shoulder), hands/hair, hands/tits, lips/tits, lips/kunt. Hands/tits,
lips/tits, rotory vibrator, vibrator, lips/mouth, hand/hair, ready to go!
Melissa: Lips/tits, lips/mouth, lips/hair, lips/mouth, lips/neck, lips/mouth,
lips/neck, lips/tits. Hand/tits, hand/hair, hand/leg, hand/snatch, whisper
rotory v., vibrator, whisper, hand/tits, lips/snatch, ready to go!
===- East Cobra (A little more walk-through here) -=========================
Go north along the west edge of the area. You will see a store. You can stock
up on ammo here. In the fountain next to the shop, there are two .44 rounds.
(no, not M10's) Continue north to the house in the NW corner. Talk to Duncan.
He will send you away. His house: tear gas/NW/TV, Gin/NW/shelf.
Go east along the north border. Stop at the small yellow house. Vita++/NW
Continue east and stop at the red house. Talk to woman in the NW of house.
Vitamx/NE/shelf, lingerie/NE/wardrobe, shannel 555/NW/TV. Note there is a room
here you cannot get in. Contine east and then south along a fence blocking a
beach. Enter the house on the beach near the break in the fence. Talk to the
guy here. 1st level: power capsule/SE/plant. 2nd level: power capsule/boxes/
north of stairs, vitamax++/NW corner.
Go north along the beach to the next house. When you get out of the dream,
take the stairs down, and wake up the man. Stuff: panties/NW/bed, bra/NW/bed,
shannel 555/SW/box, Gin/SE.
Go back to the red house and go into the room you could not get to before.
Talk to the man. Lingerie/NW of new room/bed.
Go to the house in the NW corner. Talk to Duncan and and put on the winter
clothes he gives you.
Go to the research center (roughly NE) and walk around the maze until you
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