orient yourself while traveling. Movement is done by using the arrow keys or by
clicking either on the main screen or on the small map window (I prefered using
the arrow keys).
In the walkthru, commands that you select from the menus are in capital
letters. From time to time, you will need to TALK to someone ABOUT certain
things. These are noted in capital letters and quotation marks.
While in the game, punks randomly ambush you on city streets. Early in this
walkthru, we'll equip you with the KUNG-FU MASTER chip; this should make you
almost invincible to these punks. After each fight, get all the money and a
stiletto or switchblade (if you don't already have one); leave other things
behind. If you find your life meter bar has fallen to less than half, go to the
Medical Clinic, and TALK to the NURSE to BUY NUCLEAR HEALING. Because of their
random natures, fights and healing are not included in the walkthru.
Read the description to find out what a dump you live in! Select GAME and TURN
BRIEF MODE ON: Now the game will only give you a description of an area when you
first enter it. This helps save a lot of time and unnecessary scrolling. Select
ACTION, then CHIP-IN your BIO-SCANNER. Let's take a look at your vital signs.
Good, you're in fine health. Better leave that chip in all the time so we can
monitor your health continuously. Hang around here and wait till....
Hey, your belt phone is ringing! TALK. It's your friend Saird. He wants you to
go to Cafe De La Fee Blanche to pick up a package from Fuad. (Remember his new
commcode.) EXIT.
To help you get your bearings, you're outside the Five Pillars Apartments on
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