For now, hit the left, right, and bottom tiles in the monitor to activate
the one really useful tube at this point.
Use your gun to give you momentum to put you through the other side of the
zero-gravity chamber.
Another no-guns fight. Read the writing on the pillars before you
head over to meet him. And watch your step!
Use his toy to get through the force field at the far end of the room.
Go ahead, solve the puzzle on the monitor. What? You want a solution?
Well, try:
After that amusing conversation, go back to the central tube chamber and
activate the other two lower tubes. Now use the control device by the
blinking tube. Have fun and eliminate your opposition from afar. (The
same method won't work twice, though, so you'll need to do a different,
obvious thing to dispatch the second.)
Raise the sphere. Lower it to crush one marine. Raise the sphere again.
Drop your gun, run over and grab the grenade and throw ("fire") it back up
the tube.
Now go into the remaining tube to fix the gravity ring.
Step on the plates to rotate the highlighted segments into a single line.
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