"Get Key"
"Get Cup"
"Look Medical Chart"
"Use Cup on Bug"
"Talk Window" Note: I mean the window in the door with this.
Talk to the guard when he appears...
"Offer Bug"
"Get Knife" Note: Do this after the food has appeared!
"Get Wire"
"Use Knife on Window" Note: Stand closely in front of it.
"Goto Window"
"Open Window" Note: The second from the right.
"Goto Window"
Empty Cell... Note: Start saving now.
"Open Door"
"Goto Door" Note: You're now in Hall 3. Be sure the guard
doesn't see you.
"Goto Door"
Small Room...
"Get Blanket"
"Get Scissors"
"Goto Door"
"Open Door"
"Open Door" Note: The First from Above.
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