- S for asparagus spears
- D for blind dates
- P for papershell pecans
- E for bum steer
- A for lamia
- O for chocolate moose
- B for cobra vine
- F for golden fleas
- E for panties
- T for tangles (don't use a tile, use the golf tee)
4) Com-pewter will cheat and you will lose the game
5) Talk to Golem Grundy... ask him about his cough
6) After you finish you'll have the cough and a virus
7) Talk to com-pewter... threaten it
8) Put the virus in the cylinder
9) Com-pewter is dead... head NE to the region of air
Region of Air
1) Look at the wheel and cart
2) Head E into the shack
1) Talk to the old lady... she'll tell you to bring her a sign
2) Take the sock
3) Head W and SE to the ogress
1) Talk to the ogress... ask her what her problem is
2) She'll ask you to make her 'beautiful'
3) Go NE to the ogre boy
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