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Веселая ферма 3
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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Unreal Tournament 2003
Тип документа : Cheats Всего страниц : 2 Текущая : 2

SetGravity - Change gravitional pull
SetJumpZ - Change Jump height
SetSpeed - Mutiply the Player water and ground speed with the given value
ListDynamicActors- Output all dynamic actors to the log file
FreezeFrame - Pause the game for the given duration
SetFogR - Set red color component of fog
SetFogG - Set green color component of fog
SetFogB - Set blue color component of fog
SetFlash - Set the duration a screen flash takes to fade away
CauseEvent - Trigger the given event
LogSciptedSequences - Toggle logging for all scripted sequences
KillPawns- Kill all actor pawns except the player
KillAll - Kill everything of the given class, i.e. KillAll Pawn
KillAllPawns - Kill all pawns of the given class
PlayersOnly- Toggle the level to a players only level
CheatView - Toggle to view to the given actor
WriteToLog - Write the string 'NOW!' to the game log
ReviewJumpSpots - Test jumping, the parameter can be 'Transloc', 'Jump', 'Combo' or 'LowGrav'.

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Кто прислал: Igorr Когда: 18:10:2002 - стр. 2 -


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