The Walkthrough
The aim > Find Naя
The beginning
When you click on "New Adventure", you are immediately transported inside the game, into your bedroom. After the introductory cinematic, you find yourself alongside Dragoo, listening to Hippo's message asking for help.
To head off to Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs, click on the alarm clock to the right of your bed. Before you leave, don't forget to pick up your camera from the shelf and the Egypt Guide from the desk.
When you click on the clock you are transported back in time to Heliopolis, an Egyptian city, around 1360 BC. You find yourself in a bustling street, in a district of the city.
You come across Meniou and the Pharoah's guide, in front of a tavern, near the port. The soldier has captured a thief who is locked up in the tavern. Meniou is a young boy of your age.
On the square by the port you meet Naя's father, a friendly merchant who is extremely worried about his daughter's disappearance.
Opposite Meniou, on the other side of the street, stands a statue of Hippo, a blue hippopotamus. If you click on the statuette, it tickles him. Keep clicking and he will wake up.
Byblos' gum
You find yourself in Hippo's world. Unfortunately, Hippo is being tickled by mischievous mice and he won't be able to talk to you until you get rid of them. He needs some Byblos gum.
Nдy's father has some but he'll only give it to you if you help him to sort out his merchandise. Click on the scales in front of the merchant's store to help him in his task. If you succeed he will give you some gum. Take it to Hippo and he will tell you what he knows.
Hippo tells you that Naя went to Sobekhotep's house and has not been seen since. Sobekhotep, the slave trader, is standing in the street in front of his house. He is feared by everyone and will not give you a warm greeting.
The slave trader is angrily berating the fact that the jeweller still hasn't brought the pectoral (breastplate) he ordered.
To get rid of Sobekhotep, so you can get into his house, you'll need to give him a pectoral. Hippo has one, but if you want him to hand it over, you'll have to play a game with him first. If you win, he'll give you a pectoral.
Sobekhotep's house
When you have won the pectoral, give it to Sobekhotep. He will then leave. Go into the courtyard of his house. You see a door and a terrace above. The downstairs door is locked.
You notice some holes in the wall, leading up to the terrace. Go and collect some bricks from a pile next to Meniou, in front of the tavern. Come back to the courtyard and place the bricks in the holes.
You just made some steps! Click on the arrow that appears to climb up to the terrace (Click on the bricks).The door on the terrace is also closed but if you look carefully, you'll find a key on the floor.
Go back and see Hippo. He'll tell you the key belongs to Naя. It opens the temple attic, in the wheat loft courtyard. Hippo gives you a map of the city to help you find your way there
The grain store yard
When you are in the yard, head for the third grain store. Use your key to open the door. Great! Nay is hiding there. She comes out to tell you why she is hiding. Ask her all the questions in your question inventory.
She asks you not to tell her father and to bring her some food. In exchange, she gives you a statuette she found at Sobekhotep's house.
But day is dawning back home and you must return before the sun comes up. Oof ! You make it back to your room - just in time!
Main action in episode 1
In the bedroom, pick up the camera and Egypt guide, then on the alarm clock.
In Heliopolis, tickle Hippo's statue to go into his world.
Win the Byblos gum from Naя's father by successfully completing the workshop.
Hand over the gum to Hippo.
Learn from Hippo that Naя went to Sobekhotep's house.
Learn from Sobekhotep that he needs a pectoral.
Win a pectoral from Hippo by beating him at a game.
Give the pectoral to Sobekhotep.
Find holes in the facade at Sobekhotep's house.
Gather bricks from beside Meniou, put them in the holes and climb up to the terrace.
Take the key you find on the terrace.
Show the key to Hippo. He recognises it and tells you it belongs to Naя. It opens one of the grain stores.
Use the map of Heliopolis that Hippo gives you to find your way to the grain store yard.
Go to the wheat loft courtyard and open the door of the third loft using the key.
Speak to Nдy.
Aim > Save Column
Come back to Egypt
When you hear Column's cry for help, click on the alarm clock to return to Egypt.
Meniou is Column's friend. Go and see him and he will tell you that Column has been taken to pieces and strewn all over the city. If you mention Column, he will give you a piece. Talk to the guard about Column, and he will give you a piece as well.
You want to speak to the thief to find out what he has done with Column, but you must find the guard's dagger if he is to let you through. It is hanging up in the courtyard of Sobekhotep's house, on the mastabah (stone bench) to the right of the door.
When you hand over the dagger, the guard will let you into the tavern.
The Nubian's troubles
Now is your chance to speak to the prisoner. He tells you what really happened and gives you another piece of Column in exchange for his freedom. Take the bracelet to the priestess so she can confirm the Nubian's innocence.
Ask around you to discover where the priestess can be found. Seniou, Meniou's father, tells you she can be found at the Temple of the Sun. Seniou asks you to bring him some papyrus.
Use the map to locate the priestess.
When you arrive at the temple, introduce yourself to the priestess. Talk to her and ask her questions about the thief. Show her the bracelet the Nubian gave you. In exchange for the bracelet, she gives you a message for the guard.
Ask for some papyrus for Seniou. She gives you some.
Take the priestess' message to the guard and the papyrus to Meniou's father.
The guard frees the Nubian. Go and see the latter in the tavern, and he will give you a piece of Column.
Reconstruct Column
You will find pieces of Column in the street. Unfortunately they are embedded in the ground and wall and you cannot get them out. Go and see Seniou, and hand over the priestess' papyrus. He will suggest a building game. Play with him and win. Seniou will pay you back by lending you some architect's tools..
Use the tools to prise free the pieces of Column. When you have gathered all five pieces, take them back to the tavern and place them on the pedestal. Column wakes.
Column agrees to explain what happened provided you agree to help him build his pyramid
The ghost
Column explains that a ghost dismantled him. You win a question on the ghost and one of his bandages. Meniou confirms the story about the ghost.
You are now free to return home.
Main action in episode 2
Listen to Column's message in your room.
Go and see Meniou, who tells you that Column has been taken to pieces by a thief, who is locked up in the tavern.
Speak to Meniou about Column and he will give you a piece.
Speak to Meniou again. He asks you if his father has sent you for some papyrus.
Speak to the guard, who says he will let you in if you find his dagger.
Speak to the guard about Column, and he will give you another piece.
Go into Sobekhotep's yard, take the dagger and bring it back to the guard.
Speak to the alleged thief, who is a Nubian. He agrees to give you a piece of Column if you free him. The Nubian gives you a bracelet to give to the priestess as proof of his innocence.
Go and see Seniou, Meniou's father, who tells you the priestess can be found at the Temple of the Sun. Seniou asks for some papyrus.
Give the priestess the bracelet. She hands you a message for the guard in exchange.
Ask the priestess for some papyrus. She gives you some.
Give the guard the message. He lets the Nubian go.
Go and see the Nubian, who gives you a piece of Column, as promised.
Give Seniou the papyrus who hands over some tools in exchange.
Use Seniou's tools to prise free the 2 remaining pieces of Column from the street and walls.
Take all Column's pieces back to the tavern and place them on Column's pedestal.
Speak to Column, who agrees to tell you what happened if you play with him.
Play with Column.
Column talks of a mummy, and hands over a bandage.
Talk to Meniou about the mummy. Meniou confesses everything.
Aim > Take food to Naя
Naя's disappearance
After listening to Hippo's plea for help, take the box of Happy Food from your desk and click on the alarm clock to return to Egypt.
Take the food to Naя who is in the grain store yard. But you discover that Naя is no longer there. On the steps of the 3rd grain store you find the pectoral that you had given Sobekhotep. It is broken.
Go and see Hippo, show him the pectoral and inform him of Naя's disappearance. He suspects Sobekhotep.
Go to Sobekhotep's house to see if Naя is there. The door is locked.
Go back to see Hippo and talk to him about Sobekhotep. He proposes a game. If you win, he will give you a pass that will enable you to break into Sobekhotep's house.
Naя held prisoner
With pass in pocket, return to Sobekhotep's courtyard. The pass enables you to open the lower door. Go back into the house, and take the corridor in the background. You will hear Naя there, near a locked door. She says that she is locked up behind the door.
Dragoo thinks that Two Sides can help you.
You will find Two Sides, another of Dragoo's cousins, in the House of Life. Go inside. You will find a parchment on the mastabah in the right background. Touch it, and Two Sides will be revealed. You are now in his world.
Tell him about Naя, and he will offer to help you solve the fresco mystery. Play his game with him to learn how to piece together a fresco. When you have finished it, return to Sobekhotep's house.
The secret room
Search Sobekhotep's house, and you will find 4 pieces of fresco. Position them correctly on the fresco opposite the door. It then opens. Naя is chained up inside. She urges you to go and speak to the governor of the tomb-raiding slave merchant. But in order to approach the governor, you must first go and learn hieroglyphics with the scribe. You win the governor question.
You find the scribe in the House of Life, right next to Two Sides. Ask him the question about the governor, and he will offer you his help. Do the hieroglyphics workshop with him. When you have succeeded, go to see the governor in his palace.
Meeting with the governor
Use the map to get to the palace. There you encounter Bakkamen, the governor's old scribe. He doesn't want to let you pass. Tell him about Sobekhotep, who has surely kidnapped Naя.
Bakkamen then loses his temper and will try to seize you. Fortunately, Dragoo whisks you off to his room just in time.
Main actions from episode 3
In the bedroom, pick up the box of Happy Food, then click on the alarm clock.
Return to the grain store yard. Discover that Naя is no longer there, then pick up the broken pectoral from the steps of the 3rd store.
Go and speak to Hippo, and show him the broken pectoral. He feels that something has happened to Naя and that the slave merchant is somehow involved.
Go to the house of Sobekhotep. The door is locked.
Go back to see Hippo, who offers you a service if you win his game. He gives you a pass to open Sobekhotep's door.
Enter Sobekhotep's house and approach the fresco in the background to hear Naя.
Use the map to get to the House of Life and find Two Sides. Tickle him to enter his world and learn the secret of the fresco.
Play with Two Sides, who teaches you how to reconstruct frescos.
Return to Sobekhotep's house and pick up the 4 pieces of fresco there, then reconstruct the fresco.
Enter the secret room and speak with Naя to learn about the existence of an accomplice and the tomb-raiding. Naя urges you to go and see the scribe in order to meet with the governor.
Find the scribe in the House of Life, and do the workshop with him in order to learn Egyptian writing.
Go to see the governor in his palace, but your way is barred by the old scribe.
Tell the old scribe about Sobekhotep.
Re-enter the bedroom.
Aim > To free Naя and find the ghost
The return of the mummy
Hippo has told you that the mummy is back. You must return to Egypt to discover the truth.
Speak with Meniou, who tells you that she has also seen the mummy return and that its daytime hiding-place must be found.
You must seek news of Naя. Unfortunately, you discover that she is no longer at Sobekhotep's. Speak to Column about it and also tell him of the mummy; he will advise you to go and see his cousin Miaow.
Explanations at last!
You will find Miaow in the temple pharmacy, in the first cupboard on the left. Use the map to get there. Miaow will agree to help you if you play with her.
Succeed in protecting the sun boat, and Miaow will explain to you that what you are looking for is a mummy's ghost.
When she asks you for a clue, show her the bandage. She finds traces of black soil on it. By day, the mummy must be hiding underground. Its hiding-place must be found.
Go and show the bandage to Seniou; he is an architect and knows the different soil types in the area. He tells you it comes from the crypts outside the town.
Use the map to get there. You arrive at a blocked tunnel. In the background, there is a hole in the ceiling, which seems to lead to a room.
Pick up the ladder lying on the ground and place it against the wall, then climb.
You come out into a dark room. As you move forward, you find yourself face to face with the mummy!
Summon up all your courage and speak to it.
It asks you if you are the sorcerer and falls back to sleep.
Go back to see Miaow, who tells you that she can do no more for you. She directs you to the priestess. Go to the temple to find out more about the mummy. The priestess will agree to help you if you help her to sort out the symbols of some Egyptian gods.
Correctly match up all the symbols with the corresponding god and go back to see the priestess. In exchange for your help, the priestess tells you that mummies are always looking for something, and that you need to find out what.
Go back to see the mummy and give it the statuette that Naя gave you in the first episode. You will then hear the story of the mummy, who is, in fact, a victim.
Now that you have solved part of the mystery, you can go home, as the day is dawning.
Main actions from episode 4
Speak with Meniou, who informs you that the ghost is back.
Discover that Naя has disappeared at Sobekhotep's house.
Tell Column about this, then inform him about the mummy. He advises you to go and see Miaow.
Enter the pharmacy to find Miaow.
Play with Miaow to get her to agree to help you: she explains where the ghosts of mummies live: below ground.
Show the bandage to Seniou, who recognises the black soil as coming from the crypts.
Enter the crypts: hole in the ceiling can't be reached; pick up ladder.
Place the ladder near the hole: climb.
Find the mummy and speak to it.
Go back to speak with Miaow because the mummy goes back to sleep.
Miaow tells you to go and see the priestess.
Go to see the priestess and play with her, and in exchange, she tells you that mummies always come back to look for something and it is necessary to find out what it is.
Hand over the statuette to the mummy, who asks you to find the other two.
Return to your room.
Aim > To free Naя and help the mummy
A solution, perhaps
Hippo has told you that he has found a way to free Naя. Return to Egypt and visit him.
Hippo will give you a pass for the governor so that you can go to see him without being stopped by Bakkamen.
A little music
Take the pass and show it to the old scribe at the palace. He is forced, against his will, to let you pass. You get as far as the governor, but unfortunately, he is awaiting his musician for a concert. He does not wish to listen to your tale about Naя.
Take a walk in the gardens opposite the palace. At the bottom, near the pavilion, you will find the musician, who is in rather a bad way. This is because she has lost her instruments.
You win a question on the instruments.
On the right hand side of the garden, near a door, you will find a drum. Bang it and awake another of Dragoo's cousins, Drum A Dum Drum. Tell him about the musician and her instruments.
Fortunately, Drum A Dum Drum has found them. But he will only give them back if you play with him.
If you succeed in following his tune, he will give you the instruments.
Then go and give them to the musician. To thank you, she will teach you to play the instruments of the day. Play with her, and you will win a flute.
You can now go and play for the governor. He will at last agree to hear you out. He gives you a message for his scribe, instructing him to provide you with all the help you need. But when you leave the palace, you are captured by Sobekhotep and Bakkamen.
You find yourself trapped in a sack alongside Naя, but manage to release yourself. She is still in chains and you are unable to free her yet. You are inside a large room in the crypts. In the large room, you will find the two missing statuettes. Unfortunately, they are guarded by two snakes. Charm them with your flute. You can now pick up the two statuettes.
Go along the corridors, and you will find the mummy at the bottom. Give it the two statuettes. It is free at last! Go back to see Naя, but when you return, the two rogues come back and capture you again.
Fortunately, the mummy returns in the nick of time and takes them away with it. It leaves a golden scarab as it goes; pick it up. As for Bakkamen, he has left behind a key. Pick it up and open the chest, which is in an alcove in the corridor. Inside, you will find a parchment and a cylinder. Take them.
The parchment belongs to the sorcerer and explains the two men's plot.
Now go and free Naя using Bakkamen's magic key. She urges you to go and see the governor to give him the parchment. Take the corridor on the right to get out. In front of the stone door, look to the right.
There's a crack in the wall. put the cylinder inside and the door will open. Then look for the exit, which will enable you to activate the map in order to reach the governor's palace.
Now go to see the governor and give him Sobekhotep's parchment. When he reads it, he discovers the whole story. He thanks you warmly for your help.
You have succeeded in freeing Naя and the mummy, and the two wrongdoers have been punished. It's time to go home and rest. You deserve it!
Main actions from episode 5
Go to see Hippo to get a pass from him.
Go to the palace and give the pass to the old scribe.
Go to see the governor, who does not wish to speak with you because he is awaiting his musician.
Go into the garden, talk to the musician, who tells you she has lost her instruments.
Bang the drum in the garden to awaken Drum A Dum Drum.
Play with Drum A Dum Drum to get the musician's instruments back.
Give the musician her instruments back; do the music workshop with her and win a flute.
Play the flute for the governor, who gives you a message to give to his scribe.
Leave the palace: you are captured by the scribe.
In the crypts, play the flute to the two snakes.
Once they are asleep, pick up the two statuettes.
Find the mummy in the crypts at the end of a corridor and give it the two statuettes: it disappears.
The blind scribe and the slave merchant catch you again, but the mummy comes to your rescue.
Once the mummy has capture the two rogues, pick up the golden scarab and the sorcerer's key.
Open the chest hidden in an alcove with the sorcerer's key and take the parchment and a cylinder from it.
Set Naя free with the sorcerer's key.
Using the cylinder, open the stone door and find the exit.
Go back to see the governor and give him the parchment.
Return home!
NL Oplossingen