To activate debuggin mode you must type a command line password when you
start Blake Stone. The password is [POWERBALL].
The startup command with debug mode enabled:
There's more! When you see the Jam logo during startup, you must press
and hold both left and right shift keys. Press and hold the left shift
first, then the right shift. Pressing the keys at the right time can be
tricky, there is a sound comformation if successful, otherwise you'll
have to try again from the start.
Debugging keys (hold down and press the indicated key):
, [B] - Border color
, [C] - Statistics
, [E] - Jumps ahead to end of next level
, [F] - Displays x and y coordinates and angle
, [G] - God mode on/off
, [H] - Hurt yourself (minus 1% health)
, [I] - Free items
, [M] - Displays memory usage
, [Q] - Quit to DOS
, [S] - Slow motion on/off
, [T] - Displays walls, sprites and sound waveforms
, [V] - ??? "Add extra VBLs(0-8)", Not sure what this does.
, [W] - Warp to any level
Radar mode:
The radar mode enables a real time level map at the lower left corner of
the screen. Play is slow as sludge, but the mode is in there.
Use the command line password [RADAR]
The startup command would be:
Or, stack it with the debug password: