bar) STUCK IN VEIN to force it deeply, thus the fluid will
be stripping out. Take the METAL BAR. Wait for the door
open and a NURSE-ROBOT will come out and take care of the
wounded swelling. Go in before the robot close the door.
First look through the window (grill), Fosters should see
a man walking around in the room. This man is dangerous.
Go down to the incubation room. Access the CONTROL UNIT
and choose 1) REDUCE the temperature. Go to the COVER OF
THE PIT quickly as it will close up for a while only. Pull
down the METAL BAR and leave before the cover is opened
again. Now the grill will fall down if some one is
standing on it. Go back to the corridor.
Go to the recharging room and wait for the robot. When the
robot goes back to the recharging unit, insert Joey CIRCUIT
BOARD into the SLOT of the robot. Now Joey takes over the
control of the nurse-robot. Ask Joey to check the room
with the man. Wait for Joey and talk to him again. Ask
Joey to open the tap of the tank. Go back to the corridor
and look in the room through the window. Make sure that
Joey has opened the tap and there is a pool of fluid on the
floor. Go in the room. When the man try to kill you, he
will fall down into the furnace before he can come to you.
Go north and then go east to the next room. Go to the
control room. Insert the ID card into the TERMINAL.
SAVE GAME and then go out. A man will come out after the
door is opened. He will try to kill Fosters but Joey will
kill him first. Unfortunately, the nurse-robot shell is
damaged during the fight, so Fosters should examine the
robot and take back Joey CIRCUIT BOARD. Examine the CORPSE
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