The Showdown
Locked up in a prison cell and only wearing our fantastic letter opener, we
terrorize a little bit our neighbor Jack through the air fence. After he
gave us a scroll the opener does proves worthy by unscrewing the fence. We
take the Scroll and the paper on the wall. Using the scroll on the cell door
creates a lock. Soon after pushing the paper underneath the door and taking
extensive use of the fabulous letter opener, a cell key comes to sight. It
does not only look pretty old it also opens the cell door.
At the control panel left of the cell, we open the door to Jack?s room
(32-AA) and are brought to the highest point in Port Frozzle. In the castle
we take the three artifacts and cast the scroll the Enchantress gave us on
our spell book. From now on every spell is reversed.
The guards tent is easily closed with the VORZER spell. In front of the
tower the MARGI spell reveals a purple fence. The electricity is shut off by
unplugging the (guess) the purple plug. Cut in two with the all mighty elven
sword, the fences can be passed.
The skull is placed at the box at the bottom of the tower, the cube is put
into the cubic hole and the coconut is set on the right shell at the top.
The whole thing is balanced out with the lamp and after climbing up once
more, the final spell is cast (listen to the Dungeon Master).
Voil?, a new Dungeon Master is born.