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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: ULTIMA VII The Black Gate (ENG) DOX1
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The book of
as written by Batlin of Britain

i. Salutations to the Traveller

Good morning to thee, gentle fnend and traveller!
No matter what time of day it might be when thou art reading this--no
matter what the hour of the clock--I say good morning to thee because this
very moment brings to thee the coming of the dawn. The DAWN as everyone
knows, is the moment when illumination comes. The dawn marks the end of the
long dark night, and a new beginning. It is my humble hope that these words
may be for thee a dawning, or at least, a type of awakening.
I call thee "traveller" no matter if thou hast never left thy home town,
no matter if thou wilst never again leave thy room, because all of us are
travellers. I call thee traveller for truly all of us travel a spiritual or
philosophical path--even if it is simply by living the life that we choose to
live, or by searching for a new life when our current one fails to satisfy
our needs as thinking spiritual beings.
It is past time that I introduce myself to thee, gentle friend and
traveller. My name is Batlin, and indeed I have been following this quest all
of my life. It has been a long road, but the rewards have been beyond
measure. If thou wouldst permit me, I would very much wish appreciate sharing
these rewards with you. ii. The Story of Batlin Part the First There is much
that I have set out to tell thee in this book. Some small part of it involves
my own personal story. As that is the least important part of this book, I
shall quickly relate my tale first, gentle friend and traveller. In that way
we shall soon have it over with and then be free to pass on to more important
I was born in the forests surrounding the city of Yew and educated in the
traditions of the Druids. Having been raised in the city of Justice, I was
taught to always strive for fairness in dealing with others, and these
teachings left a lasting impression upon me. But while I found trees, birds
and moons to be very beautiful, I determined to dedicate my life to the
service of people. So it was l left to seek my fortune in the world.
This was a time when, over Lord British's objections, unruly lords waged
war against each other, so there was little else to do but become a fighter
in the city of Jhelom. I regret killing, although much of what I did helped
bring peace to our land once more. I learned well how to defend myself and to
find the courage one must have to survive in battle. I also learned respect
for those of valor who earn their wage by combat. Eventually those little
wars ended, and I found myself penniless and without a trade in the capital
city of Britain.
I became a Bard simply because a Bard was needed at the Blue Boar. There
were none about, and I had the loudest voice. Never had I considered myself
to be musically inclined, but it was a fair alternative to starvation. My
voice was painful. My mandolin stings would break rather than let me stroke
them. After much heckling and many a thrown bottle, my talents did slowly
develop. As the years passed I began to feel the deep compassion that bards
know when singing of heroic deeds. I discovered that sharing a spiritual
rapport with my audience was very moving. Several of my ballads are still
sung today (although by tradition, the player will no doubt take credit for
composing them himself).
While in Britain, I met two remarkable individuals. They were twins,
Elizabeth and Abraham. They were also well versed students of philosophy, and
many were the hours we spent in discussion and debate. We did raise our
voices on occasion, gentle friend and traveller, but that did not prevent us
from becoming fast friends. Although I would never presume to intrude upon
their privacy by revealing the many fascinating details I learned about them
and their lives, I will say that they play a truly significant role in the
part of this book that is my story.
A mage from Moonglow who had heard me perform came to offer me employment
as his assistant. Magic has always fascinated me, and so I became his
apprentice. I will always remember his teaching that if I was to successfully
commune with the invisible world without lapsing into madness, I must ever
retain my honesty--if one is to live outside the laws of reality, one must
first be honest. He taught me well. It was with great sadness that I ended my
studies in the magical arts when my master, who was most elderly, passed
While drinking at the Blue Boar soon after his passing, Elizabeth,
Abraham, and I each decided that we needed something to which to dedicate our
lives. On a youthful whim, we made a pact that we would go our separate ways
and spend the next decade travelling throughout the land to find adventure,
and to find ourselves as well. We agreed to reunite at the Blue Boar m
exactly ten years. Our departure was exciting yet melancholy, as my life
began a new chapter.

iii The Old Man and the Bandits

On the road leading out of Britain, I met a man bent with age, but still
possessed of keen wit. As we walked he shared with me his tale, and I in turn
shall share it with thee.
During a stroll through the woods one day, this man was kidnapped by a
group of vicious bandits. The poor man had just left his nephew's family and
had no one else in the world. Woe to them who have been kidnapped when they
have no one to pay their ransom! The bandits soon began to loathe their
captive and did make plans to kill him.
One wanted to hang him, while another wanted to stab him. Still another
wanted to bum him at the stake while yet a fourth wanted to tie rocks about
his waist and throw him in the river. So angry did they wax in their
disagreement over what manner of violence to use, that they did break into an
awful, bloody row.
And so it was that this old man did escape from the bandits, who were
distracted with their brawling. Upon noticing their victim was gone, they
continued to fight, this time over whose fault it had been, until all of them
lay dead, murdered by each others' hand.
This old man was later reunited with his nephew's family and all were
joyous of it. For as he had later, Unity is essential for survival, and
unlike those reckless bandits, he still wished to live for a good many years

iv. The Story of Batlin Part the Second

My travels took me to Trinsic, and there I encountered a group of Men at Arms
with whom I became most impressed. Many fighters I have known were men of
valorous heart on the battlefield, but off it little more than thugs. These
men were not mere fighters, but Paladins. They were all skilled swordsmen and
expert horsemen, as well as later scholars and perfectly mannered gentleman.
Above all, they were devoted to the preservation of honor. It was with eager
gratitude that I accepted their invitation to join them. The following years
were filled with excitement, as we journeyed through the land, righting
wrongs and helping those in need!
During one of our adventures I was injured and forced to remain in Minoc
while my companions rode on. A healer there told me that without the proper
treatments (for which he charged outrageous prices) I would most probably
die! I angrily sent him away. After a time I did mend. I had later that the
healing process takes place mostly in one's mind and have since placed no
trust in healers who greedily prey upon the afflicted.

At that time, the town of Minoc was in need of a Tinker. As I healed, I
supported myself by fixing, building and inventing things. I had never before
realized how much a town is reliant upon its Tinker, nor how appreciative the
local townspeople are to those who sacrifice themselves to continuously
solving the problems of others. So welcome did they make me feel that I
stayed for several years.
Then, filled with the urge to roam and longing for the outdoors once
more, I joined a band of Rangers in Spintwood. Rangers are a deeply spiritual
people. Living with them reminded me very much of my druid childhood in Yew--
with one big difference. These Rangers drank the most wonderful wine I have
ever tasted! The bottles came from the old winery at Skara Brae, having
survived the terribe fires which ravaged that island. Later I made a
pilgrimage to the desolate ruins of Skara Brae and there I had a spiritual
experience so profound that I have vowed never to relate it to anyone.
Leaving their band, I gave away all of my possessions and for months I
wandered aimlessly. Eventually, I arrived at New Magincia where I sought
employment as a Shepherd. Most of the following two years was spent in
perfect solitude, living in complete humility. It was an experience that left
me significantly changed. When I noticed that ten years had almost passed, I
began the journey back to Britain.

v. The Two Brothers and the Trickster

On the road back to Britain I noticed a small mine being worked by two
They greeted me suspiciously but eventually shared with me their tale, and I
shall share it with thee.
Their father died and left them a map to some unclaimed land that
contained valuable minerals. By law a claim can only be made in one name, and
this led the brothers into conflict. One brother was the eldest, the other
was more worldly-- both wanted the claim. They became so fearful that the
other would make the claim that each spent all his time spying on the other.
No work was done.
One day, they met a stranger who said he was a mining engineer. They did
not trust him at first, but he assured them that their claim was too small to
be of interest. He was on the way to stake a much larger claim. The stranger
turned their heads with tales of the riches they could have, replacing their
distrust with avarice.
The brothers asked the stranger to make their claim for them, and went
back to working their mine. They worked without stopping for months, and
afterward travelled to the mint to sell their ore.
At the mint they later the stranger had staked their claim in his own
name and then sold it outright for a fortune. As the brothers had taken ore
from land they did not own, they were sent to the prison in Yew for many
Their sad fate taught them to be more trusting of each other, for a man
who does not trust his brother is always vulnerable. After hearing their
tale, I went to the mint, for I was curious which of the two brothers held
the claim to their new mine.
I had tried to guess and was quite surprised when I saw the answer. It was m
the name of their father.

vi. The Creation of The Fellowship

I was overjoyed when Elizabeth and Abraham both arrived at the Blue Boar safe
and sound. It was a splendid reunion. The tales they told me were truly
astounding, gentle friend and traveller. But as I have mentioned, I do not
wish this tome to be an intrusion upon their privacy.
Not all of our memories were pleasant ones. Most of the people of
Britannia, it seemed, were more interested in helping themselves than in
helping their fellow person. As travellers--strangers wherever we went--we
had become used to the cold eye of suspicion upon us. Everywhere there were
people who expected something for nothing, as if owed a debt by the world.
Most of all, each of us had met many people who were fundamentally unhappy.
Everywhere there were people who knew that they needed something in their
lives, gentle friend and traveller, but that they had not a hope of finding
The three of us had later much of history. There was once a time when
life was infinitely more fragile, but was cherished much more dearly. We
yearned to recapture that aspect of Britannia's former glory. After much
discussion, we decided to found a society called The Fellowship. At this time
I was also conceiving what would become its philosophy, but that will be
discussed further in another chapter. It was Abraham who suggested that I
propose The Fellowship to Lord British. I agreed, little realizing the task I
was undertaking.

vii. The Ratification of Wise Lord British

It was with much anxiety that I stood before the throne of wise Lord British.
I was in a long line of subjects as our Liege made numerous pronouncements.
Although I had been waiting for hours when I at last had my audience, I still
felt unprepared. His unweaving glance fell upon me.
I said that I had a modest proposal. My colleagues and I sought to
establish a philosophical society known as The Fellowship. Lord British asked
me who would see the benefits of this Fellowship. I replied that no one would
benefit from it, for it would not be run for profit. With a word I was
dismissed. I found myself leaving the throne room before it had even sunk in
that I had been refused.

By the look on my face Elizabeth and Abraham knew I was not the bearer of
good news. In discussing the matter, Elizabeth suggested that Lord British
had desired a Tribute from us. If we could present an impressive enough
Tribute, he would grant his favor. After a time we raised a thousand gold
pieces by selling nearly every possession we owned. With renewed confidence I
returned to the castle.
This time there were several workmen with me to carry the chests of gold
that were our Tribute. As I reached the front of the line I spoke boldly. I
said that I wished to discuss The Fellowship, but first wished to present
Lord British with suitable tribute. with consternation I realized that I had
spoken before Lord British had finished reading an important looking scroll
placed before him by one of his advisors. He signed it as he spoke, not even
bothering to look up at me. First he ordered my workmen to remove the boxes.
Then he ordered the workmen to remove me as well!
Angrily I stormed from the throne room. Once more did I face my two
friends. We were most disappointed. The dream we shared now seemed to have no
hope of becoming reality. I spent days somberly brooding over my failure. One
morning found me so completely lost in my thoughts that I did not hear the
passing beggar approach. When at last I noticed him he spoke. "A coin for one
denied the rewards of worthiness." The illumination was pure and
instantaneous. He thought I had gone mad when I gave him my chest of gold. I
ran back to the palace as fast as I could.
At first, Lord British would not see me, but I implored him. He looked me
over, and seemed to see something different about me. He listened as I spoke.
"Our society, The Fellowship, will be a union of spiritual seekers that
shall strive to bring Unity to our fractured society. We will promote Trust
and under- standing among all the people of Britannia. With your approval our
society will teach one to seek Worthiness, rather than mere personal reward.
To that end, I seek your recognition of The Fellowship."
After a long moment, Lord British replied.
"Batlin, thou dost know the meaning of perseverance. I care not for what
thy Fellowship dost wish of me and I care even less for what thy Fellowship
would seek to do for me. But if thy Fellowship would seek to serve the
subjects of my land then my support for thee is unequivocal."
Thus was born The Fellowship.

viii. The Value of Virtues and Virtue of Values

In creating the Fellowship philosophy I had no intention of cobbling together
a collection of platitudes that would be presumptuously intended as a
replacement of the Eight Virtues of The Avatar. I knew there would be those
who would accuse me of doing just that, no matter what philosophy I
developed! I hereby wish to state that The Fellowship fully supports the
Eight Virtues of the Avatar, and as one who has endeavored to follow their
example I can personally assure thee of their immeasurable worth.
But as one who has followed the Eight Virtues, I know whereof I speak
when I say that it is impossible to perfectly live up to them. Even the
Avatar was unable to do so continuously and consistently. Can anyone say that
they have been honest every moment of every day of their lives? Can anyone
say that they are always compassionate, valorous, just, sacrificing,
honorable, humble or spiritual at all times? The philosophy of the Eight
Virtues does little more than emphasize our own personal deficiencies. I have
met many adherents to the ways of the Virtues who are racked with guilt over
what they perceive to be their spiritual failures, for that is what the
Virtues are based upon. Having been shown our weaknesses, now is the time to
strengthen them. The philosophy of The Fellowship has been created to
eradicate the failures from one's life. It is a philosophy based upon success
and it enhances everything that has come before it. The Fellowship philosophy
can be expressed as three values derived from the personal experiences of my
life. They are known as The Triad of Inner Strength.

ix. The Triad of Inner Strength
The Triad of Inner Strength is a rigorous mental discipline. It takes
concentrated effort to apply this Triad of values to thy life. But in doing
so thou will see a change in thy life so significant that thou shalt no
longer be able to look at the world in the same way again.
The first value of The Triad Of Inner Strength is expressed as "Strive
For Unity." People apply this value to their lives by working together to
achieve that which shall benefit everyone in a state of mutual cooperation.
We have seen by the parable of "The Old Man and the Bandits" how Unity is
essential. If we are not working together then we are certainly working
against each other.
The second value of The Triad Of Inner Strength is expressed as "Trust
Thy Brother." People apply this value to their lives by dealing with others
without accusations or suspicions that limit others and themselves. We have
seen by the parable of "The Two Brothers and the Trickster" just how
vulnerable lack of Trust makes one. Without Trust we restrict ourselves from
that which we wish to accomplish.
The third value of The Triad Of Inner Strength is expressed as
"Worthiness Precedes Reward." People apply this value to their lives by
placing a greater emphasis on their accomplishments rather than on personal
gain. We have seen by the parable of "The Ratification of Wise Lord British"
that one must not expect something for nothing. Blindly chasing reward is a
path that leads nowhere.

x. The Philosophy of The Fellowship

The scholarly name for the Fellowship philosophy--which I did not personally
coin--is "sanguine cognition." This is merely an important-sounding way of
saying "cheerful knowledge," and that is as accurate a description of The
Fellowship philosophy as any I can imagine.
As long as one maintains his confidence and hopefulness one is
continuously open to the opportunities that perpetually exist in life. I
firmly believe that, gentle friend and traveller, and thou shouldst believe
it as well.
Without confidence, one does not perceive the world correctly and hence
one misses opportunities. This sad state of "fevered" reason currently holds
the majority of the population in its icy grip.
Such "fevered" persons begin to adapt illusory notions to their thinking
and entangle themselves in twisted, conflicting emotions which reinforce
their failures. These sad people become afraid of themselves. They begin to
believe that they will fail, and this belief can become a self-fulfilling
Such a fevered person, whether he realizes it or not, desperately needs
to recognize that the world is not a tangled knot of failure. The entire
process of thought needs to be permanently fixed to a confident nature. Such
a person needs to "find the best in himself," and accept his basic worth.
This is rarely an easy task. It requires a reflection upon one's self that
can be emotionally painful. But as we say in The Fellowship, "Sometimes one
must face harm in order to find healing." Upon achieving Recognition one will
follow his own inner voice of reason that will guide him through life and
help him avoid failure.
One of the most difficult things to accept is how reliant we are upon
others. We fear the rejection, the real or imagined hidden motives, and the
potential deceit of others. Accepting our inevitable reliance upon others as
an integral part of our role in this world requires the courage to walk on
To achieve the recognition necessary to break free of the fever, one must
dedicate every fibre of being to accomplishing that end. We of The Fellowship
travel that path, and I extend my invitation to thee, gentle friend and
traveller, to join us. Together we shall reach our destination.

A Reinterpatation of the


Being in part a collection of historiacal facts with a modern
interpretation therepf supplied by the author, Batlin of Britain

i. Ancient Sosaria

Long ago, before the formation of the kingdom of Britannia the land was known
as Sosana. It was little more than a multitude of warring city-states and
feudal kingdoms, and the people of the land suffered for it.
It was wise Lord British, then ruler of the city-state of Britain, who
eventually brought the land and the people of Sosaria together.

ii. The Ages of Darkness

The Ages of Darkness are well named, for they were a time when dark terrors
walked the land. It may also be said that during the Ages of Darkness, the
peoples of Sosana were the furthest from illumination, for this was truly a
time when spirituals pursuits were at their ebb.

iii. The Tale that is Called 'The First Age of Darkness'

The beginning of the First Age of Darkness is marked by the coming of a
sorcerer named Mondain. The father of Mondain had refused to share his secret
of immortality with his son, and their disputes ultimately led to the
father's death. Tom with anguish and no doubt by his fears of persecution,
Mondain turned his dark powers against the kingdoms of Sosana.
In desperation, Lord British called forth a champion to rise to the
defense of the realm. The "hero" who responded to his summons would many
years later come to be known as the Avatar. It was through the actions of
this Avatar that Mondain's foul gem of power was shattered and Mondain
himself did come to a very sad end indeed.

iv. The Tale That is Called 'Revenge of the Enchantress

The triumph of the Avatar did not last long, for in slaying Mondain he
brought the wrath of Minax down upon the land. Minax was the young lover of
Mondain and a sorceress with magical powers even greater than Mondain's. She
had the power to command legions of foul creatures, and in her quest for
vengeance over the death of her lover, she brought much misery to the people
of Sosana.
Again the "hero" who would come to be known as the Avatar returned to
Britannia in the first recorded use of the Moongates. The Avatar slew Minax's
minions and did eventually destroy her as well.
While there have been speculations as to the motivations of the Avatar,
there is insufficient evidence to show that the Avatar was driven to violence
by jealousy over Mondain's romantic involvement with Minax. That being said,
such theories are hereby denounced and should not be given consideration.

v. The Tale that is Called 'Exodus'

No one in all of Sosana, not even the Avatar, could have realized that by
ending the lives of Mondain and Minax, the Avatar would be orphaning their
only child. The name of this unusual child was Exodus, and he was neither
machine nor human. Exodus rose from the bottom of the Great Ocean to carry
out a campaign of revenge and destruction against the land of Sosana.
So terrible were the forces unleashed by Exodus that the "hero" whom we
would come to know as the Avatar required the assistance of a mysterious
being known as the Time Lord to thwart them. And thus it was that the Avatar
did deal with Exodus in a similar manner as he had dealt with his mother and
Since that time much speculation has been given to the potentially
immeasurable good such a creature as Exodus could have brought the land had
he been persuaded to become beneficent, but I wish to formally disagree with
those who say the Avatar should have handled the situation differently.

vi. The Rise of Britannia

After the smiting of Exodus, the people of Sosaria, who lived in terror
during the onslaught of these evil magical beings, did unite together as a
measure of self-protection under the sovereign rule of Lord British. Thus
was formed the kingdom of Britannia.
Led by wise Lord British, the land did come to flourish. The eight major
townships rose upon the foundations of the old city states. A renaissance of
culture and civilization was highlighted by the formation of great
institutions devoted to the study and advancement of the arts and sciences.

vii. The Tale that is Called 'Quest of the Avatar'

It was at this time of growth and prosperity in the kingdom of Britannia that
Lord British put out a call for one to show the way of spiritual growth and
virtue. The call was answered by the "hero" who would come to be known as the
It was at this time that the champion of Britannia did come to earn the
title of 'Avatar' by establishing the Eight Virtues and by seizing the Codex
of Ultimate Wisdom from the depths of the Stygian Abyss.
It has been said that the primary motivation of the Avatar has been
personal redemption for the fate of Mondain, Minax and Exodus. While there
has been no proof of this, I say that even if it were true, all the positive
things brought forth in the world through the virtues would be enough to make
amends for almost any misdoing.

viii. The Tale that is Called 'Warriors of Destiny'

It seems that by removing the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom the Avatar had
inadvertently set into motion a cosmic chain of events which led to the
release of three Shadowlords from remnant shards of the black gem of Mondain.
These Shadowlords were sinister agents of evil. Soon they managed to dethrone
Lord British and hold him prisioner in a foul dungeon. Denied his wisdom and
compassion, the kingdom of Britannia quickly grew oppressive and cruel.
This was the Britannia that greeted the return of the Avatar. After a
score of valiant struggles, Lord British was liberated, his throne regained
and the Shadowlords banished from our world.
However, Lord British's escape from the underworld did cause a
tremendously destructive scenes of earthquakes as the vast network of
subterranean caverns collapsed. Much of the gargoyle race did perish in that
tragic cataclysm.

ix. The Tale that is Called 'The False Prophet'

After the tremors that shook Britannia subsided, gargoyles, inhabitants of
the other side of the world who now found their homeland virtually destroyed,
began to appear on the Britannian side of the world in increasing numbers as
aggressors. They launched vicious attacks against the human race and many
were they who lost their lives in defense of our realm.
The gargoyles even attempted to assassinate the Avatar. They set a
Moongate trap which lured the Avatar into their clutches, but the Avatar was
rescued by his companions. So it was that Lord British did once again call
upon his champion to set the world right. Ending this violent racial conflict
was the greatest challenge that the Avatar had ever faced.
At last it was revealed that the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom, which had been
removed from the underworld by the Avatar, was actually the property of the
gargoyles. Therefore, the Avatar placed the Codex into the great ethereal
void where it would be possessed by neither human nor gargoyle. Two lenses,
used together in order to view the Codex, were given to Lord British and
gargoyle ruler King Draxinusom. As the cause of the conflict between the two
races had been removed, it was hoped that the rift between the two would
eventually be closed.
Those who would say that this terrible and destructive war could have
been prevented entirely had the Avatar not appropriated the Codex from its
true owners are merely dissidents who are grossly misinformed.

x. The Last Two Hundred Years

It has been two centuries since the Avatar last appeared in our good kingdom.
Some have written that at last it is possible to interpret the tales of the
Avatar as they should be, with the proper historical perspective. Some argue
that as time moves on, the truth of what actually occurred will fade even
further away and that we have a responsibility to preserve the legends as we
now know them. However, most agree when it comes to a number of basic
While there are those who maintain that the stones of the Avatar are only
myths, practically all credible scholars say that at least some elements of
the Avatar's tales are historical fact. In reality, one need look no further
than the Isle of the Avatar to see very persuasive evidence that the Avatar
did indeed exist--at least as a person if not as a spiritual being!
It is most likely that there has been more than one Avatar. All of the
writings insist that the Avatar who negotiated the peace between Britannia
and the gargoyles is the one and same person who first appeared to vanquish
the sorcerer Mondain those many years ago. While saying it is most unlikely,
historians do not firmly deny the possibility of there having been only one
Avatar. After all, our good sovereign monarch, wise Lord British, has himself
displayed an amazing longevity!
Whatever interpretation of history proves to be most accurate, it seems
undeniable that the Avatar will not return to our fair kingdom. By all
indications the age of magic is coming to an end. With the decline in
reliability of mages, and with the kingdom turning away from the magical
arts, it is doubtful that extreme danger-- that which would require an
Avatar's aid to defeat it--will ever return to Britannia. And thankfully so.
Upon us is the age of The Fellowship, in which one does not simply wait
in anticipation for a heroic savior when a crisis occurs. In this less
spectacular but more practical day, we are left to solve our problems with
our own minds and our own will.

The fellowship


guide to travelling in Britannia,
as written by Batlin of Britain

i.The Cities and Towns of Britannia

Built upon the foundations of the ancient city-states of Sosana, the towns of
Britain, Jhelom, Minoc, Moonglow, New Magincia, Tnnsic and Yew have seen up
to become major cities in their own right. Numerous other cities have also
grown and doing so deserve recognition as proud jewels in the crown of
Britannia. All of these cities are described below, being listed in
alphabetical order for the sake of the traveller's convenience in using this
book as a reference guide.

Buccaneer's Den

This island is the notorious home of pirates and thieves. It is a place that
is not without risks and dangers--especially if one is too free in displaying
one's money. Still, Buccaneer's Den has attracted many travellers in recent
years with the lurid thrill of its well-monied House of Games and sensuous
indoor baths. It is also a place where one may purchase many exotic goods.
Britain This is the opulent and majestic capital of Britannia, farted city of
Compassion, and it is where thou mayest find the Castle of Lord British.
Britain is built on the shore of Britanny Bay. It is easily the largest city
in all of Britannia and it has seen much new development. It is the home of
the historic Wayfarer's Inn, Royal Theatre and the Royal Conservatory. It is
a center of commerce for the entire kingdom. Here in Britain thou will find
vendors hawking their wares, a Farmer's Market, shops of every type and
fabulous entertainment for everyone. Britain is also home to the headquarters
of The Fellowship.


The city of Cove is the cleanest city in all of Britannia. Although the city
itself is prestine, a traveller would be wise to avoid Lock Lake, which has
become very polluted in recent years. One of the most romantic places in all
of Britannia is the "Lovers' Walk," which is not far from the Shrine. Across
the mountains from Cove the traveller will find the Bloody Marsh, site of one
of Britannia's most savage wars.

Isle of the Avatar

While no formal city has ever been built upon the Isle of the Avatar, it is
such a place of interest that it is included here in this section. This
strange volcanic island--which arose from the tumultuous upheaval of the
Great Stygian Abyss-- receives numerous visitors on pilgrimage to the Shrine
of the Codex. The Shrine is considered to be a national monument of great
historical importance to Britannia and as such is under armed guard day and


Located in the Valonan Isles in southwest Britannia,Jhelom is a meeting place
for fighters, paladins and rangers. It is the birthplace of many an esteemed
Britannian warrior. This city of Valor is also known for its well-stocked
armoury, the hospitality of its barmaids and for its local fighting club, the
Library of Scars.


This thriving seaport is located in northern Britannia at the mouth of Lost
Hope Bay. Minoc, also known as the city of Sacrifice, has an active sawmill,
armourer, shipwright and branch of the Britannian Mining Company. It is the
home of the Artist's Guild, where craftsmen of all types display their craft.
In Minoc there is also an active branch of The Fellowship.


Moonglow is the city of Honesty and sits upon the southern tip of Verity
Isle. It is where the Lycaeum, the great storehouse of knowledge and wisdom,
is located. Nearby, the traveller will also find the observatory, which
contains a orrery. An active branch of The Fellowship also operates in

New Magincia

New Magincia is known as the city of Humility, and hence it chooses to remain
isolated from much of the rest of Britannia. If thou venture there, thou will
find that the people are basically shy, but also warm and hospitable once
they have gotten used to thee. The city is located on an eastern island well
past most of the main trade routes. Time progresses more slowly in New
Magincia than anywhere else in Britannia. The economy of New Magincia is
based on shipbuilding, horticulture and raising sheep.


Paws is a small coastal village that, because of the continuous expansion of
the capital city, has essentially merged with Britain. While there was a time
when this village held a quaint rustic charm, in more recent years the
village of Paws has languished in poverty. A terrible, seven-year drought has
forced the closure of many of the local farms. The industry of Paws consists
primarily of milling flour, dairy farming and meat curing. Paws is where The
Fellowship runs its shelter for the poor.

Serpent's Hold

This opulent castle fortress is home of the honorable Order of the Silver
Serpent, the training camp for the armed militiamen of Britannia. Here
fighting men learn more than just the martial arts. They are taught honor and
valor as well. Instruction m the ways of the warrior may be obtained and one
may purchase reliable weapons, armour and provisions here. The Meditation
Retreat of The Fellowship is located on an island east of Serpent's Hold.

Skara Brae

This sad town was once known as the city of Spirituality. Few are those who
venture to the spot where the city of Skara Brae once stood, near the mystic
forest of Spintwood, for all that remains are buildings that stand nearly
deserted. While there have been many strange stones as to the goings-on in
this uninhabited place, there are few who would seek to verify them. The wise
traveller avoids Skara Brae altogether.


The sparse isle of Spektran is ruled by the notorious Sultan of Spektran. The
sultan is renowned for his unfriendliness to outsiders, and Spektran is not
recommended to travellers.


Terfin is the home of the gargoyles, built upon the island once occupied by
Sutek the Mad. Most gargoyles travel daily to Minoc in order to work in the
mines. In Terfin one may find the gargoyle Hall of Knowledge and an active
Fellowship branch. Not far from Terfin are the ancient ruins that were once
the palace of the traitorous Blackthorn.


This active seaport south of Paws and north of the Cape of Heroes is known as
the city of Honor. Trinsic is the home of Paladins and also has an active
branch of The Fellowship. Travellers might question the need for the walls
that surround the city. As if this would not be enough to keep the city
secure, the guards of the city will not permit anyone to enter or leave the
city unless they know the secret password. Once thou know the password thou
wilt be given the key to the city gates and may then enter and leave at will.
While this was once done to maintain the security of the city and the safety
of its citizens, it is now done mostly to sustain a traditional ritual.
(Britannian law forbids the open publication of Tnnsic's password.)


Located on the edge of the desert in northeast Britannia, Vesper is an
industrial town. Here the main branch of the Britannian Mining Company is
located. Vesper is one of the few places in Britannia where humans and
gargoyles live together in an approximately equal number.


Yew is known as the city of Justice, but it has changed considerably over the
years. The buildings that remain where the city once stood have been
abandoned for many, many years. The citizenry of Yew have chosen a life
independent of normal civilization. They now live scattered throughout the
Great Forest. Their only remaining link with outside civilization is Empath
Abbey. The Abbey has assumed responsibility for the court of Yew as well as
its prison. Many travellers to Empath Abbey come to visit the graves of loved
ones at the nearby graveyard.

ii.The Commerce of Britannia

Britannia is not only a kingdom of great cities, but also of prolific
commerce and industrial might. In any city, thou canst find a pleasing vanity
of goods and services available for purchase. Each city has an economy based
upon its industry and the endeavors of the people who work within it. The
goods each city produces are bartered or sold to the people of other cities,
which provides them access to other goods not usually available in their own
city. Through this continuous flurry of commercial activity all the townships
of Britannia are supplied with the products and services that they need to
survive and thrive.

The Farmers of Britannia

While in recent years a scenes of droughts has hurt agricultural production
in certain areas of Britannia, most farmers are enjoying a resurgence of
bountiful harvests. Farmers will usually be glad to sell the passing
traveller eggs, fruits, vegetables or whatever else they produce.

The Merchants of Britannia

The merchants of Britannia survive by one basic rule--buy for less and then
sell for more. However, most merchants truly desire to please their
customers, and any merchant who engages in unfair business practices is sure
to lose out to his competition in the end.

The Farmer's Market

At the Farmer's Market in Britain, the fruits, vegetables, eggs and meats
produced on The farms of Britannia may be found for sale.


In a pub one may relax and enjoy a refreshing drink or a fine meal. In many
pubs one will hear the local bard sing rousing songs of legend and lore. When
conversing with the other patrons of a pub, be prepared to hear anecdotes,
war stones, local history--perhaps even useful information!

Food Vendors

For a quick meal one could do no better than to sample the wares of the local
food vendor. To find the local food vendor, one need only listen for his
friendly bark and call


There is no end to the number of odd things that a traveller or adventurer
may find himself in need of, and the one place where nearly all of these
might be found for sale is the local Provisioner's Shop.


There is no faster mode of land travel than riding in a horsedrawn wagon.
When travelling in the wilderness, the quicker one is, the safer one is.
Horses and carts can be purchased from the stables in Britain.

Magical Reagents

Now that magic is severely on the decline, those who still pursue this dying
art may find that many mages are willing to sell their magical reagents. One
need not concern oneself with the freshness of these reagents, for all things
magical only increase in potency with age.


The inns of Britannia provide the traveller with safety and a place to rest.
Camping in the wilderness is always a risky proposition and the danger to
one's health is great, especially in times of inclement weather.


The craftsmen of Britannia are skilled artisans who sell wares made by their
own hand. While such items are often of high price, the price reflects
compensation due for the time, toil and talent of the craftsman, as seen in
the high quality of the item.


Here one may purchase armour and shields made for the protection of a
fighting man in combat. Most armourers will also sell weapons, thus
completely preparing any would-be fighter. Armour is generally sold
piecemeal, but certain armourers have been known to sell entire suits at a
cheaper price than the total cost of each individual piece.

Fletchers and Bowyers

Without question, the bowyer that is held in highest regard throughout all of
Britannia is lolo Fitzbowen, the proprietor of the establishment that has
come to be called "lolo's Bows." So popular is this bowyer's shop that a
similar establishment was set up in Serpent's Hold.


Many who succumb to injury or illness have their conditions worsened and
their purses lightened by a healer. The wise traveller knows that sickness
and injury is rooted chiefly in the mind and that only through self-
discipline can pain, illness and injury be overcome.


It is the shrewd apothecary who mixes his strange chemicals and produces the
formulas to create potions. Apothecanes have long since stopped the sale of
magical reagents, as magic has become so unreliable.


The marketplace of Britain provides the traveller with an opportunity to
purchase clothing, ranging from the latest fashions to the more comfortable
and functional.


Ships may be purchased from shipwrights in nearly any coastal city. By
Britannian law no ship is considered to be legally held unless the owner has
in his possession that ship's deed of sale.

iii.The Rune Writing of Britannia

See Enclosed Gif File for this picture

Following a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation
for centuries, many signs and placards in Britannia are written in a unique
and attractive runic script that was once the language of the druids. This
strange writing is older than Britannia itself. While the presence of such
writing might befuddle a casual tourist, the wise traveller knows that it is
a worthwhile pursuit to learn the meaning of this writing.
Nowadays, the use of rune writing is beginning to fall out of fashion,
and its use generally denotes an establishment that clings to an antiquated
style of operation.

iv.The Arms of Britannia

It is the wise party of travellers who make sure that they are well armoured
and heavily armed when travelling in the wilderness. To that end, the
following is a brief introduction to the armour and weapons that one may use
to insure one's safety.

Armour and Shields

There are six parts of the body that one does seek to protect: the head, the
torso, the legs, the hands, the feet and the neck. All pieces of armour are
specifically designed for the protection of one of these places. There are
basically four types of armour: leather, scale, chainmail and plate. Leather
provides the least protection, but it is exceedingly light and is relatively
inexpensive. While scale and chainmail provide roughly the same level of
protection, scale is the heavier and the less expensive of the two. The
heaviest type of armour is plate; since it provides great protection it is
also the most expensive.
Unless one is armed with a weapon that requires the use of two hands, a
wise combatant, in addition to wearing armour, will also carry a shield.
Generally, the more protection a shield provides, the heavier it is.
One can quickly see that such activities as fleeing from a superior
opponent, carrying a full load of equipment, or travelling a great distance
become quite daunting tasks if one is heavily armoured. Therefore, the wise
traveller moderates the type of armour worn, taking into account one's own
physical strength, the combined weight of any other items one may wish to
carry and the distance one expects to be travelling.


There is such a great variety of weaponry available in Britannia that it is
impossible to properly examine all of it in this short space. The wise
traveller knows that it is important is to select for oneself the most
fitting weapon. After all, the weapon itself is not nearly as important as
the one who uses it. The choice of a weapon should be tailored around the
user and not vice versa What are the factors one considers when choosing a
Many weapons such as pole arms and the larger swords are heavy enough to
require the use of both hands. If one is not of sufficient strength,
attempting to wield a two-handed sword could be worse than fighting unarmed.
Generally, the smaller and lighter a weapon is, the easier it is to conceal
and quicker it is with which to strike. It is not by accident that the simple
dagger is the weapon of choice for many an assassin.
A weapon of great length, such as a spear or two-handed hammer, can be
used to keep one's opponent at bay as well as to attack him. The advantage of
reach has decided the day in many a battle. Likewise, a long weapon is a
proven disadvantage when the fight is in cramped quarters. Edged weapons such
as a sword must be handled with precision--it is usually not enough to simply
contact one's opponent. The skilled combatant knows how to use the cutting
edge of his weapon to its greatest advantage.
Blunt weapons such as maces, clubs and hammers enable the combatant to
concentrate raw strength in the delivery of crushing blows to one's opponent.
The punishment of such mighty impacts has often been the key to achieving
The strategic effectiveness of well placed missile fire cannot be over-
emphasized. On many occasions an outnumbered party has been able to repel an
attack through the proper application of missile weaponry. The disadvantage
of bows, crossbows and slings is that loading them requires the use of both
hands. Bows and crossbows also require two hands to fire. Daggers, axes,
torches and spears can also be effective as improvised missile weapons.

v. The History and Customs
of the Adventurer Classes

The Fighter Class

Many Britannian fighters receive formal training in the martial arts at
Serpent's Hold, and in return they serve for a specified term as members of
the Royal Militia. Some fighters study in Jhelom or with other trainers
across Britannia. Other fighters never receive any formal training. Their
unforgiving teacher is the battlefield, where many lives are lost when
lessons are not mastered quickly enough. Fighters generally possess great
strength and endurance, a proficiency with many types of weapons and the
courage to face the demanding trials of combat time and time again.

The Bard Class

A true jack-of-all-trades--a trickster, a minstrel, a battler, a spellcaster-
- the bard possesses all of these skills. Physically, the bard falls
somewhere between the brawny physique of the fighter and the delicate frame
of the mage. The bard is dextrous and agile. He tends to be more clever than
intelligent. He also possesses a presence and charm that come in handy in all
manner of situations. The bard has a natural gift for missile weapons and a
mind for riddles. The bard also plays an important part in society by
recording local history in such a way that it is well remembered, through
rousing tale and song.

The Mage Class

A pity to those who live their lives following the treacherous road that is
the way of the mage, now that the time of magic is coming to an end. The days
of wonder, when miracles could be performed on demand through wisdom and a
devotion to the arcane arts, are a part of the past. A mage's mind perceives
that which resides in the invisible world, but as recent history has shown
us, but this keen mind upon which the mage depends is ever in danger of
slipping into lunacy. What is also tragic is that the way of the mage is
not one that is consciously chosen. One is born with the calling of the mage.
While magic has not yet ceased to function altogether, it has become
inaccurate to the point of being unreliable, making the mage's life one of
constant uncertainty.

vi. A Bestiary of Britannia

The wilderness of Britannia is the home of a multitude of strange beasts and
magical creatures. While many creatures are mundane and harmless, others are
terribly dangerous and barely understood. For the traveller it is vitally
important to be able to recognize any type of beast that may be encountered
so that one can respond accordingly. The following is a list of beasts now
known to live in Britannia.

Acid Slug--This very unpleasant creature tends to inhabit dark places
underground. Its skin exudes secretions of acid that can burn flesh and are
especially damaging to metal. The best weapon to use against this monster is

Alligator--This vicious man-eating creature lives in swampy terrain and can
inflict heavy damage with its bite and tail.

Bat (Giant)--This large winged rodent attacks by night, aided by its night
vision and acute hearing. Its body is very light and fragile.

Bee (Giant)--This energetic flying insect will instantly attack anything that
it perceives as a threat to us hive. It attacks with a sleep-inducing
poisonous sting.

Bird--This type of creature is not openly hostile to human beings, but many
will probably attack if provoked or frightened.

Cat--A domestic animal commonly found in city alleyways, this creature
performs an invaluable service in continuously thinning the rat population.

Centipede (Giant)--This large, multi-legged insect frequents cool, dark
places. Its poison is considered to be among the most deadly of any creature.
It can be destroyed by fire.

Chicken--This bird can be found on many farms. It is the source of both eggs
and delicious meat often served in inns. It poses no threat to humans, as it
will generally run away if attacked.

Corpser--This creature is a type of ghoul that ensnares its victims with its
tentacles in order to drag them off to its lair and presumably kill them in a
manner that has never been discovered. Its only known weakness is fire.

Cow--This harmless farm animal is the source of beef and dairy products.

Cyclops--One of a race of incredibly strong one-eyed giants, when it is not
hurling large boulders at its enemies, its favorite weapon is a large wooden

Deer--This swift but timid forest creature has sharp antlers to defend
itself. It is the source of venison.

Dog--A domesticated cousin of the wolf, this animal guards homes from
intruders, tracks game during hunts, and is a playmate for children and a pet
for adults. It should not attack unless provoked, although it will usually
bark at strangers. This animal takes special enjoyment in chasing cats and

Dragon--Dragons are a mysterious ancient race of highly evolved reptiles that
possess magical abilities and a high degree of intelligence. They have large
wings and are capable of rapid night. A dragon is formidable in combat and is
all the more lethal due to its noxious flaming breath. Its lair is usually a
cave or dungeon where it guards its eggs and treasure.

Drake--This creature is a dragon that has not yet fully grown to adulthood, a
process that takes several hundred years. Like its mature relatives, this
creature can also breathe fire and fly. It is commonly found in the lair of a

Emp--This extremely peaceful creature lives in the forest. It is non-
aggressive and shuns violence to such a degree that it is doubtful it will
want to have anything to do with any humans it comes into contact with. Some
emps possess a remarkable degree of intelligence and magical capability. Emps
are so named for their empathic abilities. So sensitive are they to the pain
and discomfort of other living things that they subsist on a diet of organic
food, such as milk and honey.

Fairy--These tiny flying creatures are not so much hostile as they are
flirtations and Mischievous.

Fish--This generally harmless water-breathing creature can be found in
abundance in the seas, rivers and lakes of Britannia. It greatly contributes
to the local food supply.

Fox--This small, wily mammal is related to the wolf, but is not as powerful
or aggressive. It is often the elusive quarry of hunting parties that use
dogs to pursue it.

Gargoyle--This red-skinned creature orginally comes from the subterranean
domain of the gargoyles. There are two classes of gargoyles--the larger
winged gargoyles that possess keen intellect and magical capability, and the
smaller worker drones that possess little thinking ability but are embodied
with great strength.

Gazer--This strange creature is found mostly in dungeons. It hovers about,
looking for victims to mesmerize with its multiple eyes. Upon being killed,
the body of a gazer will break up into a tiny swarming colony of insects.

Ghost--This magical spirit of the dead has the power to move through solid
walls and has been known to use magic. It can appear anywhere, but tends to
frequent graveyards or places significant to the life of the deceased.

Gremlin--This tiny creature travels in a pack and attacks in a large group.
Its primary threat is that it likes to steal food.

Harpy--This half human/half bird creature nests in mountainous caves. It
attacks from the air with the sharp talons on its feet.

Headless--This ensorcelled creature appears to be a living, ambulatory,
beheaded human being. It is unknown exactly how it compensates for its
apparent lack of sensory organs, but it manages to do so quite well. Its
favorite method of attack is strangulation.

Horse--This strong, swift animal can be found in the wild or domesticated in
the stables. Horses are most commonly used for rapid transportation from town
to town or through the wilderness.

Hydra--This creature is a type of dragon that possesses three heads. Like the
dragon, a hydra also can fly and breathe fire.

Insects--This is an insect swarm capable of causing an intolerable number of
bites and stings, as well as severely spooking horses and destroying crops.

Kraken--This mysterious peril of the sea is not well understood. There have
been numerous reports of sailors being snatched from the decks of ships by
huge suckered tentacles and dragged down to the bottom of the ocean, never to
be seen again. No one has yet reported an actual sighting of the full body of
this creature.

Liche--This is an extremely rare type of undead creature that is both
dangerous and very difficult to destroy.

Mongbat--This bizarre and frightening creature is a cross between a bat and a
monkey. Its attacks are fast and powerful, but it usually only inhabits the
deepest dungeons.

Mouse--This harmless rodent lives on whatever little scraps of food it can
find, although it is especially fond of cheese. It occupies the space just
beneath the cat on the food chain.

Rabbit--This fast, long-eared animal lives primarily on the carrots grown by
local farmers.

Rat (Giant)--This filthy, overgrown rodent is a severe hazard to the health
of human beings. Immune to poison and too large to be trapped, this creature
has a voracious appetite for garbage and carrion. When it roams in packs it
loses its natural fear of human beings. The bite of a giant rat can cause a
variety of potentially fatal diseases.

Reaper--The reaper is actually a malevolent tree spirit that has the power to
reach out and grab passers-by in its long, powerful branches. The reaper also
possesses the magical power to unleash destructive bolts of lightning. As it
is a creature made of dry deadwood, it is quite vulnerable to fire.

Sea Serpent--This creature is a sea-going dragon. It is capable of spiting
out fireballs, much the same as dragons breathe fire. A sea serpent can
severely damage a ship with a single lash of its powerful tail.

Sheep--These non-threatening beasts are raised by shepherds, who take them
out to graze in great numbers. Sheep produce both wool and mutton.

Silver Serpent--This creature, seen in the symbols of ancient Sosana, once
more holds the fascination of Britannia. The venom of the silver serpent is
reported to have a strange and lasting effect on people. No doubt this shall
be the subject of further study.

Skeleton--This is the undead reanimation of a fighter who was slain on the
field of battle. Skeletons tend to cluster in hordes and are often following
the commands of a sorcerer. In fact, they may continue to do so well after
the sorcerer himself is dead!

Slime--This grotesque gelatinous mass lives in the depths of a dungeon or in
the murkiest corners of a swamp. It reproduces by dividing itself and grows
through the absorption of other slimes. Slimes attack by hurling foul blobs
of slime at their intended victims. Fire is known to be a very effective
weapon against them.

Snake--This creature spends the night coiled among the cool rocks and comes
out into the sun during the day. This warms its blood, enabling it to strike
more quickly. The creature is venomous and can even spit venom from several
yards away.

Spider (Giant)--While this creature may be encountered anywhere in the
wilderness, its lair is its giant web, which will almost always be hidden in
a cool and dark place. A giant spider is capable of spraying its poisonous
spittle from a considerable distance. Its bite is also tremendously painful.

Troll--This brutish creature is the bane of all travellers. Many tales relate
how trolls hide beneath bridges in order to terrorize and prey upon all those
who would cross it. The wise traveller would do well to exercise caution when
crossing any bridge, especially those one may come across in the wilderness,
far from the security of a city.

Unicorn--Fanciful stories of these creatures abound in rural areas. The
unicorn appears as a splendid young white stallion with a single great horn
rising from its head. Legends speak of how only those who are truly virtuous
may approach a unicorn. Unicorn sightings are rare--so rare in fact that most
serious scholars deny their existence.

Wisp--These mysterious floating lights have been a puzzlement to many an
adventurer. They seem capable of inflicting only slight physical damage, but
they also seem impervious from physical harm themselves. It has been said
that these strange creatures are very knowledgeable and that they come from a
world other than our own.

Wolf--This plains and forest hunter has long had the greatly undeserved
reputation of a vicious predator. While wolfpacks do thin the weak and the
sick from herds of wild animals, and while farmers must occasionally be wary
of their curiosity, there is little to support the notion that these animals
are bloodthirsty man-eaters.



a historical look at The mechanics and use of the arcane arts before the
end of the age of Magic, as written by Batlin of Britain

Before anything further is written, it must be noted that the following
section is included only as a matter of historical documentation. The use of
magic has long been proven to be unreliable and the suspected cause of mental
deterioration. The author takes no responsibility for anyone who may attempt
to practice magic based upon the information contained herein.

i. The Mage's Spellbook

The first component necessary for the successful casting of spells by a mage
is his spellbook. It is his principle tool and without it the mage cannot
function. This book contains the formulae and incantations required to cast
the specific spells that a mage knows. As mages become more experienced they
can acquire new spells. A wise and long-practicing mage may have a great tome
filled with strange drawings, diagrams and writings. These writings will be
explained in greater detail in a forthcoming section. Every mage's spellbook
contains several basic magical spells called linear spells. These too will be
explained in their own section.

ii. The Mage's Reagents

The second component required for spellcasting is the proper reagent. These
chemical materials serve as a link between the physical world that the mage
wishes to affect and the psychic energies of the ethereal waves that the mage
is drawing upon to effect that change. Some reagents are relatively common
herbs, others are rare and exotic items. The following is a list of reagents
used by all mages.

Black Pearl

Black pearl is an exceedingly rare commodity; fewer than one in ten thousand
pearls is black. They have been found at the base of tall cliffs on
Buccaneer's Den. While a less than perfect pearl may be perfectly acceptable
for decorative purposes, the black pearl of a mage must be perfectly formed
or it is virtually worthless. Black pearl is ground up into a fine powder.

Blood Moss

In recent years the only places where this strange substance can be located
are in the Bloody Marsh across the mountains from Cove (where many years ago
thousands of soldiers lost their lives) or in the enchanted forest of
Spintwood, beneath the rotting bark of dead trees.


Certainly this is the most commonly available of all magical reagents. There
are few kitchens in all of Britannia that are not supplied with at least a
few cloves of this spice. Garlic cloves are washed and ground into a paste,
providing significant protection from black magic.


The healers of our fair land have known of the healthful and restorative
powers of this bitter root for hundreds of years. But to the mage it requires
special preparation. It must be boiled and reboiled in the freshest of water
no less than forty times! This reduces it to a strong-smelling syrup that
makes a very potent reagent.

Mandrake Root

This rare plant extract, found only in the darkest, dankest comers of the
foulest of swamps, is a most sought after magical reagent. It is also one of
the most difficult of all reagents to prepare, for in being dug up the tap
root of the mandrake plant must not be broken. Also, that root itself must be
properly broken down, boiled and dried. Mandrake root can be found on the
Bloody Marsh and in a place known as the Fens of the Dead, south of Paws.

Night Shade

This plant, found only in swamps, only blooms at night. The fungal cap from
this rare and unusual mushroom may be either crushed or boiled into a tea.
The mage must always use great care when handling nightshade, for it is not
only a very potent hallucinogenic, it is also extremely poisonous.

Spider's Silk

While this is a common reagent, it can be very difficult to gather any
significant quantity of it from any single source. Mages have been known to
frequent caves and crypts and even run their own personal spider farms in
order to maintain an abundant supply of spider's silk. It usually takes at
least an ounce of silk to cast a spell.

Sulfurous Ash

The great quantities of ash generated by a volcanic eruption makes this a
common commodity as far as magical reagents go, but one does usually have to
travel in order to acquire a large quantity of it. In recent years the most
common source of sulfurous ash has been the Isle of the Avatar, location of
violent volcanic activity many years ago.

iii. The Mage's Words of Power

iv. Spellcasting

The final component necessary for the mage to cast a spell is the spoken
mantra that constitutes the words of power. Far more than simple memorization
of the words and their meanings is required. The mage must have a
consciousness-altering comprehension of each individual syllable of a word of
power. The pronunciation of each syllable resonates through the ethereal
waves as the spell is being cast. Incorrect pronunciation invariable causes
ethereal turbulence. Long periods of meditation upon each syllable and many
hours of controlled breathing exercises are required before the proper use of
the mage's words of power can be learned. The following is a list of the
known syllables that make up the words of power.


AN ....Negate/Dispel
CORP ...Death
DES ...Lower/Down
EX ...Freedom
FLAM ...Flame
HUR ...Wind
IN ...Make/Geate/cause
JUX ...Danger/Trap/Harm
KAL ...Summon/lnvoke
LOR ...Light
MANI ...Life/Healing
NOX ....Poison
POR ....Move/Movement
QUAS ....Illusion
REL ...Change
TYM ....Time
UUS ....Raise/Up
VAS ....Great
WIS ....Know/Knowledge
XEN ....Creature
YLEM ...Maner
ZU ....Sleep

The mage is able to cast spells when the three elements--spellbook, reagents
and words of power--are combined in one unique and fluid action. The mind of
the mage must be properly focused, as some spells affect just one person,
others affect a group of people and still others affect a specific area. As a
mage's experience in casting spells increases, so too will the potency of
many of his spells. Outside distractions and interference, as well as the
intended target's natural resistance, might prevent the successful casting of
any spell.
One factor over which the mage has no control is the state of the
ethereal waves when a spell is being cast. While the ethereal waves are often
subject to turbulence, such turbulence is a temporary condition.

v. Magical Spells

Once again, the author takes it upon himself to warn his readers that the
following is included as nothing more than a matter of historical record. It
is a statement of absolute fact that most of these spells do not work and
many will turn back upon the user. The use of magic is strongly suspected to
be the cause of a strange mental deteriorations than can affect anyone who
has practiced magic. The reader is strongly discouraged from experimenting
with the spells listed here.

Linear Spells

There are certain spells that a mage will immediately be able to learn upon
completing his apprenticeship. They are called Linear Spells because they do
not directly correspond to any of the eight circles of magic that exist in
the ethereal waves. Linear Spells are the only types of magical spells that
require no reagents to cast.

An Zu (Awaken)

This spell has the power to awaken one sleeping or unconscious creature.

WixJux (Detect Trap)

This spell will reveal to a mage the presence of all traps within a certain

An Flam (Douse)

This spell will extinguish any non-magical fires.

Lor Quas (Fireworks)

This spell creates an impressive display of multi-colored moving lights. When
the mage becomes more experienced he can use these lights to frighten his
enemies, sometimes causing them to flee.

Bet Lor (Glimmer)

This spell creates a small light source that lasts for a short period of

Kal Mani Lor (Help)

This spell will resurrect the mage and his party and teleport them to Lord
British's castle, where they will be fully healed. But be sure to remember
that this spell is usable only once by any mage.

In Flam (Ignite)

This spell will generate a tiny missile of sparks that is capable of igniting
flammable material.

Grow Quas (Thunder)

This spell will cause a single thunderclap to be heard as if a terrible storm
is imminent.

The Circles of Magic

There are eight circles of magical spells, each successive circle
representing a more powerful level of magical energy. The ethereal waves are
made up of eight rings or circles which correspond to the levels of the
spells. Each circle is one of eight swirling vortices, all spinning one
within another and expanding out through the universe. The more powerful the
spell a mage casts, the deeper into the inner circles of the ether must the
concentrated psychic energy of the mage penetrate. Required for the mage are
many, many hours of meditation, the strength of concentration, and the will
to reach into one of the higher circles with his psychic energy. Every mage
is fully aware that a backlash would upset our physical world, possibly
harming the mage and those around him.

The First Circle of Magic

IN MANI FLAM (Crealc Food)
Rcagcnts: Garlic, Ginscng, Mandrahc Root

This spell creates enough food for the mage and each member in his party to
have one meal.

Reagents: Ginseng, Garlic

This spell cures poison and restores a person afflicted with paralysis. It
has also been known to work against an assortment of other malicious

AN tUX ORT (Dispel Magic)
Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng

This spell removes the enchantment from any object. The mage does nor need to
actually touch the object to be disenchanted, as the spell can be cast from a
short distance away.

ORT YLEM (Enchant Missiles)
Rcagcnts: Black Pearl, Mandrahc Root

This spell causes up to an entire bundle of arrows or bolts to become
enchanted and glow blue. Enchanted missiles will always hit their target and
do significantly more damage than normal.

AN VAS FLAM (Great Douse)
Rcagcnts: Garlic, Spidcr's Silk

This spell is a more potent version of the linear spell Douse. It
extinguishes all dousable items within a certain area.

IN VAS FLAM (Great Ignite)
Rcagcnts: Sulfurous Ash, Spiders Silk

This spell is a more potent version of the linear spell Ignite. It causes all
flamable items within a certain area to burst into flame.

MAN I (Heal)
Rcagcnts: Ginseng, Garlic, Spiders Silk

This spell heals the injures of the mage or anyone upon whom he casts it
restoring them halfway between their current level or injury and their normal

IN LOR (Light)
Rcagcnt: Sulfurous Ash

This spell is a more potent version of The linear spell Glimmer. Ir creates a
source or light that can illuminate a darkened area. This light source will
travel with The party and last for a significant amount of Time.

The Second Circle of Magic

QUAS CORP (Cause Fear)
Rcagcnls: Nightshade, Mandrake Root, Garlic

This spell inspires fear of the mage and all who are in his party. In many
cases this will cause the enemies of the mage to simply nee in terror.

HUR GRAV REL (Change Weather)
Reagents: Black Pearl, Spiders Silk, Blood Moss

This spell may be used to clear up inclement weather or turn clear weather
into inclement weather.

AN IUX YLEM (Destroy Trap)
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss

This spell destroys any one specific trap upon which it is cast.

VAS AN ZU (Mass Awaken)
Reagents: Ginseng, Garlic

This spell awakens all unconscious members of the mage's party.

AN EX POR (Paralyze)
Reagents: Spiders Silk, Nightshade

This spell paralyzes an enemy in his tracks for a short period of Time.

IN ZU (Sleep)
Reagents: Nightshade, Spiders Silk, Black Pearl

This spell causes the enchanted person to fall asleep.

EX POR (Unlock Magic)
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss

This spell unlocks magically locked items, doors and chests.

The Seventh Circle of Magic

CORP POR (Death Bolt)
Reagents: Blood Pearl, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash

This spell enables the mage to project a bolt of lethal energy at a specified

TYM VAS FLAM (Delayed Explosion)
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Spiders Silk

This spell causes whatever it is cast upon to violently explode, destroying
much of the surrounding area. The explosion is delayed long enough to give
the mage and his party time to get out of range of the blast.

GRAV YLEM HUR (Energy Mist)
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss

This spell causes an electrified mist which flows from the caster, enveloping
his enemies and causing them damage as long as they remain within it.

VAS XEN EX (Mass Charm)
Reagents: Black Pearl, Nightshade, Spiders Silk, Mandrake Root

This spell is the equivalent of the Sixth Circle charm spell, but it affects
an entire group of the mage's enemies.

VAS AN SANCT (Mass Curse)
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Nightshade, Garlic, Mandrake Root

This spell is the equivalent of the Third Circle Curse spell, only it affects
an entire group of the mage's enemies.

IN VAS POR (Mass Might)
Reagents: Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Ginseng

This spell doubles the strength and combat abilities of everyone in the
mage's party.

KAL XEN (Summon Dragon)
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Garlic, Blood Moss

This spell summons a dragon that will fight for the mage and his party.

POR ORT WIS (Wizard Eye)
Reagents: Blood Moss, Nightshade, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl,
Spiders Silk

This spell enables the mage to extend his sight out over great distances,
passing through any barriers that exist between himself and anything he
wishes to look at.

The Eighth Circle of Magic

VAS CORP (Armageddon)
Reagents: Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root,
Nightshade, Spiders Silk, Sulfurious Ash

This spell is believed to be so powerful that it may be capable of destroying
all known living things in the entire world. Thankfully, this spell has never
been cast!

CORP GRAV HUR (Death Vortex)
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss

This spell creates a swirling black vortex at the point the mage designates,
which will thereafter move at random. Everyone within this vortex will be
continuously struck by lightning.

IN DES GRAV (Magic Storm)
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss

This spell summons a swirling storm that will randomly attack the enemies of
the mage and his party with powerful bolts of lightning.

VAS SANCT LOR (Mass Invisibility)
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Blood Moss, Black Pearl

This spell is the equivalent of casting the Fifth Circle Invisibility spell
upon the mage and everyone in his party.

IN MANI CORP (Resurrect)
Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng, Spiders Silk, Sulfurous Ash

This spell, when successful, restores life to one who was dead.

INJUX POR (Sword Strike)
Reagents: Black Pearl, Nightshade, Mandrake Root

This spell creates a deadly pinwheel of eight spinnings words that sail
toward the designated target.

AN TYM (Time Stop)
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Garlic, Blood Moss

This spell stops the passage of time for the entire world, with the exception
of the mage and those in his party.

Reagents: Blood Moss, Sulfurous Ash, Mandrake Root

This spell causes violent tremors in the earth that will cause the mage's
enemies to tremble frantically. The effects of this spell will not inhibit
the mage or his party.

vi. Cosmology

There was once a time when much consideration was given to the phases of the
moon and the movements of the heavens. There was much concern over an event,
the reoccurrence of which is eminent, called the "astronomical alignment." It
was said that the astronomical alignment would create a gateway between this
world and another. In recent times the astronomical alignment has been all
but forgotten. With the end of the time of magic, it is doubtful that such an
event will have any significance to anyone but astronomers.
Back before the time of magic came to its end, the fullness of the moon
would cause the appearance of "moongates" throughout the land. Moongates were
a magical form of travel, gateways that would be generated where fragments of
extra-terrestrial rocks called "Moonstones" were burned. There were generally
two types of Moongates--blue and red. Blue Moongates were the type generated
by Moonstones.
They would take a traveller from one specific location to one other
specific location within the world of Britannia. Red Moongates are generated
by the powerful artifact known as the Orb of the Moons. A red Moongate can
take a traveller anywhere in Britannia. It has been said that it can also be
used to travel to other worlds. There have only been two red Moongates in all
of known existence-- one used by Lord British, and the other by the Avatar.
Little is known about these gates, but like magic spells, Moongates no
longer function as they once did. Use of Moongates today cannot be
discouraged strongly enough. They are dangerous and their use in this less-
than-reliable state has resulted in numerous fatalities.

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