another bug in the game), EAST, SOUTH, EAST, UP, EAST. You
should be now in the room with giant lizard. Quickly, THROW I.D
chip into lizard's head and JUMP on lizard's tail. Wait for the
droid to come after you, he will get killed by the lizard,
PICKUP batteries, COMBINE power gem with batteries, USE arm
computer on power gem to turn invicible again, go up, west, you
should be in the room with security droids, PUSH the one that
got his back to you, go north-west, TALK to man-brute, select
dialog: 2, 1. He will give you his armoured glove, go west,
watch Emperor King's silly talk, select dialog: 1, 1. Baron will
get terminated by the king, select dialog: 1, 1, 1, 1...