Since your trip is going to take 9 hours you decide to catch a nap. Original
Cyberia players
will recognize this dream sequence as the Naval Base and it plays identical
right up to the
enemy locations. This sequence is not hard (I'm not even sure if you can die)
so just have
fun and enjoy the surprise ending.
Action 2: The Mines
After the game gets you inside the complex you will find yourself on a lift
hiding behind
some crates. Doors open and a forklift robot heads straight for you. Move to
to circle the crates and avoid a crushing death. When the coast is clear head
for the door
across the room. You will have to dart into the crates on your right twice -
once at each
pause in the character's movement. Do not come out of hiding too soon or you
will get shot.
Puzzle 2: Touch Tone Lock
Listen VERY closely to the tones you hear when the workers use the keypad. You
will have to
match these tones and failure is instant death. Of course if you are really
lame see the
CODE SECTION at the end of this walkthrough for the code.
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