ssdocks Silverspring Docks
sswarehouse Silverspring Warehouses
sstown The Town of Silverspring
sspalace Silverspring Palace
dmireswamp Darkmire Swamps
andhealer Andoria Healer's Tower
andplaza Andoria Plaza
andslums Andoria Slums
andacademic Andoria Academic Quarters
kellcaves Kell Caves
canyon Katlit'k Canyon
hive1 K'Chekrik Hive
hive2 K'Chekrik Hive 2
gauntlet The Gauntlet
hivetrialpit The Trial Pit
hivepriestess Lair of the Mothers
oglemine1 Ogle Mines
oglemine2 Ogle Mines 2
dungeon Morcalavin's Dungeon
cloudhub Cloud Fortress
cloudquarters Cloud Living Quarters
cloudlabs Cloud Fortress Labs
cloudsanctum Morcalavin's Inner Sanctum
You can spawn items or monsters into the world by using spawn object, where object is one of the following:
Weapons and offensive spells:
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