (taken from the bowl in the right side of the table) and
flour to pour them inside it. Use the large spoon to mix it and you'll
put it on the plate on the left side.
Click on the plate to put in back on the oven. Click on the
button on the left side to put on the fire to bake the cake. Wait
for some time and then open the oven and take the "apple crumble pie".
Head now to Alicia's room.

Alicia`s room:
When in her room, go trough the dialogs 2 times. When finished,
you'll only have a list of 5 words that you have to say in the
right order from the "palm" to get the right reaction from Alicia:
Daddy, Bomb, Suicide, Mommy, Robert )

Manor hall
When coming in you'll see Jack carrying a tray from Robert's room.
He will tell you to see Robert..

Parents bedroom:
Go to the closet and click on the clothes. You'll put them on. Get
out from the room and you'll hear Jack calling you...

Jack`s room:
Go to Jack's Bedroom and go through with the dialog with him.
Then you will get the key for the library.

Manor pool:
When by the pool change into diving stuff and jump in the swimming pool.
Find the secret hatch and open it.
Open the box and read the paper. Afterwards you'll be out of the pool.

Get back to the manor ballroom, go upstairs and open the door on
the left side of the balcony.
Use the library key to open the door.
Go to the shelves on the right and go in close-up.
You'll find some encyclopedias and on some volumes on the left
side you can notice some worn letters in grey on the gutter. From
the left, click on the following letters: A (volume 1), N (volume 3),
D (volume 2), I (volume 4), A (volume 5) to spell "ANDIA": It will open
the AnDia drawer: explore the folder and read the note inside.
Go to the drawers and go in close-up.
Click on the cigar box on the right and you'll take all the cigars.

Then click on the cigar box on the top shelf on the left side and
put the "Winston Churchill" cigar from your inventory in the empty
space. It will open the Quay d'Orsai drawer in the lower side:
explore the folder that you'll find inside...
Also take the stirrers by the cigar box on the left side and
use the "Coska" stirrer to open the Torn curtain drawer (2nd one
starting from the bottom). Explore the folder.

To open the Foreign correspondent drawer look at the family tree
on the top of the shelves and click on the rectangle on this
drawing, then use the stamp ( from Robert's office) on the left of
the stamp.

The drawer opens: take the Thornhill video tape, have a look at
the 2 folders that you'll have inside . Exit the room and you will
get directly to Alicia's room.

Alicia`s bedroom:
Go near Alicia. After the initial dialog select the sound machine
from the inventory and play the third white button starting from
the left: first set level one, then click on the level level two
(the button levels are set in the round big shape button: first
level on the top last level at the bottom).
Follow the dialog. Once it will end you'll have a plug connected
to the machine so that you can call Robert: Click on the first
button from the left.
Click 2 times again so that Robert will call you to his room. Go
to meet him there...

Robert`s bedroom:
When inside follow the dialog with Robert. Once done, exit the
house and head to the church...

Church graveyard:
When you get at the church, go first to the graveyard to meet Jack there.
Pick up the tombstones one by one and take them to the graves.
You have to match the names on the coffins with the names on the

William Morton John "Scottie" Ferguson / Special effects
Bob Lawrence Michael Armstrong / Actor
Stefen Fischer Gavin Elster / Production designer
Shaw Brandon Arthur Toothbridge / Sound engineer
Michael Keller Herrmann Gromek / Electrician / lights
Carol Jones Norma Basten / Cinematographer
Kay Keane Blanche Tyler / Actress
Ingrid PetersenLila Samuels / Make-up

When done Jack will give you a shovel and you'll start to dig your
grave (all automatic).
When Jack turns around, press action button to escape from graveyard.
Go to Robert's room, first door on the left after the stairs.

Robert's bedroom:
When inside a dialog will start and it will get you to the secret room.

Secret room:
When inside the dialog will continue.
At the end you have to shoot Robert.
When Robert falls down go in investigation mode and take the
Shadow 2 card.

Robert's room:
Look around.
Go to the table in the corner and go in close-up.
Click on the lock system with the sun and boat.
When in close up move the earth to the left position and the boat
next to the Ithaca island.
Turn the numbers to "1221". This will unlock all drawers on the table.
Also have a look at the books in the shelf above the bed.

Motel courtyard:
Look around and go to all the rooms you haven't been in yet.

Cinematographer room:
This room is just near the plants where you found the red socks and the
key to the scaffoldings. Use the psycho 2 card to open the door.
Go to the closet and open it.
Open the hatbox in the closet and read the letter found inside.
Go to the bookshelves look at the books you can read and click on
the compass. Turn the ring of the compass to show NNW position. It
will reveal a file hidden by the shelves. Read it.
You can play the videotapes on the VCR by clicking the videotape
on the VCR door ("Keller" and "Thornhill" video tapes.
On the VCR table you can also click on the statue of liberty eye
to see the hidden camera and click on the pen to have a flash.
Also read the bible that lies on the bedside table.

Actress room:
It is the door on the right side of the building with the metal
ladder. You will use the "Topaz 2" card to unlock it open. Look
around the room. Go to the closet and open it.
Take the needle (brooch) from the grey sweater.
Go to the table and click the brooch needle on the top of the pyramid.
It will open and reveal a paper. Read it.
Go to the bedside table and read the bible

Production designer room:
This room is on the 2nd floor of the scaffoldings, door on the right.
Go to the closet and open it.
Click on the suitcase's labels to get a flash.
Go to the table with the TV set, click on the box of cigarettes to
have a flash.
Go to the bedside table and read the bible.

Robert`s office:
His office is in the manor, door of the right from the entrance
hall. Go to the safe and open it using the Safe card.
The three drawers will be unlocked.
Read all the papers and folders inside and take all that you can
in your bag (among others: the slide viewer, green slide and
Robert's card).
When Alicia enters the room go through the dialogs.
When the dialogs end, select the slide viewer from your inventory,
then select the 3 slides from your inventory one by one and they
will be inserted automatically inside the viewer.
After the dialogs put all three slides in the slide viewer.
This action will reveal a hidden passage among the bookshelves.
Enter the secret corridor...

Edit room:
When inside the edit room go to the table and go in close up.
Click the small square on the panel board and click the screen in
the middle.
It will start a movie showing Josef shooting at Constance.
Follow the dialog then click on the movie again and go in
investigation mode.
Get in the console again and click on the screen in the middle to
see the hero walking up the stairs in the church...
Get in the console again, and have a look at the movie again.
Find the "third" hand carrying the corpse in the investigation
close-up in the last frame of the movie.
After Jack enters the room follow the dialog and watch the end

Кто прислал: Ophelia Когда: 15:8:2002 - стр. full -


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