Use the screwdriver, it's in the seat pocket of the rental boat.
Green has a live grenade, what do I do?
Talk to him, cuff him and search him.
(If you shoot him here, you'll blow his brains out! :)
How do I kill the goon with the rifle?
Throw the grenade!
How do I get in the warehouse the second time, the dog keeps chomping
on me and I don't have the net?
Use the whistle; you get it off the guy you nuke with the
grenade. Just search his body.
What do I do when I enter the warehouse for the second time, I keep
on getting shot?
Close the secret door, until Lyle can back you up.
What do I do to arrest Nico and the D.A., I have no cuffs?
Talk to him until he puts his gun down. Use the yellow chord
hanging on the wall. Tie `em up with the chord and search `em.
Talk to the ATF and watch the ending!
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