position. [TR F TL] Now you are in the right pavillion. Get the scanning
device for radiation. [TL] Use the cup on stone circle. Hey, it's an elevator.
[TA] Take a picture from the wall. Analyze. Take the cup and go up. [F TL]
Take the rope from under the pillar ( look carefully or you will miss it ).
[F TL F TR F TR F TR] This is the left pavillion. Take the scanning bug from
inside the compartment. [TR] Use cup on the stone circle. Get the sun stone
( you will need 6 of them to enter the door to lost city of Zinc ). [TA] Take
a picture of the grafitti on the wall. Analyze. Now go back up by taking the
Back to the tent. Use scan card on luggage to open it. Get the audio radar
and the chip. Repair your transcom with the chip. Make a communication with
Travicom and ask for an audio sample to open the compartment. Play the sample
and the compartment will open. Get the magazine for later use. [TA] You'll
see Amy playing with a sunstone. Try to get it. It won't work. Maybe another
approach will do.
[TL F TR F F TR F F] Use the scanning bug with the tree. Now you get a very
sticky scanning bug. [TA F F TL F F TL F TL] Use bug with Amy. Now look in
the transcom. Turn on the tracking device. Amy's position will be circled.
That'll help you find Amy. Now try to catch her. [TL F TR F F TA F TL F TL F]
Now you can catch Amy here. [TL] Get the sunstone from her. Take a picture of
the grafitti on the top of the pillars. Analyze.
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