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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Conquests of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin Hood
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 6 Текущая : 3

St. Mary. Drink with Abbot. Use amethyst on mug. When Abbot
is drunk, search his body and get some money. Go to Abbot's
room, look under pillow to get the puzzle box.

Go to tapestry and enter tunnels again. Go to peek hole outside
the dungeon. Look inside, when the guards left, go inside and
put 4 pennies on the table. Get immediately or you'll be caught.
Wait for the guards to come back and take the money. They will
use it to buy some wine. Go inside and open trap door. Use the
belts from the clothings to save the brothers. Get out of the
tunnels through cellar from the pub. Walk outside and bless
the sherrif.

Bring the 3 brothers to the widow. Get the golden net.

Day 7

Look at verse. Note the initial of all those who said something.
Press the letters to open the puzzle box. In my case, it's FLAGRO
but i can't be sure that it'll be the same for all games. Get the
fire ring.

Go to Willow to see Marian. Give her the hand scroll.

Go inside forest and wait for pixie to appear. Use golden net
to catch him. You must throw the net infront of him. Ask him to
bring you to green man.

Save your game before attempting his riddles. Some of the
answers to his riddle are: comb, money, eye and fur. You
... Далее >>

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