Alt+C - Spawn civillian at cursor
Alt+G - Spawn new merc at cursor
Alt+Y - Spawn a robot at cursor
Alt+2 - Transform merc in a bug (Gets the bug attack with it)
Alt+4 - Transforms merc in a person in wheelchair "you cant fire any guns"
Alt+5 - Transforms merc in a big bug (Gets the bug attack with it)
Alt+I - Spawns a random weapon at the cursor
Alt+K - Lethal gas at cursor
Alt+Q - Shows inside of buildings (Roof dissapears)
Alt+1 - Transform merc into a tank (Doesn't work)
Ctrl+T - 3 mercs teleport into queens prison
Ctrl+H - Damages -20 on under cursor placed merc's
Ctrl+U - Heals and gaves full energie to merc's
Ctrl+O - Spawns hostile bug
Ctrl+K - Explosion at cursor
Use in laptop mode.
"Don't use numpad + and -"
+ = +100000$
- = -10000 $
Use on Map screen.
Ctrl+T teleport selected mercs to any selected sector while in route plan mode.
"plan route, then press Ctrl+T"
Alt+lmb Press left mousebutton on the Go to sector icon. All enemies will be
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