both he and Stellos about people. Finally ask Holy Cyrrus about Torwin's
whereabouts. Head to Windy Point.
-To reach Stratos, hop from between the pillars at Windy Point. Hop your way
up to her. You can save some time for yourself by casting "Reveal" while
she's visible and then "Aerial Servant" to get the Breath of Wind.
I just stumbled on this area, and didn't have a problem with any bugs this
might have caused. So you can do it this way:
-To cross the Lava-River you need to find the point where Devion talks to you
at. Then cast "Air Walk" and leap across. (leaping directly Left from your
point of view looking at the monitor.)
-Jump the water and climb the cliff to "Daemon's Crag."
-Visit Bane and get her trust.
-Visit Vadion(?) and get his trust.
-Give whomever you like most the other's TrueName.
-Learn to cast Fire-Spells in the Library. Make sure the reagents are kinda
close to the candles they're supposed to be. You'll need reagents and a few
-Return to whomever you chose and take the casting-test.
-Head West and cross the Land-Bridge and enter the Obsidian Fortress.
-Run like hell from those Demons!
-Talk to the third Demon you see.
-Prepare these spells: Flash, Endure Heat, Extinguish, Banish Demon, and Armor
of Flames. You might want to do others as well, but these are necessary.
You can save some time later by preparing Explosion and FlameBolt if there
are enough symols/rods/talismans.
-Solve each of the 4 puzzles, and when you have all 4 symbols return to the
Talking Demon.
-Finish the Master's test, making sure to have a Banish Demon ready.
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