Answer: Slow computers take awhile to get going. (One computer sat for
over a minute before loading a level in deathmatch)
*Problemo: I have an irregular COM/IRQ combo.
Answer: Quake takes all COM/IRQ combos.
*Problem: Uhoh! I got an ERROR when dialing. (client only)
Answer: Typographical error. Go to modem setup and fix it. (See 2.5
for proper inits and clears)
1.0 Initial Release 9-28-96
1.1 Fixed typographical errors 9-30-96
1.2 Added more troubleshooting, content, modem setup 9-30-96
1.3 More troubleshooting, added your own setup, numbered easy to use steps,
fixed MORE errors, added to modem setup. 10-1-96
http://www.softjoys.ru/~peter peter@softjoys.ru