open drawer,get check,e,e,e,go behind chair,n,lock door,up,break window,
get glass,enter window,climb cable,cut cable,enter window,show gun,show gun,
w,w,s,s,w,w,n,yes,look desk,get bandages,w,look trash,get bone,drop glass,n,
w,n,break door,untie mavis,get all,look book,get bookmark,drop book,s,s,e,e,
e,n,w,n,open door,look table,get candle,get matches,light match,light candle,
burn rope,w,move stove,bandage hands,get all,drop matches,lookcan,get receipt,
drop check,e,s,s,w,w,w,n,show gun,drop bone,show gloves and cans and receipt
and tube and bookmark to the police,get bone,s,w,w,n,say hello,s,e,n,say hiyo,
n,untie rita,talk to wainwright,wait,wait,e,e,e,e,e,s,s,e,e,open box 999,drop
key,get poem,read<poem,w,w,s,s,s,enter 6316,get shovel,n,dig hole,n,w,w,w,hide
in trash,give bone,drop shovel,e,e,e,n,n,n,n,saytinplayer,lock door,look fire
place,get paper,e,get candlestick,hide behind door,hit rocco with candlestick,
e,e,s,s,s,get suitcase,n,e,open suitcase,drop candlestick,get folder,arrest
farnham,n,show folder ans suitcase and paperand report.