027) DumpStats nothing visible
028) EdgeOfForever nothing visible
029) EnablePtDraw nothing visible
030) ESG tells about the enemy squads of player2 attacking player1 or smth - ESG(1,2)
031) ExploreAll nothing visible
032) Explorer MYTH (R) function
033) ExportObjs ExportObjs('filename') and it exports all the objects into filename
034) ExportTerrain same as above, exports terrain
035) F5 nothing visible
036) FlatTerrain flats terrain
037) GAIKAFD shows green tiles all over the non-object space and black tiles under objects
038) GenTransTables nothing visible
039) GetItem GetItem('x') probably gives you item x if you know it's itemid
040) gmp gives coordinates of the point under the mouse
041) GS GS(1) -> hang
042) IngameDebugSelected nothing visible
043) InsDecor nothing visible
044) Invalidate nothing visible
045) Load Load
046) Load loads name
047) LSA hangs
048) MakePassable nothing visible
049) MousePos shows mouse position
050) Pause pauses/unpauses
051) PerlinTest nothing visible
052) PFPersist nothing visible
053) pr prints a bool, int or string
054) pr same as above
055) pr pr('You are fat') will print 'You are fat'
056) PreLit shows BuildLight(), apparently does nothing besides that
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