Игра: Road to India
Chapter 1: The Taj Mahal
When you have control of the cursor, walk up to the main entrance
of the Taj Mahal. Turn right. Go one click forward. Turn left and
pick up the SNAKE CHARMING FLUTE. Walk back to the front of the
building and face the entrance. You will see your cursor change to
a pair of hands in a framing position. Left click for a close up
of the Tile Puzzle. It's obvious that there is one tile missing.
So, perhaps it would be a good idea to find that tile. Use the
hitchhiker thumb icon to exit the close up. Turn completely around
and walk forward. Turn left and go down the stairs. Go forward
twice, until you hear a monkey chattering. Look down-right to see
him. He's carrying that missing tile you need, with his tail.
Maybe you can find something to bribe him with so he will give it
Turn back left in the direction you were going and move ahead two
clicks. Turn right to see the elephant tethered in the side area.
You can click on the broken part of the fencing to go out and
visit him, but it's not necessary to your advancement in the game
at this point.
Turn back to the left to explore the remainder of this location
and look down-right near the wall along the fence, to find a ROPE.
Pick it up. Turn around and go forward all the way to the end of
the veranda, past the stairs, until you see an orange tree off to
your right. You will see the framing cursor, on the tree. You're
not tall enough to reach the oranges up there. Look in your
inventory and find the rope you picked up and the snake charming
flute. Does that give you an idea? Use the rope on the action
cursor (hand operating a lever) at the base of the tree. Then,
click the flute on the rope. The rope will be "charmed" by the
flute's music and will climb into the air. Use the close up cursor
on the treee to see the oranges up close. Take the big ORANGE.
Leave the rope and flute behind, turn around and go back to the
waiting monkey. Give the orange to the monkey. He'll leave, taking
the orange with him. He will leave you the LAST TILE. Pick it up
and return up the stairs to the front of the building. When you
get there, turn right, go forward, turn left. Examine the image
engraved on the wall in close up. Exit and return back to the
front of the building. Click on the close up.
Six tiles will appear. Add the one you have in inventory. From
left to right mentally number the tiles 1 through 7.
Move tile 4 to tile 1 position
Move tile 3 to tile 2 position
Move tile 7 to tile 3 position
Move tile 6 to tile 4 position
Move tile 5 to tile 6 position
The puzzle is solved and the main gate to the Taj Mahal is now
open to you. Go forward into the entry. You will catch another
brief cutscene of the kidnapper carrying off the lady in red.
Keep going on inside. You will be struck over the head and will
awake from this dream sequence. The following cutscene will reveal
Anusha's all too real kidnapping, in front of her mother's house,
by two men who look very familiar. And, the same for the big black
Chapter 2: Anusha's Neighborhood
When the cutscene ends, go over and talk to Anusha's grief
stricken mother. You will tell her who you are and ask her where
Anusha has been taken. Anusha's mother is unconsolable and
unresponsive. She rushes off, sobbing hysterically. You are left
to your own devices. Use the hand cursor to get some GRASS out of
the planter on your left at the house's entry. Turn around, cross
the street, look down and pick up the STICK.
Turn right and go forward to the intersection. Go directly across
the intersection, twice forward, to see a young boy standing in
the shadows. Go over and speak to him. He needs some charity. Ask
him if he has change for one American dollar. He gives you the
equivalent in rupees. Ask the boy all conversation options as they
When you ask him "Where's the nearest bank machine?", he'll
tell you it's at the end of the street. Turn left and go forward
three times to encounter one immense example of India's famous
sacred cattle lounging comfortably in the middle of the street.
Give the grass from Anusha's mother's house to the bovine. The
animal will eventually move aside.
Go one more click forward and turn right to see an old man
begging. Go down the alley and pick up a CLOTHES HANGER. Come back
to the front of the alley and turn to speak with the old man. Ask
him everything. He tells you not to trust the young boy. Don't
believe him. Turn back to your right. Go three clicks forward,
turn right again and cross the street, toward a shop with a red
banner above it. Click on the magazine in the display window.
Click on the picture of the black sedan.
Exit the close up and click on the door. The action cursor will
appear and Fred will remark that the door is latched from the
inside. Use the clothes hangar on the door, but you still can't
get it open. Exit the close up and go back across the street to
talk to the boy. He's still right where you left him. Ask him
everthing! He'll tell you not to trust the old beggar. He'll get
the magazine from the shop window for you if you give him some
money for food. But, the few rupees you have aren't acceptable.
Go right, down the street to the theater, just one click. Turn
left and use your rupees to get some BUBBLEGUM from the gum
machine. Exit the theater entrance. Turn right and go straight
down to the end of the street past the old man. (Go forward five
times.) Turn left to face the Dutch Anucan sign. Cross the street
to the entry steps and turn immediately right to face the teller
machine. Use your UNITED BANK CARD on the lower right, gray metal
Go back across the street and down the other side to the little
boy. Give him the MONEY you got from the teller machine. When he's
pocketed the money, talk to him about his turn to help you. He'll
ask you to go open the store window and he'll get your magazine.
Just click on the conversation choices to cause this to happen.
After you receive the magazine from the boy, leave this street and
go back through the intersection, down past Anusha's mother's
house, to the gate on the left side of the street. Use the close
up cursor to look through the gate, and the action cursor to
determine that there's a key you can't reach on the other side of
the gate.
In inventory, combine the stick with the bubblegum and (in a
cutscene) retrieve the KEY. Use the key to open the gate. Walk
down the corridor and into the courtyard behind Anusha's house.
Turn left to see a shrine that has been created in the middle of
the courtyard. Walk over to the shrine and pick up the PHOTOGRAPH
of a man who looks like the kidnapper from the dream sequences.
Note that the shrine contains a statuette of Kali, an offering of
food, and a photograph of the actress, Laj Vanti.
Leave the area and return to the street. Turn right and make your
way through the intersection. Approach the young boy again and
talk to him about the man in the photo (Darmesh Shareef), the
goddess Kali, and the Thugs. Turn left and go down the street to
the old man on the corner. Talk to him about the photo of Shareef
and everything else. He then wants you to follow him down into the
alley. That is, as soon as he hears Shareef's name mentioned. He
says he knows someone who knows him. (You might want to save your
game here.)
Go ahead. Follow the old man down the alley. It's inevitable. Be
prepared for some unpleasant personal circumstances.:)
Chapter 3: Jail and Escape
In another dream sequence, you awake on a bunk in a jail cell.
Look out the window in the cell door to see the sleeping guard.
See that key on the desk? You need it. You can't reach it now
though. Turn around 180 degrees. Look out the barred window to see
your old friend, the monkey. Exit the window and look down right
to see something protruding from under the bunk. Click on the bunk
to lift it up and take the RIPE BANANA. Give the banana to the
monkey. He will come inside the cell and eat the banana. Pick up
the BANANA PEEL. Drop the banana peel out the cell window in the
door. Go over and click on the bunk to bring it back down with a
loud bang! The guard will awaken, trip on the banana peel and be
conveniently knocked senseless for a while. Turn around and talk
to that monkey. Yes, talk to the monkey:
You have four "conversation" choices:
1. Eeek!
2. Hoo Hoo Hoo!
3. Gnee!
4. Whahaee!
You must decide which combination of FIVE of these simian
utterances will prompt the monkey to enter the cell, jump up on
the boxes, then the desk, pick up the key, and bring it back to
Here's the solution:
1. Eeek!
3. Gnee!
2. Hoo Hoo Hoo!
3. Gnee!
4. Whahaee!
The monkey will go through the five progressive moves to pick up
the CELL DOOR KEY and bring it to you. It will appear in your
inventory automatically. Use the key to open the cell door. Walk
out into the anteroom and look down-right, beside the guard. Pick
up his KNIFE. Turn left and open the iron gate which leads to the
jail stairway maze.
- Go forward twice
- Turn right
- Go forward twice
- Turn left and go up to the iron gate
- Turn right
- Go down the stairs, one click forward
- Turn right
- Go up the stairs behind the guard with his back to you
- Use the knife to clobber him over the head
- After he hits the floor, go through the door at his feet
- Go straight across and up the short staircase directly opposite
- Pick up the urn from the niche in the wall
- Turn around and go to the bottom of the first set of stairs
- Turn right to see another guard (you can't go that way)
- Go up the stairs ahead of you
- Turn right and look down to see the first unconscious guard and
get the key laying beside him
- Go over his body and out through the iron gate at the bottom
- Turn right
- Go down around the corner turning gradually right
- Continue down another flight of stairs (2 clicks)
- Turn left to see the back of the second guard
- Let him have it with the knife and down he goes
- When you look down at this guard's head, scan right
- Go forward around the pillar then turn right and go up the
- At the iron gate at the top (it's locked) use the key you got
beside the first guard
- When the gate opens, go up the stairs
- When you get to the top (wall) turn right and see a window. Use
the close up cursor to see the guard standing below the window
- Drop the urn on the guard's head
- Go down the stairs and, at the outside of the gate, go straight
down 2 clicks
- Turn left to see two unconscious guards
- Veering left along the steps, walk past both guards and through
another iron gate which is standing open.
You will see a cutscene where you immerge from an underground
passage. Turn around completely and leave. Go straight on out the
front entrance to the Taj Mahal to find yourself back on the upper
terrace where you started. Go left down the steps and over to
where the elephant is tethered.
Use the knife in your inventory to cut the elephant's rope, near
the tethering post. Then, click on the elephant's side. Cool, an
elephant ride! Head for that darkened section of the wall straight
ahead of you. In a cutscene, the elephant will collapse the
section of wall and you are free.
Chapter 4: On Being Penniless and Dumped in an Alley
After another cutscene, you awake from the dream sequence in a
dark alley with only the young boy for company. Your wallet is
gone. Consider yourself lucky to be alive and go over to talk to
the boy again. Ask him everything.
That being finished, you know you need money to get anything at
all accomplished. Turn left and go to the mattress. Pick up the
BOX behind the mattress. Turn completely around and go forward
past the boy, who should be on your left. At the corner, turn
right and go three clicks forward. (You may see a seemingly
friendly rat here; ignore him for now.) Turn right and go into the
dead end alley. Pick up a BUSINESS CARD and a NECKLACE by scanning
around and down amidst the debris at the end of the alley. Return
out of the dead end and turn left. Go forward twice. Turn right to
view the main alley area and that treacherous old beggar, who got
you into this mess, got you knocked out and your wallet stolen.
He's drunk again, probably at your expense.
Go one step forward and turn right to click on the snoring old
beggar. Yikes! he's actually got your wallet! We'll be back later
to take care of that important detail.
Turn completely around and pick up the BROKEN BOTTLE to the left
of a bench. Turn right and go one click forward down the street.
Turn right and enter the courtyard of a dilapidated apartment
complex. Go to the far left corner door around the perimeter
sidewalk, to #1D. Enter the shop. You have found Maitreyi, the
Astrologer. It was her business card you picked up in the alley,
Go in and talk to her about everything. Darmesh Shareef is one of
her clients. She won't give you his address, however. She also
denies the existence of the Thugs in present time. But, we might
know better, right? Maitreyi is no help to you. Click on that
small scrap of paper on the right of her desk. You'll find it's
something you need to get, in addition to your wallet.
Turn around and exit the shop, returning through the courtyard to
the main alley. Turn right and go one click forward. Hear those
pigeons cooing? Look down and behind you to pick up one
PIGEON FEATHER. Turn around completely again and head further down
towards the end of the alley. Three clicks down you will see
another dead end alley off to the left. Enter. Go to the window in
the wall at the end. Look down and place your box under the
window. Use the close up cursor on the window. Take the CHEESE.
PIck up your box and leave the alley, turning left at the end.
Walk to the smoking man with the rickshaw and ask him everything.
He's not taking you anywhere without Shareef's address. Turn
completely around and walk back along the alley three clicks. Look
down-right at the base of that pole. Put your box down where you
see the action cursor. Scan up the pole and click where you see
the close up cursor. Use the broken bottle to cut that clothes
line rope and take it with you. Pick up your box.
Go three clicks forward and turn left to look down at the old man
again. Use the feather to tickle his face and, when he rolls over
in a cutscene, take your WALLET out of his left shirt pocket.
Turn right, go F, R, F, L, F, R to see the young boy waiting for
you in the corner. Talk to him and ask him everything. He'll tell
you what he knows abou the astrologer, Maitreyi. You ask him to
make a phone call to the astrologer's shop in five minutes. He
agrees but needs money to make the call. Give him the paper bill
from your inventory. Off he goes.
Return back along the main alley. Go back to the apartment complex
courtyard and into the astrologer's shop. The telephone will ring,
thanks to your young friend, and Maitreyi will go off to answer
it. Take that scrap of paper, a CUSTOMER BILL, off the desk. Leave
the shop.
Note: It is not imperative that you catch a rat here to quite
successfully complete the game. However, you will see a bit of a
different ending if you have caught the rat, as opposed to having
no rat. :)
After you leave the shop of the astrologer go back down the alley
to where the boy is waiting. Get the close up view of the
mattress. Look right toward a rusty barrel at the end of the
mattress. Scan up the wall to the right of a small knot hole where
a stream of sunlight is shining in. Look for the hand cursor and
pick up the STICK on the ledge.
Go back out of the area and proceed straight forward to where the
rat hangs out. No doubt you are familiar with that area by now!
Go one click into the alley, before you reach the door on the
right, and look down. You will see an action icon on the ground.
In inventory:
1. Combine the stick with the rope
2. Combine the stick and the rope with the cheese
3. Combine the stick, the rope, and the cheese with your box.
Set the box trap combination down and you will have your RAT in a
Turn completely around and leave the alley. Turn right at the T
and go on down, past the old beggar, to the end of the alley where
the rickshaw driver is still concentrating on his cigarette count
for the day. Give him the single bill from your inventory. He will
ask, "Where to...." You tell him, "I am going to 14 Rama Road, how
much?" And, next thing you know, you are on your way through
the New Delhi streets on the way to Shareef's house. Later, just
at sundown, you arrive at Shareef's compound.
Chapter 5: Fourteen Rama Road
Note: In your inventory now, you should have one rope, one
rat, one box, and your wallet. If you got to Shareef's without a
rope, you might look around on the ground when you arrive to see
if you can find one; the game appears to have some flexibility
From where the rickshaw driver drops you off, walk along the foot
path beside the walled compound. The wall will be on your right.
Go three clicks forward toward the corner of the wall. Turn right
and pick up a STICK near the wall. Turn back and continue forward
one click. Turn right. Go forward. Turn right and look up at the
broad crack in the compound wall. Combine the stick and rope in
inventory. Use this new device on the crack. As you drop down
inside the compound, you catch a quick glimpse of a woman in red
in an upstairs bedroom window of the main house.
Go forward twice. Turn extreme right and go to the shed where you
see the light shining. Open the door and go inside. Pick up a pair
of blue handled WIRE CUTTERS from a corner on the floor. Pick up a
SCREWDRIVER from the lower shelf.
Turn around and leave the tool shed. Walk down to the front of the
house. Turn left and walk up on the front porch. Look up to get a
close up of the security system control box, which is armed. Use
your box on the porch below the control box, because you aren't
tall enough to reach it. Use your screwdriver to open the dark
gray panel on the right side of the control box. Use your wire
cutters to cut the red and green protruding wires and disable the
system. Success! The light will turn green on the front panel.
Leave your box behind this time. You won't be needing it anymore.
Turn left and go forward. Make another left and go up into the
gazebo. Scan around under the bench until you find a HAMMER. Pick
it up. Leave the gazebo and walk forward down the left wall of the
house to the garage. Use the close up cursor to peer inside. Aha!
Darmesh's slick black sedan. Turn right. Go one click up the walk
toward the house. Turn left and go forward once. Turn right to
find a window where an action cursor appears. Note the green light
on the small security panel bottom right of the window. If the
light is not green, you need to check that security control box on
the front porch again. If the light is green, open the window. You
don't need tools for this job. Climb inside to the dining room.
Walk around the table and down the far wall to the door. Turn
right, open the door and enter the foyer. Cross the foyer and
enter the first door on the left at the end of the mirrored
sideboard. You are in Darmesh's private den. Cozy isn't it?
Go into the room at right through the arch. Look down-right and
take the book from the seat of the arm chair. Click on your notes
in inventory to access the book and learn just a little more about
the Thugs and Kali.
Reenter the other room and walk down to the lighted lamp on the
small table in front of the bay windows. Use your close up cursor
to pick up the carved wooden box. Notice the symbols? Where
have you see that before?
Use the directional arrows to manipulate the box and to open all
NINE of the sliding panels to successfully unlock the box.
The easiest way is to use one directional arrow at a time. Use
only the top arrow to roll the box, opening all the panels you can
on each of the THREE sides (except the front panel with the
emblem). After you've used the top arrow, use the bottom arrow to
roll the box the other direction, making sure you haven't missed
any small panels. Then use the left arrow and subsequently, the
right arrow, to turn the box each way horizontally, and open the
side panels. When you have all nine of them open, turn the box
back to the top (emblem carving) and click on the sun character.
Take the KEY.
Note: Some of the panels are more difficult to find, but I
tried all kinds of different manipulations and found no sequential
pattern; only that all the panels must be open to unlock the box.
1. Press top arrow and open 2 side panels
2. Press top arrow and open 3 bottom panels
3. Press left arrow and open 1 side panel
4. Press left arrow twice and open other side (1) panel
5. Press left arrow to resposition only
6. Press bottom arrow three times and open 2 panels
7. Press top arrow twice to reposition only
8. Press the sun carving on top of the box and take the KEY.
Leave the den and go out to the foyer again. If you turn left, you
can go check out the bathroom straight ahead. It's a nicely
decorated, simple, clean bathroom. And, there's absolutely nothing
in there that is of use to you. The other two doors in the alcove
under the stairs, are not accessible right now.
Go up the stairs. Turn left at the top and go to the door ahead of
you. Use the key from the puzzle box (quietly, please). Enter Laj
Vanti's bedroom cell where she is being kept prisoner. Turn to the
window and talk to Laj Vanti about everything. You will be
accosted by Darmesh Shareef, Laj Vanti's husband, and his guards.
Then, you are chloroformed into unconsciousness again.
Chapter 6: The Temple Trial
In the following cutscene, you see a bizarre scene where Darmesh
isolates Laj Vanti on the opposite side of a river of fire
contained within a moat, inside a temple of some kind. Laj Vanti
is unconscious lying on the altar. Is she to be a sacrifice to
Kali? Or is that really Laj Vanti?
Turn right and walk to the outer walls where you see three stained
glass windows. Take all three colored panels. Walk across to the
other side to find and take three more. You have SIX STAINED GLASS
PANELS in your inventory. Go back to the center of the room and
turn completely around. See an open archway. Go out and down the
steps. Halfway, or so, down the stairs, turn left and right to see
antechamber entries off to the side of the main staircase. Enter
the chamber on the right side, facing down the stairs.
Position yourself in front of the grated window and access the
action cursor. Look at the stained glass panels in your inventory.
They are lined up in two rows of three. Note that there is a key
symbol in the middle of each panel.
1. Blue key with green left prongs
2. Red key with green top and red prongs
3. Green key with red top and blue left prongs
4. Yellow key with red left prongs
5. Blue key with brown left prongs
6. Green key with purple top and yellow prongs
Numbers 1, 2 and 3 above should be place in the grated window, one
on top of another. It does not matter if you place them 3, 2, 1 or
2, 1, 3......the order is interchangeable as long as you use the
correct three panels.
You will witness a display of twinkling fairy dust and a stairway
magically opens under the golden key pedestal embedded in the
stone floor. Descend down the darkened stairway.
Chapter 7: The Lotus Pool Maze
There is no apparent step-by-step solution to successfully
navigate the Lotus Pool Maze. It appears rather, that you need
only to wander about the maze for approximately ten real-time
You may return unexpectedly to the steps again. Each time that
happens, just start out again in any direction. After about ten
minutes have passed, another friendly rat will appear, complete
with chirping sounds. Follow him and note at which doorway he
stops and chirps at you. Go forward through that doorway, and the
next chamber. You will see Mr. Rat again in the next chamber and
he will lead you, with his progressive chirping, to the next
doorway. This happens about 6 or 7 times before you are lead to a
wall with a radiating blue light in the center.
Click on the light. In a cutscene you will be drawn through the
wall and will witness an apparition of Laj Vanti rising to the
sanctuary above you.
When the cutscene ends, turn and leave the chamber. You will find
yourself at the exit staircase immediately. Go up the stairs. Turn
left and exit the room where you placed the stained glass panels.
On the main staircase, turn right. Go down to the bottom and take
the center DOOR HANDLE from the double carved doors. Turn around
and go forward up the staircase twice. Turn right and enter
another antichamber. Go forward into the chamber and find a CHAIN
hanging on the back of a chair. That's all you need in this dark
torture chamber.
Go back out to the main staircase and turn right. Go forward
toward the altar and notice that Laj Vanti is standing off to the
right. Or at least it is the Laj Vanti apparition. But, in that
case, who is that woman in red on the altar? You'll find that
you still cannot cross the bridge.
In inventory, combine the door handle with the chain and throw
this device over the lever to the left of the altar. In a cutscene
Fred will be able to lasso the lever and shut down the flames in
the moat. Cross the bridge and see Fred's dreamed reunion with his
beloved Anusha.
Chapter 8: Back to Reality
After a cutscene in which Fred is seen beating on the door of his
temporary cell; a dark, hot, little room. You need to find some
light. Move your cursor around until you get a hand cursor. Click
on it. Then click on your inventory to see that you have added a
SINGLE MATCH and a BOX OF MATCHES to the resident rat and the
screwdriver in your inventory. Light the match by striking it on
the match box. Exit your inventory quickly and find a PIECE OF
CLOTH on a shelf. Light another match, exit your inventory and
find a small BOTTLE OF GAS. In inventory, combine the cloth with
the small bottle of gas. Light the cloth with a match. Now you
have a small gas lantern. Handy!
Use the screwdriver on the door's lock, to the left. Then, use
your action cursor on the right side of the door to push it open.
Hmmm, looks like you were locked in a cellar closet below
Shareef's house.
Once you have escaped, don't bother to check out all that stuff on
the pantry shelves. Just high tail it up the steps. You have
plenty of work to do yet. At the top of the stairs use your
screwdriver on the door hinges to the right. The door will fall
open and you are in the house's foyer again. You've come out the
door directly under the stairs to the upper floor.
Go back up the stairs. At the top, turn left and go to the door in
front of you, Laj Vanti's room. Don't go in yet. Turn left and go
on down to the landing. Enter the room to the right where you can
retrieve Shareef's DIARY off the desk. Before you leave, pick up
the KEYS off the table to the left of the door. Leave the room. Go
around the landing to the right and enter the room at the end.
Click on the close up of a young woman's picture on the wall in
front of you. The picture moves aside with your next click. You
will see a safe. Use the keys you got from Shareef's room on the
safe. Take the CD ROM with Laj Vanti's picture. Go along the left
side of the bed and pick up the CD ROM PLAYER from the table.
Leave the room and return down the stairs. In the foyer, go over
to Shareef's den door and use the action cursor to communicate
with Anusha, who is locked away in preparation for her supposed
unwilling marriage to Shareef. Talk to her through the door about
everything. Then, go back to Laj Vanti's room. Combine in
inventory the CD ROM and the CD player. Click this combination on
Laj Vanti. When she finishes grooving to the music, talk to her
about everything. You will see another cutscene which reveals a
procession taking place outside the window. Anusha is being
carried off somewhere and Fred rushes madly out of the house to
try to rescue her.
Chapter 9: The Big Finale
From your position on the front porch, turn right and go around to
the right side of the house where the garage is. Continue around
the garage on the left side. Stop and turn right where you see the
light shining. Unlock the side door with the keys form Shareef's
upstairs room and enter. Turn right and walk around the now
familiar black sedan, to the front of the garage. Look down at the
table under the window and pick up the car's REMOTE CONTROL
device. Turn left, go forward once and look down. Pick up the
discarded CAR MUFFLER (jack or whatever it is...the brown
thing:)). Continue around the car and try that end door if
you like, but it is locked permanently.
Turn around and go back up to the front of the car. Try the remote
on the hood of the car. No dice. The noise might alert the guards
lurking somewhere on the grounds. Leave the garage and go left
around to the window. Use the remote control through the garage
window to start the car.
In a cutscene, the nearest guard will hear the car start and will
come to investigate. Fred will close and lock the side door of the
garage. The guard will soon be overcome by carbon monoxide fumes.
Go back into the garage and around on the back side of the car to
pick up a SECURITY ACCESS CARD dropped by the downed guard.
Leave the garage. Turn left and go to the gazebo in the garden. Go
to the right of the gazebo, down the path, toward the compound
wall. You will see a menacing six-armed statue. Approach the
statue. Pan down-left to view the red light and the slot where
that security card might just work.
Use the card on the slot to move the statue aside and reveal a
hole in the ground. Click on it. In a cutscene, Fred will descend
into the hole, and come out in front of the edifice you saw in the
dream sequence. Go to it. Approach the mouth at the bottom. When
you stop, turn left and down to see another guard. Use that old
muffler or jack to temporarily flatten this guy too. Pick up the
KNIFE he drops. Go past him up the steps and turn right. You
should get an action cursor. Use the guard's knife to pry open the
grill work on the window. Enter.
Look down to see a circular pattern on the floor. Click on it to
open a hatch and go on down. You've been here before, right?
Go straight ahead; no lotus ponds in reality, are there? You
will shortly come to a dead end; a wall. Use your action cursor
and just click to open up the wall. Walk on through the doorway.
Swing right to see poor Anusha reposing on an altar. Talk to her.
Whoops! Shareef intervenes here, a very large hand gun at the
ready. Talk to him about everything. Learn that Shareef is going
to sacrifice Anusha to Kali in an attempt to restore Laj Vanti's
beauty, after she was accidentally burned in the market bombing
incident. The incident that Shareef perpetrated. Shareef intends
to "lead the Thugs to glory" with Laj Vanti at his side.
This guy, has a bad case of the crazies. Continue with all the
conversation choices until Laj Vanti comes to the rescue and is
subsequently fatally wounded.
That's the end, my friends! Shareef is captured. Laj Vanti has
gone to greater glory. Fred, Anusha and a coy Mr. Rat (if you
caught him) fly off to America and a new life ...happily ever
Congratulations! Great job!