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Игра: Midnight Club 2
Тип документа : Cheats Всего страниц : 4 Текущая : 3

More Cars

Once you enable the Get all Cars code go to the editor mode to use 4 other cars. These cars are the 3 cop cars from Tokyo, Paris and LA and also a rocket car called the SLF450X. It has 5 shots of nitrous and tops out at 249.

Info submitted by spindler27 on Wednesday, April 23, 2003 at 11:13:49

Best Car

To get the best car in the game you have to beat the world champ in all the different tracks to unlock the Veloci.

Best Car

Easy way to the best car (SFL450x) is to go to the cheats screen and type howhardcanitbe0 exactly like I wrote it Then beat career mode and all the arcade circuit tracks to unlock the Best car in the game Note: Looks like the BATMAN car you won't be disappointed

Info submitted by Titan21 on Sunday, April 20, 2003 at 20:33:20

Get The Two Wheel Drive

First start the career and beat all the levels until you get to the level in Cal. or L.A. and then when you VS. DICE and after you beat him you will unlock 2 wheel drive.
2 Wheel Drive is mostly used to squeeze between 2 cars. How to control it is to hold L1 and on the analog stick press left or right. Let go of L1 and you'll drop

Info submitted by Homie on Monday, April 14, 2003 at 15:28:00

NOS boost

Push the up button

Info submitted by freestyler on Saturday, March 15, 2003 at 22:13:01

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