flowers in harp and then somehow revive unicorn but we'll do it another way).
Use magic foci on ice unicorn to revive him. After you finish talking with
unicorn use resonance tracer here. After that proceed to the right.
Pick up crystals from pine. Talk with Sprite Queen and the leftmost sprite
(two times with latter, so you will offer him 2 spells for his one) -
you MUST have a number of Mana Points in your inventory increased by 10 after
talking with someone of them - otherwise you wont have a chance to finish the
game! (If you stick to my solve then you should have a number increased from
6 to 16. Return to Jester and fly to planet Forge. Talk with dwarven guard
and use your bucket on him. He will give you a key. Pick up a lantern hanging
nearby. Unlock the door with your key and enter mines. Exit to the bottom of
the screen. Use hammer to get some lodestones from a pillar to your left.
Talk with Dwarven King. Use resonance tracer. Then use magic foci on yourself
and select lines in following order: "Shining Smooth, Shining Bright, Worked
By Fire, Heart Of Light" and you will get a vision. Talk with king again and
you will ask for his Bubble Wand. Choose barter to give him your tracer.
Return to Jester and fly to Gem, location Volcano Of Glory. You will see a
flying eye here. Use hammer on crystal from your inventory and then use magic
foci on crushed crystal and then cast a spell on eye. Choose 'SLEEP'. Then
use magic foci on blessed feather and then cast a spell on eye again. Take
an eye. Use Bubble Wand on Korda. Take rose (flower on the nightstand) and
the Rose (girl) will awake. As you talk with her she will kiss eye to reveal
Avalon Greer's heart. Open door to get back to Jester. Fly to Glass, location
Tower Of Avalon Greer. Enter tower, enter beam of light. Talk with Avalon,
choose 'HEART' from dialogue options to take him into custody. Take a letter
from the floor and read it. Return to Jester and fly to Glitter, Witch's hut.
In her garden, use rose on garden, water it from watering can, take it (you
will get a geode), use knife on geode, use hammer on knife in geode, use cut
geode on garden. Enter grown geode. Inside use screwdriver on the yellow-green
crystal from the wall of geode (you dont need other ones) and crush it with
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