Особый приветик Лерке!!!!!!!! поклоннице Занзары!!!!!!!!! Создаём ярлык и пишем -console(только чере пробел после окончания указанного пути "H:\Games\Zanzarah - The Hidden Portal\System\Zanzarah-Rus.exe" -console)
During the game, press [F11] to open the console, and type:
duel victory -> Make your fairy win the current battle.
item xx -> Give you the item xx. (xx must be between 1 and 73). item 13 - морковка(для прокачки уровня) item 2 - большой эликсир жизни item 60 - манна item 20 - чесночный атоммайзер wizform xx -> Give you the fairy xx. (xx must be between 1 and 76).
spell xx -> Give you the spell xx. (xx must be between 1 and 119).
video xxxx -> Play the video xxxx which is one of the subdirectory /resources/videos Example: video _v006.bik
help -> List of all others public commands