PLAYVOL Play a sound effect with specified volume
PROFILE Player profile
PROGRESTART Clear memory cache and reload everything
QUIT Exit to DOS
RECORD Toggle demo recording on/off
RESTART Reload map
SAVESND Save a sound effect as a raw sound file
SAY Transmit a message
SBINFO List SoundBlaster info
SCREENSHOT Take a screenshot
SENSITIVITY Mouse sensitivity
SIZEDOWN Reduce screen size
SIZEUP Enlarge the screen
SLIST List available servers
SOUND Set speed, bits or channels or reset sounds
SOUNDINFO List generic sound info
SOUNDLIST List available sound effects
STATUS Print player information
STUFFCMDS Process command-line arguments
TEAMPLAY Set teamplay mode
TIMELIMIT Maximum duration of a game
TIMEREFRESH Have a good look around and calculate fps
TOGGLECONSOLE Toggle console
VERSION Version information
VIEWSIZE Set screen size directly
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