speed things up). I found that, after Expert Farmers and Fishermen,
the next priorities were Lumberjacks, Ore Miners, Expert Carpenters
and Expert Blacksmiths. You will also need a Hardy Pioneer for each
of your settlements, so that you can take them outside and plough
the land and build roads; you can use the ones which started up the
settlements, if you have enough tools.
Ideally, each settlement should have one square producing ore, one
producing lumber and the rest (ploughed), food. Don't bother
producing anything else.
Get your Carpenter working straight away: what you need to build
is, first of all, a stockade, then a dock (so that your fishermen
can produce food) and then a warehouse. Later on you will need an
Armoury, a Custom's House, a Fort, a Printing Press and a Newspaper.
Of course, you will need to purchase some goods from London at
first, but your aim is to be self sufficient.
Pay your taxes and don't mess about.
Don't quarrel with other Europeans when you meet them and leave
their colonies alone.
As soon as you can, get missionaries and set up missions in the
Indian villages round about.
As the game progresses you will need Statesmen (three for each town)
and Dragoons (again, three for each town). Also at least one
artillery in each.
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